Invincible red envelope emperor

Chapter 358 The Arrival of Wanxiangzong's Revenge

Chapter 358 The Arrival of Wanxiangzong's Revenge
Two days later, Qin Shan and his party arrived in a city next to the imperial capital of the Raging Flame Empire. Since it was getting late, the group took a rest at the inn in the city.

After Qin Shan and his party entered the inn, a middle-aged man led a group of 200 people to surround the inn.

"The Wanxiang sect is doing business, and the idlers should not come near the inn!" The leading middle-aged man shouted at the passers-by at the door.

Immediately, all the passers-by by the side stepped aside, not daring to approach the inn.

"There are so many people from the Wanxiang sect, and they all seem to be elite disciples. The leader seems to be an elder. What do they want to do in the inn?"

"It seems that a group of people provoked the disciples of the Wanxiang sect a few days ago. Now this group of people should have arrived at the inn. The Wanxiang sect came here for revenge!"

"In the Lie Yan Empire, there are still people who dare to provoke the Wanxiang sect. Is this too much life?"

"It is said that those people are also very powerful, and their cultivation base has at least reached the Martial Emperor Realm!"

"Cut, it's just the Martial Emperor Realm. Any elite disciple of the Wanxiang Sect can reach it, let alone a powerful elder!"

"Anyway, the Wanxiang Sect is the strongest sect in our Raging Flame Empire, whoever messes with them will seek death!"

"Maybe the corpses of those people will be lying on the street later!"


While passers-by were watching around the inn, the middle-aged man had already entered the inn with the disciples of the Wanxiang Sect.

"Wanxiangzong is doing business, everyone in the inn will stand up for me!" The middle-aged man shouted at the inn.

Hearing the words Wanxiangzong, all the guests in the inn rushed to the lobby, for fear of getting into trouble.

The middle-aged man asked Chen Shan next to him: "Xiao Shan, keep an eye on them, who are they, point them out when you see them, and avenge you for the teacher!"

"There is no..." Chenshan's knocked out teeth have been fitted with platinum dentures, which look exceptionally shiny.

"If you don't have one, go out, hurry up, don't delay Lao Tzu's work!"

Afterwards, the people in the inn left one by one, but the people in the living room were all gone, and Chen Shan still did not find a trace of Qin Shan and his party.

"Why aren't you here? Is the information wrong?" Chen Shan looked puzzled.

"Impossible. That group of people did not act secretly. We were followed along the way. Now they are in the inn. They may know that we are coming for revenge, so they hid. Let's search room by room!" Dust Mountain's master shook his head and said.

Afterwards, the disciples of Wanxiang Sect searched room by room.

Chen Shan came to a room on the second floor and kicked at the door of a closed room.

There was a bang, and the door was kicked open. Qin Shan and his party were sitting in the room discussing matters. When they saw Qin Shan, they stared wide-eyed.

"Here, Master, they are here!" Chen Shan shouted.

The members of Wanxiang Sect rushed over and surrounded the room.

"Hmph! I didn't expect to hide in the room. Do you really think you can escape today's catastrophe? If you offend our Wanxiang Sect, even if you flee to the ends of the earth, it will not help!" Chen Shan's master looked at Qin Shan and his party and sneered.

At this moment, Chen Shan's eyes were full of anger, he pointed at Qin Shan and shouted angrily: "You bastards, I finally found you! None of you can escape today, I will definitely make you pay the price, ten times the price! "

At this time, Lu Bu got up and said coldly: "A bunch of idiots, we didn't bother you, you should feel lucky, now you took the initiative to come to the door, obviously you are looking for death!"

"Hehe, you are still so arrogant to fight against our Wanxiang sect. You really think you are invincible in the world. I'm afraid you don't know the current situation. You have been surrounded by more than 200 elites of our Wanxiang sect. Even if you have the ability to fly into the sky and escape from the ground I want to escape!" Chen Shan's master said disdainfully.

Qin Shan smiled slightly, and said disapprovingly: "It's only 200 people, really take yourself seriously! Now I give you two choices, one is for everyone to get out of here, and the other is for me to let you all get out! "

"Hmph! You're so shameless, you don't know what's good or bad, come on!" Dust Mountain's master didn't continue talking nonsense, and directly ordered a wave of disciples to rush up.

Immediately, more than a dozen disciples squeezed into the room, ready to attack Qin Shan.

As a result, Lu Bu punched directly.


A dozen people all flew upside down and fell heavily to the first floor.

Seeing this scene, Chen Shan's master's expression changed, he frowned and said: "It seems that there are few people and there is nothing you can do about it, so let's go directly together!"

As soon as the words fell, all the disciples of Wanxiang Sect moved.

This time, not only Lu Bu, but also Zhao Zilong moved.

Boom boom boom!
Both Lu Bu and Zhao Zilong's cultivation had reached the level of Emperor Wu. Dealing with these disciples of Wanxiang Sect was as simple as cutting tofu.

In the blink of an eye, all the disciples near the corridor were cleared by the two of them.

Chen Shan's master was horrified, and directly took out a big knife and said, "I didn't expect you to be so strong, it seems that I have to do it myself today, go to hell!"

Chen Shan's master's cultivation is not bad, he has reached the sixth rank of the Martial Emperor Realm, but he is nothing in front of Lu Bu.

When this guy just made a move, Lu Bu raised his hand and punched, and this punch contained huge power.

With a loud noise, Chen Shan's master's body flew up like a cannonball.

Rumbling... The huge force caused the guy's body to crash directly through the wall, and then flew into the street.

After landing, the guy slid on the ground for dozens of meters before stopping, and when he stopped, he was already dead.

"Senior Brother Chen Shan, something is wrong, Master was killed by a group!" Shouted the disciples outside in shock.

Chen Shan looked at Lu Bu in disbelief, his eyes were full of fear, he never thought that the result would be like this, even the master was no match for these people, and he was even killed by one punch, how strong can this be done .

"You... who are you?" Chen Shan asked tremblingly.

"It's someone you can't afford to provoke, but unfortunately you have provoked it now, so you have to bear the consequences yourself, so, Lu Bu, let's do it!" Qin Shan looked at Chen Shan and said indifferently.

Chen Shan was terrified, and quickly turned around and ran away.

However, before he took a step, a huge force hit him, causing him to fly straight up, and then smashed through the wall like his master, and rushed to the street.

bang bang bang...

Then the inn became wonderful, the walls around were smashed through from time to time, and then the disciples of Wanxiang sect flew out, and finally the inn collapsed directly overwhelmed.

Seeing the miserable situation of the disciples of the Wanxiang Sect and the inn, the melon-eaters on the road were all dumbfounded.

(End of this chapter)

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