Invincible red envelope emperor

Chapter 359 The Shock of the Flame Empire Emperor

Chapter 359 The Shock of the Flame Empire Emperor

After throwing all the disciples of Wanxiang Sect to the street, Qin Shan and his party walked out of the ruins of the inn slowly.

"Ah...he wants to change the inn again, it really hurts." Qin Shan said speechlessly.

"There seems to be an inn not far ahead." Lu Bu reminded.

"Okay, let's go ahead."

Afterwards, Qin Shan went to another inn.

The melon-eaters outside the inn stared at Qin Shan and his party with stunned expressions, and did not come back to their senses until Qin Shan disappeared from their sight.

"Okay... what a terrifying group of people, they are too powerful! So many people in the Wanxiang sect were defeated, and they were defeated easily, it is unbelievable!"

"There's something even scarier. I saw only two people doing it just now, and the others were just spectators!"

"What? Only two people did it? That's too awesome! Two people defeated the disciples of the Wanxiang sect in such a short time, they are monsters!"

"Looking at their appearance, they seem to have no intention of leaving. It seems that they are not afraid of the Wanxiang sect at all. Who are they?"

"The accent doesn't sound like a local, probably someone from another country!"

"It must be from other countries. After all, the psychic storm is about to break out during this period, and many powerful people from other countries will come to try their luck."

"I don't know how the Wanxiang sect will deal with this matter next."


Qin Shan didn't care at all, but Lie Yan Empire did.

Two hundred disciples of Wanxiang Sect were killed or injured, including an elder. This matter is not insignificant. The city lord of the city where Qin Shan was located immediately sent troops to surround the inn where Qin Shan was located after hearing the news.

"Bold lunatics, how dare you kill people and make trouble in our Yueyang City, and catch them quickly, or our guards of the Flame Empire City will execute you!" The city lord pointed at Qin Shan and said angrily after finding Qin Shan.

Qin Shan looked indifferent, and asked with interest: "Are you representing the Flame Empire?"

"Of course, we are soldiers of the Flame Empire!" the city lord sneered.

"Then you'd better not act recklessly. I am the emperor of the Shengtian Dynasty. If you do something, you will stir up conflicts between the two countries. If something unexpected happens, don't blame me for not reminding you!" Qin Shan said disapprovingly, without any worry at all.

Hearing Qin Shan's words, the city lord's face changed drastically, his expression was uncertain.

"Find out the portrait of the emperor of the Shengtian Dynasty!" the city lord said to his deputy.

As a court official of the Flame Empire, the most powerful country in Western Continent, important information from various countries needs to be in hand at all times, so that it is easier to solve problems encountered. The portraits of the emperors of various countries are important information.

"My lord, here it is!" The deputy next to him found Qin Shan's portrait from the space ring and handed it to the city lord.

The city lord unfolded the portrait, took a closer look, and then stared at Qin Shan carefully.

In the end, his eyes widened, he took a deep breath and said: "It turns out to be Emperor Sheng, but the fact that you are making trouble in our Raging Flame Empire is unjustifiable. I can't deal with this matter for the time being, but I will tell His Majesty. Next, you'd better be honest and don't let me go." What kind of fuss is going to happen again!"

After saying that, the city lord took people out of the inn, but left a lot of eyeliner around the inn.

Afterwards, the city lord reported the matter to the emperor of the Raging Flame Empire as quickly as possible.


Inside the Imperial Palace of the Flame Empire.

"Your Majesty, news has just come from Yueyang City that Qin Shan, the emperor of the Dongzhou Shengtian Dynasty, is in Yueyang City, and has killed more than 200 people from the Vientiane Sect, including the elders of the Vientiane Sect. The owner of the city cannot make a decision, and he is worried about causing conflicts between the two countries, so he hereby informs His Majesty!"

Hearing the news from his subordinates, the emperor of the Lieyan Empire was surprised: "Emperor Sheng has come to our Lieyan Empire, this guy is really unaware, he is like entering the land of no one, and he doesn't take me seriously Here, he even killed 200 members of the Wanxiang Sect, I will never let him go easily, even if he is the emperor of the Shengtian Dynasty!"

"Your Majesty, what should we do?"

"Cai Tianguang failed to deal with the matter last time. This time I will give him a chance to make up for his mistakes. I want Qin Shan to come to me on his own initiative and bow his head to admit his mistakes to me. In addition, I need substantial compensation, otherwise he, the emperor of victory, will not I want to leave the Raging Flame Empire! So, go and call Cai Tianguang!" the Emperor of the Raging Flame Empire sneered.

"As ordered."

After a while, Cai Tianguang was called before the emperor.

"Cai Aiqing, Emperor Sheng has come to our Raging Flame Empire, most likely because of a spiritual storm. He just killed 200 members of the Wanxiang Sect. This is despising the majesty of our Raging Flame Empire. I want you to take him at all costs." Can the emperor apologize to me, admit his mistake and compensate me, can it be done?" the emperor asked seriously.

"Yes! Certainly!" Cai Tianguang held his breath a long time ago. This time Qin Shan came to his home court, of course he will return the favor.

"Okay, then I will give you the right to deploy troops at will, but you will handle this matter for me!"

"As ordered!"


The emperor of the Raging Flame Empire received the news, and the headquarters of the Vientiane Sect in the imperial capital also received the news.

"Sovereign, something is wrong. The emperor of the Dongzhou Shengtian Dynasty came to the Lieyan Empire and had a conflict with Chenshan, a disciple of our Wanxiang Sect. Elder Xu led two hundred disciples to take revenge, but they were all killed by Emperor Sheng! "The disciples of Wanxiang Sect came to the suzerain and reported the situation in a panic.

"What?! Lost 200 people overnight! Are you sure the news is true?" asked the head of the Vientiane Sect.


"It's unreasonable, it's unreasonable! The monarch of a small country is so arrogant that he doesn't pay attention to our Wanxiang sect. After all, we are also the strongest sect in the Raging Flame Empire. He actually killed so many of us. This revenge must be avenged! Pass down the order, let the elders dispatch, and make sure to capture Emperor Sheng alive, and I will execute him in front of all the disciples of the Wanxiang Sect! Let me understand the fate of offending our Wanxiang Sect!"

The suzerain of the Wanxiang sect was extremely angry. The Wanxiang sect had never suffered such a big blow. He wanted Qin Shan to pay the price for his dignity.

Moreover, in the eyes of the Vientiane Sect Master, Qin Shan is just the emperor of a small country. Even if the Shengtian Dynasty defeated the Shengshi Empire, he would not take it seriously. After all, there is a big gap between Dongzhou and Xizhou. A bigger country can destroy the prosperous empire.


Qin Shan didn't know that he had been completely targeted by the Wanxiang Sect and the Emperor of the Flame Empire. In the early morning of the next day, he still went to Ruyun Mountain on the outskirts of the imperial capital in a leisurely manner.

Ruyun Mountain is not so much a mountain as it is a mountain range, undulating for hundreds of miles.

You can go up the mountain range from Transocean City, because you don't know where the psionic storm is, so you don't need to stay in a specific location.

However, when climbing into the Yunshan mountain range, I met a lot of people along the way, all of them were adventurers or sects from all over the world.

(End of this chapter)

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