Invincible red envelope emperor

Chapter 36 Beaten by my own dog

Chapter 36 Beaten by my own dog
Seeing Qin Shan 'shivering', the third prince of the Jinqiu Kingdom looked smug, and he thought Qin Shan was really scared.

"Boy, now that you know this king's identity, you are afraid, but don't be nervous, as long as you give up the two beautiful girls around you to this king, this king will not care about you, and will even give you a large sum of money." Silver taels, and pills are also fine." The third prince of Jinqiu Kingdom looked at Qin Shan with a smile and said.

In his opinion, Qin Shan would definitely agree. After all, because of his identity, the third prince of the Jinqiu Kingdom is not something ordinary people can offend.

"Are you sure? If I say I want 1000 billion taels of gold, can you afford it?" Qin Shan blinked and asked.

Hearing Qin Shan's words, the third prince of Jinqiu Kingdom was stunned.

"Lord Sheng Wang, this kid is just teasing and teasing you, let the subordinates go down and kill him!" The guard next to him said coldly.

Only then did the third prince of the Jinqiu Kingdom react, and his heart was full of great anger. He thought Qin Shan was already scared, but he was pretending, 1000 billion taels of gold, even the income of the whole country is nothing more than that.

"Fuck! You bastard dare to tease this king, I'm so tired of it! Grab that bastard, and this king will tear his mouth!" The third prince of Jinqiu Kingdom pointed at Qin Shan and roared.

The other guests in Zuixianglou were also stunned. The status of the third prince of the Jinqiu Kingdom was unusual. Now that someone dared to be so rude to him, they were of course shocked.Everyone else felt that Qin Shan was finished.

"It turns out that he is the third prince of the Jinqiu Kingdom, and he seems to have just come to our Shengtian Dynasty on a mission."

"Although the third prince of Jinqiu Kingdom is far away in our Shengtian Dynasty, as an envoy, he will be respected by our Shengtian Dynasty. I didn't expect that someone would dare to offend him. Is this courting death?"

"It's probably some young master who doesn't know what to do, hehe, I think he will die a miserable death later."


At this time, Ren Fengxia immediately stood up and said with a sneer: "The third prince of Jinqiu Kingdom dares to be so arrogant, do you know who he is?"

"Anyway, you brat is not the emperor of the Shengtian Dynasty, so I don't care who it is, let me do it!" The third prince of the Jinqiu Kingdom said indifferently, not caring about Qin Shan's identity at all.

After hearing the order, the guards of the third prince of Jinqiu rushed towards Qin Shan.

At this time, Daji stood up and said: "If you want to hurt the master, Daji absolutely disagrees!"

As soon as the words fell, Daji made a heart shape with both hands, and a pink heart-shaped energy flew towards the guards of the third prince of Jinqiu Kingdom.

With a buzzing sound, several guards froze in place instantly, their pupils constricted sharply as if in a daze.

The cultivation of these guards is not low, and they are all around the level of generals. However, their spiritual power is obviously not strong enough, and Daji's phantom technique directly plunged them into an illusion.

"Hit him!" Daji pointed to the third prince of Jinqiu Kingdom and said to the guards who were standing still.

The body of several guards shook suddenly, then turned around and walked towards the third prince of Jinqiu Kingdom.

The third prince of the Jinqiu Kingdom changed his expression greatly, and shouted in disbelief: "What are you doing? Are you my bodyguards? How come you want to fight me instead? Where is your opponent, go there quickly! Fuck!"

However, the guards didn't seem to hear what he said, and continued to walk up quickly.

"What the hell is going on here? Why did the king's bodyguard suddenly bewitched?" Seeing that the situation was wrong, the third prince of the Jinqiu Kingdom was about to retreat.

However, several guards flashed to his side in an instant, caught him and beat him violently.

Bang, bang, bang... Several guards surrounded the third prince of Jinqiu Kingdom with punches and kicks.

"Ah..." The third prince of the Jinqiu Kingdom kept screaming.

The guests around were all dumbfounded, their eyes filled with disbelief.

"My God, what's going on here, the beauties around that kid managed to control the guards of the third prince of the Jinqiu Kingdom just like that, it's amazing!"

"There are not only warriors in this world, but also many other special professions, such as mages. They are equally powerful. This beauty should be in this category."

"No wonder you are not afraid of the third prince of Jinqiu Kingdom, so you are so powerful."


Ren Fengxia also looked at Daji in surprise. She thought Daji was just a delicate girl, but she didn't expect to have such a great ability.

"Daji, you are so powerful, you actually controlled such a strong person!" Ren Fengxia said in surprise.

"Those people are very weak in mental strength, so Daji can control it, not necessarily for people with strong mental strength." Daji said modestly.

Qin Shan waved his hand at Daji and said, "That guy's nose is bruised and his face is swollen. If he continues to beat him, he will die. After all, he is the third prince of the Jinqiu Kingdom. If he dies like this in the imperial city, it will not be good. Daji, tell them to stop for a while."

"Yes, master." Daji nodded, then with a flick of her wrist, several guards lifted the illusion state.

After the illusion state was lifted, several guards looked at the third prince with a bruised nose and a swollen face on the ground in bewilderment.

"Master Sheng Wang, what is going on, why were you beaten like this?!"

"Drafting! I was beaten by you idiots, don't you know that you are under control? You are all trash, and even a weak woman is under control. What use are you for!" the third prince of Jinqiu Kingdom Lying on the ground clutching his painful chest, he roared.

The faces of the guards suddenly changed, and they looked at Daji beside Qin Shan in surprise.

It was only at this time that they realized that they were looking at Daji with fear in their eyes.

"It's unreasonable! You actually used magic to control us to attack Lord Sheng Wang, you're courting death!" Several guards drew their swords and prepared to attack again.

"You have already let your life go. If you continue to seek death, don't blame the emperor for being rude!" Qin Shan stood up and glanced at the guards with a cold face, exuding a majestic aura.

The guards were startled immediately, with such a strong aura, this kid might not be an easy character.

"Hmph! Sir Sheng Wang is the third prince of the Jinqiu Kingdom, and you beat him up like this. We won't stop with this matter!"

"We beat it? Who saw that it was us who beat it? You dogs beat your own master, you are really idiots to the extreme! Also, this is the Shengtian Dynasty, and the name of the prince of the Jinqiu Kingdom has no eggs here. Use, if you continue to be so arrogant, I will fan you back to the Golden Autumn Kingdom. In addition, I am the eldest prince of the Shengtian Dynasty. You should be punished if you disrespect me. Ren Fengxia, go! Call the city guards and send these few Arrest a traitor who is disrespectful to the Emperor!"

Hearing Qin Shan's words, the third prince of Jinqiu Kingdom and several of his guards were stunned, and the eyes of other guests in the Zuixiang Tower also widened in disbelief.

(End of this chapter)

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