Invincible red envelope emperor

Chapter 37 The Emperor's Protection

Chapter 37 The Emperor's Protection

After Qin Shan gave the order, Ren Fengxia went directly to the street and called the city guards in.

A large number of people rushed into the Zuixiang Building and directly forcibly arrested the second prince of Jinqiu Kingdom and several of his guards.

"No! This king is the third prince of the Jinqiu Kingdom. Your Shengtian Dynasty is so rude. Let me go. I will make you regret it!" The third prince of the Jinqiu Kingdom kept struggling and shouted angrily at Qin Shan with.

"Stinky boy, I didn't directly kill you on the spot to give you face. If you keep talking, I will kill you!" Qin Shan patted the third prince of Jinqiu Kingdom on the shoulder and said lightly.

Sensing the murderous aura on Qin Shan, the third prince flinched immediately, but he still gritted his teeth and said angrily: "You are the eldest prince of the Shengtian Dynasty, right? Hmph! You are provoking a conflict between the Shengtian Dynasty and the Jinqiu Kingdom , if you don’t let me go now, I will inform my father that the war between the two countries will be caused by you!”

"Hehe, I'm so scared." Qin Shan said indifferently.

"You..." The third prince was so angry that he was about to vomit blood when he saw that Qin Shan refused to enter.

"His Royal Highness the Second Prince has arrived!!!"

At this moment, the second prince brought someone to the Zuixiang Building. Obviously, this guy rushed over immediately after hearing the news.

The conflict between Qin Shan and the three princes of Jinqiu Kingdom is definitely an opportunity to attack Qin Shan.

After the second prince entered the Zuixiang Building, he immediately shouted at the city guards: "What are you slaves doing? This is the third prince of the Jinqiu Kingdom. He came here with King Jinqiu's order to envoy us to the Shengtian Dynasty. How dare you do this? As for him, don’t you all want to live anymore, why don’t you leave me alone!”

Seeing the second prince go out, all the city guards looked at Qin Shan in embarrassment.

Qin Shan glanced at the second prince and said: "This bastard is rude to the emperor, so what about the third prince of Jinqiu Kingdom, shouldn't he be punished?!"

Seeing the second prince coming, the third prince of Jinqiu Kingdom immediately cried and said with a mournful face: "Second prince, this is your elder brother, he is too much, you see, I beat this king like this, I will definitely tell you about this matter." Emperor Father explained the situation and let the emperor of Shengtian Dynasty uphold justice!"

Hearing his words, the second prince was overjoyed, but on the surface he said seriously: "Prince Sheng, you sent us as an envoy to the Shengtian Dynasty. Please forgive me for what happened to you. What the emperor did was not instigated by our Shengtian Dynasty, so this emperor supports you to find your father to judge, and now I will take you to see your father."

With that said, the second prince was about to take Sheng Wang away.

"Did the emperor tell him to leave like this?" Qin Shan said lightly.

The second prince immediately became angry, pointed at Qin Shan and shouted: "Prince Sheng is the envoy of the Jinqiu Kingdom, and also the third prince. What you have done today is to stir up conflicts between the two countries. Do you want a war? Can you take this responsibility? ! Also, King Sheng has something important to meet with his father, do you want him to have no chance to see his father?"

Qin Shan's eyes were full of contempt, and he said disdainfully: "I originally thought you were a character, but now it seems that you are just a coward. When you see a prince from another country, you are cowardly. It is an insult to the status of the royal family!"

"You...what on earth do you want, do you really want to put King Sheng to death?"

"I want him to know that this is the Shengtian Dynasty, not their Golden Autumn Kingdom, so even if you are a dragon, you have to be tied to this emperor!" Qin Shan stared at King Sheng with a proud face, and his words were full of domineering.

When the people around heard Qin Shan's words, their blood boiled with excitement.

"Okay, His Royal Highness said it well, this is the true character that a man of our Shengtian Dynasty should have!!" The crowd cheered and applauded. Although many people looked down on Qin Shan before, they supported Qin Shan in the face of the country's righteousness.

The second prince didn't know what to do, if Qin Shan really wanted to be strong today, he wouldn't be able to stop him.

At this time, Eunuch Xue came to Zuixiang Tower.

"Eunuch Xue, you came at the right time. Brother Huang is already crazy now. He actually wants to deal with King Sheng of the Jinqiu Kingdom. This is a major event that will stir up conflicts between the two countries. You have to stop him quickly, lest there will be a big trouble. "The second prince saw Eunuch Xue coming and asked him for help.

Eunuch Xue is naturally aware of what happened here, he nodded, then looked at the First Prince and said: "Your Highness, Your Majesty is going to see King Jinqiu Guosheng now, and His Majesty does not want to cause too many problems at this juncture."

Qin Shan is not a person who doesn't know how to praise, he waved his hand and said: "Then you take him there."

"Thank you, Your Highness, for your accommodation." Eunuch Xue nodded.

Afterwards, Eunuch Xue left with King Sheng, and the second prince followed.

"You wait for this king, this king will definitely make you regret it!" Sheng Wang pointed at Qin Shan and shouted angrily, and then walked away angrily.

Seeing everyone leave, Ren Fengxia said worriedly: "Brother prince, that person is the prince of Jinqiu Kingdom. If you treated him like that just now, he will definitely report to His Majesty. In order to maintain peace between the two countries, His Majesty will definitely punish you."

Qin Shan looked indifferent, and then said with a playful look: "I dealt with him? Did I do anything? It seems to be his dog legs!"

Hearing Qin Shan's words, Ren Fengxia suddenly realized, and said with a smile: "Hee hee, so that's the case, the prince's brother didn't do anything at all, so of course he won't be punished."


Sheng Wang was very angry, and he couldn't wait to sue the emperor immediately after seeing the emperor.

"Your Majesty, you have to decide for me. This king is the prince of the Jinqiu Kingdom, and he was beaten like this by the eldest prince of your country. Is this how your Shengtian Dynasty treats guests? This king asks you to severely punish yours!" Eldest prince, otherwise this king will never give up easily, even if the time comes, we will not hesitate to meet with each other!" Sheng Wang said angrily.

The second prince next to him also said with a serious face: "Father, brother usually doesn't know the importance, but now it involves peace between the two countries, he didn't think about it at all, and even wanted to kill King Sheng. This is a deliberate provocation." The war between the two countries, if the father does not suppress it, the consequences may be disastrous!"

The emperor's eyeliner is everywhere in the imperial city, of course he knows what happened.

The emperor thought for a while, looked at King Sheng and asked, "King Sheng, you said that my emperor's son hit you, are you sure?"

King Sheng was taken aback, nodded and replied: "Sure, the woman next to him controlled the king's guards, and almost beat him to death."

The emperor suddenly realized: "That is to say, it was King Sheng's bodyguard who did it, but my emperor's son didn't do it?"

"This... It is indeed my king's bodyguard who did the attack, but it is under the control of the eldest prince, which is equivalent to the eldest prince's attack. The eldest prince must be severely punished." Sheng Wang was stunned, then gritted his teeth and said.

"Sheng Wang, it was your bodyguard who did it. I can also say that your bodyguard had the intention of harming you, and you have no evidence to prove that Shan'er controlled your bodyguard, so this matter is purely your bodyguard's fault." Already?" the emperor asked seriously.

King Sheng opened his mouth wide, not knowing what to say.

(End of this chapter)

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