Invincible red envelope emperor

Chapter 367 Encountering the Angel of Extinguishing Heaven Again

Chapter 367 Encountering the Angel of Extinguishing Heaven Again
The dead soul has resurrected many people. In order to reduce the threat, Qin Shan does not want this guy to resurrect more people, so even if the center of the spiritual energy storm is dangerous, Qin Shan must stop this guy.

Ling Yin knew that the matter was urgent. Although she was worried about Qin Shan, she still opened the space channel for Qin Shan.

"I'll leave it to you here. It's not a problem to kill them with your strength!" Before leaving, Qin Shan solemnly said to Tsunade and the others.

"Go at ease, leave this place to us." The others nodded in response.

Although Shushen and Tianyan are indeed very powerful, Qin Shan's team is no longer what it used to be, and their strength has all reached the level of Emperor Wu. These resurrected people were considered masters before, but for them now No problem at all.

After finishing speaking, Qin Shan directly drilled into the space passage, and arrived at the center of the spiritual energy storm in an instant.

The spiritual energy storm is a huge vortex composed of hurricanes, especially the spiritual energy is too majestic, the center is flying sand and gravel, and the hard rocks are constantly cracking.

As soon as Qin Shan came here, he felt that his whole body was being torn apart by violent forces. If he hadn't possessed the absolute defense physique of King Kong, and his defense power had been increased by five times, he would definitely have been injured this time.

Now that he has an absolute defensive physique, Qin Shan can make waves a little bit.

However, the aura storm was so strong that Qin Shan could hardly stand still.

Qin Shan bent over and stared at the hurricane looking for traces of the dead soul. The hurricane made Qin Shan doubt life.

"What the hell! Even a typhoon of magnitude [-] or [-] is not so fierce. If it were on the earth, even the building would be destroyed." Qin Shan complained as he moved forward.

At this time, Qin Shan also sensed a huge dark aura not far away.

Qin Shan hurried to that place as quickly as possible, and sure enough, Qin Shan saw the black mist surging here.

Around, a large formation is absorbing the aura of the aura storm, apparently arranged by the dead souls, in order to resurrect the dead.

"I didn't expect you kid to be able to find this place. It seems that if you don't get rid of you today, you won't let it go!"

Suddenly, a dead soul in a black robe appeared in front of Qin Shan, and beside him stood a familiar face, that was the envoy who had helped Song Chuancheng before.

What shocked Qin Shan was that there seemed to be a protective shield around the two of them, even the spiritual energy storm couldn't hurt them.

"If you are allowed to revive the dead wantonly, our Shengtian Dynasty will suffer catastrophe in the future!" Qin Shan said coldly.

"There is a way to keep your Shengtian Dynasty safe, and even make you stronger, and that is to join us to destroy the sky. It's a pity that you disagree with life and death. For the present plan, you can only be obliterated!" The solemn envoy said lightly. Said.

"Kill me? You Mietian have tried countless times, but unfortunately they didn't succeed, and this time it's still the same!" Qin Shan said disapprovingly.

"Hmph! I didn't pay attention to you before, but now is the real beginning. Since I'm here today, I can't escape from the palm of my envoy!" You go and complete your mission!"

"No problem, I will complete the great cause of resurrecting the strong in the mainland next! Quack..." The dead soul turned into a black smoke and flashed aside, pressed his hands in the formation, and began to use soul magic to resurrect the dead.

Seeing this scene, Qin Shan instantly took out the Golden Dragon Excalibur and aimed it at the dead soul.

A violent sword energy shot towards the dead soul.

The holy envoy flashed in front of the sword qi in an instant, and flicked his finger at the sword qi.

With a bang, Qin Shan's sword energy was completely destroyed.

Qin Shan frowned tightly, this Holy Envoy is not the main body, but just a clone, so Qin Shan can't see how high this guy's cultivation base is at all.

However, Qin Shan can be sure that this guy's cultivation base is outrageously high, his actions are not restricted by the aura storm, and one finger can destroy Qin Shan's sword energy, which is enough to confirm that this guy's strength is far superior to Qin Shan.

However, Qin Shan didn't feel the slightest fear. All the true energy in his body was condensed in the Golden Dragon Excalibur, and he fought against the pressure of the spiritual energy storm to attack the holy envoy.

"Qin Shan, although you are strong, you are not an opponent of this envoy at all, even if you are a clone of this envoy, you are not an opponent. Do you have no self-knowledge?" The envoy looked at Qin Shan with disdain and said.

"It's because you don't know yourself. I'm going to kill your clone soon, and I'll go find your real body soon and kill you!" Qin Shan sneered.

"I'm still overwhelmed by what I'm doing, and I'm going to let you know the gap between us, the field of gravity!"

As soon as the Holy Envoy finished speaking, a strange energy enveloped Qin Shan. Qin Shan instantly felt his body being pressed down by a [-]-jin boulder, and the ground under his feet sank directly.

"I... I'm stupid! It's this feeling again, domain power!"

Qin Shan gritted his teeth uncomfortably. Although Qin Shan is now stronger than last time, he still feels very, very heavy in the domain of the envoy.

"In the eyes of this envoy, you are just an ant waiting to be slaughtered. With your strength, you don't even have a chance to resist. You should give up early, so that you don't have to suffer." The envoy said disdainfully.

"Give up, let your sister go!" Qin Shan raised his arm with difficulty and sneered while raising the Golden Dragon Excalibur.

"court death!"

A cold light flashed in the Holy Envoy's eyes, and he flashed in front of Qin Shan in an instant, and flicked his finger at Qin Shan's head.

Qin Shan didn't have time to dodge, so he could only use his arms to block with his whole body's true energy.


Qin Shan's body flew out like a cannonball, and hit the stone wall of the mountain heavily, directly smashing out a huge hole tens of meters deep.

Immediately afterwards, Qin Shan was pulled out one by one by a strong gravitational force, and then saw the Holy Envoy's fingers inserting Qin Shan's chest.

At the critical moment, Qin Shan's Golden Dragon Excalibur slashed at the Holy Envoy's arm. Feeling the threat from the Golden Dragon Excalibur, the Holy Envoy's attack changed and bounced directly towards the Golden Dragon Excalibur.

With a ding, Qin Shan was instantly sent flying, flipping dozens of backflips in the air before landing. When he landed, he staggered a little, looking very embarrassed.

However, Qin Shan twisted his neck and said with great interest: "It seems that he is adapting to this kind of domain power!"

Qin Shan was full of fighting spirit, he regarded this battle as a weight-bearing battle, Qin Shan's fighting will made his body quickly adapt to the weight-bearing.

Qin Shan's change made the Holy Envoy feel unbelievable. At the beginning, Qin Shan had difficulty even raising his arms, but he didn't expect that he could walk around freely after just a few moves.

"This kid's potential is extraordinary, and he must not be allowed to escape today, otherwise he will be the real enemy of Mietian in the future!"

(End of this chapter)

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