Invincible red envelope emperor

Chapter 368 Defeating the Holy Envoy Clone

Chapter 368 Defeating the Holy Envoy Clone
Seeing such a big change in Qin Shan, the envoy felt deep fear of Qin Shan in his heart.

The Holy Envoy was not afraid of Qin Shan's strength, but of Qin Shan's potential. After all, Qin Shan had no resistance to his gravity field at the beginning, but he was able to move freely after only a while. This kind of adaptability is absolutely human can be compared.

At this moment, the envoy felt that Qin Shan was a peerless genius, and such a genius must be eliminated as soon as possible, otherwise there would be endless troubles.

"Then let this emissary completely deal with you!"

The envoy sneered coldly and slammed his palms, pressing against Qin Shan with even greater pressure.

As if Qin Shan had sensed something, he suddenly dodged backwards.


With a loud noise, the ground where Qin Shan was standing just now collapsed into a bottomless hole.

The envoy looked at Qin Shan in surprise, not understanding how Qin Shan escaped the attack.

"You managed to escape the envoy's attack, you really surprised me." The envoy narrowed his eyes and said.

"You are indeed strong, but you are not invincible. Your gravity field also has limitations. The range is certain, and if you want to concentrate your attack, you will transfer the power of other ranges. At this time, your gravity range will be Zoom out, you can judge your movements according to the size of your gravity range!" Qin Shan said with great interest.

"I didn't expect you to know this in just a few moves. No wonder you can survive until now, but even if you understand it, you can't survive, because your strength is far different from that of the envoy!"

When speaking, the holy envoy's body flickered for an instant, and he reached Qin Shan in the blink of an eye.

Although Qin Shan has now adapted to the power of the Holy Envoy's domain, his strength is still greatly weakened, and his speed is naturally not as fast as that of the Holy Envoy.

When the envoy flashed in front of Qin Shan, he slapped Qin Shan directly.

Qin Shan resisted with the Golden Dragon Excalibur, and when the Holy Envoy's palm hit the Golden Dragon Excalibur, Qin Shan instantly felt that the Golden Dragon Excalibur became extremely heavy, as if it weighed tens of thousands of catties.

Just like that, Qin Shan froze suddenly, taking advantage of this moment, the envoy slapped Qin Shan's chest.

With a bang, Qin Shan flew upside down, and smashed into the mountain tens of meters just like before.

But this time Qin Shan got out of it by himself, and the true energy of his whole body was condensed in the Golden Dragon Excalibur, piercing the heart of the envoy.

Pom Pom!

The envoy easily blocked Qin Shan's attack, and his movements were calm and unhurried.

Qin Shan didn't give up either, and continued to attack continuously, using his true energy without money.

"It's useless, in the envoy's domain, it's impossible for you to injure this envoy!" The envoy said with disdain after blocking Qin Shan's attacks several times in a row.

"Really? That's not necessarily the case!" Qin Shan smiled slightly, and suddenly stabbed the holy envoy heavily with his sword.

"This move will have no effect on this envoy at all!" The envoy pouted, with a disdainful expression on his face, and then pointed at the Golden Dragon Excalibur that was stabbing at Qin Shan.

Ding!The Golden Dragon Excalibur instantly became extremely heavy.

However, Qin Shan's attack did not end. With his other hand, he suddenly took out the psionic pistol and shot the holy envoy's heart without any hesitation.

boom!The holy envoy turned pale with fright, and quickly dodged to the side, the zhenqi bullet pierced through his shoulder.

Because this is the avatar of the holy envoy, even if the zhenqi bullet pierces his shoulder, it will not cause damage to the holy envoy, but will only weaken his ability.

"As expected." Qin Shan shook the psionic gun in his hand and smiled with interest.

Qin Shan didn't think that the psionic gun could kill the envoy, he was looking for the envoy's flaw.When the envoy attacks, it will hit the target, that is, Qin Shan, but at the same time, other aspects will be weakened. As long as Qin Shan launches other attacks at the same time, the envoy will not be able to attack Qin Shan in time. to weaken.

The envoy's expression was cloudy and uncertain, and the calmness just now disappeared completely, replaced by a kind of coldness.

"You kid can actually hurt this envoy, you're terrifying this envoy more and more!" the envoy said coldly.

"Shocked at this level? Your shock level is really low!" Qin Shan said disapprovingly.

"Hmph! I won't let you continue to be arrogant."

After finishing speaking, the Holy Envoy clasped his palms together, and Qin Shan instantly felt the air around him being squeezed.

He kept dodging to the side, but the squeezing force seemed to have the ability to track, and it kept lingering around Qin Shan.

"Golden Dragon Storm!"

Qin Shan swung his sword violently towards the surroundings.

Booming... A series of explosions sounded, and there was a sudden burst in the surrounding space. Qin Shan felt the power weaken a little bit. When it weakened, Qin Shan sensed the breakthrough, and he dodged from the power in a flash.

"Sparks are burning!"

The moment Qin Shan got out of the way, he threw a thick flame at the envoy.

With a wave of the holy envoy's arm, a huge force fanned the flames away.

When the envoy pushed away the flames, countless vines appeared under his feet, and in the blink of an eye, the vines wrapped around the entire body of the envoy.

"Small tricks!" The envoy's body shook, and the vines all over his body instantly fell to the ground.

However, Qin Shan's attack was not over yet, and countless earth thorns shot at the envoy from all directions.

The envoy pursed his lips disapprovingly, and with a flick of his wrist, all the soil thorns suddenly fell to the ground, just like a piece of iron being sucked down by a magnet.

Bang bang bang!
Qin Shan once again continuously blasted the psychic cannon at the envoy, and the envoy also destroyed it with a few flicks of his fingers.

"I've made you trouble enough, let's go to hell!" The envoy clenched his fists violently.

Boom!A huge power spread from him, and the ground tens of meters around instantly collapsed, and even the aura storm seemed to be shaken still.

In an instant, the envoy appeared in front of Qin Shan, and his huge fist hit Qin Shan's head directly.

Qin Shan's body hit the ground like a cannonball again.

However, the moment the envoy attacked, another Qin Shan appeared behind him, and the Golden Dragon Excalibur directly pierced the envoy's heart.

At this time, Qin Shan, who was blasted to the ground by the envoy, suddenly turned into a puddle of mud. Obviously, this Qin Shan is a clone, and the main body is behind the envoy.

" is this possible?!" The envoy was shocked, and turned to look at Qin Shan behind him.

"I said that when you attack, you will weaken the restrictions on other aspects. You obviously ignored what I said, but you are just a clone, and it doesn't mean much." Qin Shan pulled out the Golden Dragon Excalibur, shrugged and said.

"Qin Shan, just wait, I will personally come and get rid of you when I finish the task at hand!" the avatar of the envoy said coldly, and turned into flying ash after speaking.

Qin Shan didn't bother to pay attention to what the Holy Envoy's avatar said, and now he was more concerned about the dead soul who was resurrecting the corpse.

"I didn't expect you to be able to defeat even the avatar of the holy envoy, but it doesn't help. My soul spell has been activated, and the artwork will be resurrected, unless you can stop the spiritual storm, hahaha... Wait to appreciate my Art!"

(End of this chapter)

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