Invincible red envelope emperor

Chapter 369 The Power of Psionic Missiles

Chapter 369 The Power of Psionic Missiles

"If you kill you, the spell will be dispelled!" Qin Shan said with a curled lip.

The dead soul shrugged and said: "I'm sorry, you can't kill me. I'm not here long ago. What you see now is just a clone."

Qin Shan didn't talk nonsense, and directly stabbed the guy's heart with his sword.

Sure enough, the guy's body turned into a puddle of mud.

In the blink of an eye, the clone of the dead soul appeared next to Qin Shan.

"Under the ground, I have collected dozens of strong men who died before. The weakest ones have reached the level of Emperor Wu. It is easy to kill you. They will be resurrected soon. I will witness you being killed by them with my own eyes. Who made you The obstacle of our extermination, hahaha..." The dead soul laughed loudly, already convinced that Qin Shan was doomed.

Qin Shan frowned immediately. There are two ways to remove the dead soul spell, one is to kill the dead soul, and the other is to stop the aura storm.

However, the body of the dead soul is not here now, and it is simply unrealistic to kill him.

Then there is only one possibility, and that is to stop the aura storm.

But how to stop such a huge spiritual energy storm.

"Hahaha! Qin Shan, are you desperate, enjoy the process of dying slowly, hahaha..." The dead soul clone next to him laughed and mocked.

At this moment, Qin Shan's eyes suddenly brightened, and he quickly evacuated towards the center of the aura storm.

Seeing this scene, the dead soul immediately shouted: "Qin Shan, if you leave, they will still chase after you to death after resurrection. By then, not only you, but everyone around you will die!"

Qin Shan ignored the dead soul and continued to evacuate.

About the time he ran down the mountain, Qin Shan stopped, "This distance should be safe!"

As he said that, Qin Shan waved his arm, and a huge psychic missile appeared. Although it was a pity to use the psychic missile, there was no other choice at this time.

"Attack, psychic missile!"

After the psychic missile appeared, it shot towards the center vortex of the psychic storm on the top of the mountain like a streamer.

When reaching the vortex, the missile exploded instantly.


The explosion range of the psychic missile was several kilometers, and the entire mountain was covered in the explosion range. The huge explosion force swept across the center of the psychic storm. After the collision, a chain reaction was caused, and an even more violent explosion occurred.

The face of the dead soul clone in the center of the explosion changed drastically.

"No... what kind of power is this, it... has such power, no, my hard work will be completely destroyed, no..."


An explosion resounded through the sky, and the top of Ruyun Mountain was blown up. The collapse of Ruyun Mountain could be seen in the entire mountain range, and the sound of the explosion spread tens of kilometers away.

The aftermath of the explosion was far beyond Qin Shan's imagination. He thought the mountain would be safe, but it was not safe here at all. The powerful aftermath poured down from above like waves, and everything it passed was crushed into slag. .

"Ling Yin!" Qin Shan shouted in surprise.

At this time, a crack in space appeared behind Qin Shan, and Qin Shan went straight into it.

At the moment of getting in, the aftermath of the explosion crushed Qin Shan from where he was just now.

Qin Shan came to Lingyin's location through the space crack, which was a few hills away from the explosion site. However, when Qin Shan landed, he could feel the ground shaking violently, and even cracks appeared in the hard rock.

Looking at the mushroom cloud, Qin Shan wiped his forehead with lingering fear.

"The psychic missile actually caused a chain explosion of the psychic storm. This power is too great. It directly destroyed a mountain and almost killed myself. Ling Yin, thanks to you this time, if you weren't in time, I guess It has turned to ashes."

"Your Majesty, what is going on?"

"In order to prevent the dead souls from resurrecting those strong men, I could only destroy the center of the spiritual energy storm. I didn't expect to cause a series of explosions. Fortunately, I survived. It should have destroyed the dead soul's plan, but this guy is not dead yet." The dead soul is not dead, Qin Shan frowned, "By the way, how is the situation here?"

"Most of them have been killed, but the tree god used his ability to escape." Ling Yin responded.

Qin Shan glanced at the scene. There were signs of fierce fighting and ruins everywhere. Although these resurrected people were not top-notch experts, they should not be underestimated. Most of them have been killed now, which is not bad.

"Emperor Sheng, thank you again. Not only did you save us, but you also helped us find Lord King Kong's body. I thank you on behalf of the entire Kuangwu Kingdom." At this time, Hu Feng came to Qin Shan and said in a panic. He fought a fierce battle and made him look embarrassed.

"I don't need to say thank you. If you really want to thank you, it is best to inform your monarch about today's incident. The dead soul is not dead, the threat still exists, and Mietian will not let it go. When the time comes, your Kuangwu Kingdom will not let you go." May be spared." Qin Shan said with a serious face.

"What Emperor Sheng said is very true. This matter is indeed very serious. We will go back and inform His Majesty immediately. Then we will do our best to solve the threat of Mietian together with Emperor Sheng!" Hu Feng nodded solemnly.

"Okay, we should go too, goodbye!"

"Go slowly and say goodbye!"

Afterwards, Qin Shan's party and Hu Feng's party parted ways and left separately.


Somewhere in the mainland, a dead soul covered in a black robe was furious.

"Damn it! It's really hateful! It completely destroyed my work. This is my painstaking effort for many years. I finally prepared the Death Soul Art, and it was all destroyed just like this, ah..." Death Soul roared hysterically .

A half-black and half-white masked man appeared beside the dead soul without warning, and said calmly: "It doesn't matter if you lose once, I have better works waiting for you to complete."

"A better work?" Death Soul's eyes suddenly lit up, "What is it?"

"The ruins of the ancient battlefield!" the masked man said slowly.

The dead soul was very surprised and said: "The leader is talking about the peak war in the Dragon Soul Continent thousands of years ago? At that time, all the peak powerhouses in the Dragon Soul Continent participated in the battle, and countless peak powerhouses fell. But it is said that the battlefield of the peak war is in a certain place. The island, the island has been completely destroyed."

"No, it's not destroyed, but it's floating on the sea, it's hard to find traces, even I haven't found his location yet, but it doesn't matter, it's only a matter of time before I find the ruins of the ancient battlefield. Let you do other works."

"Hahaha, no problem, if I can revive those peak powerhouses in the ancient battlefield, I am willing to wait as long as I want!" Dead Soul laughed, thinking of controlling countless former mainland peak powerhouses, he was extremely excited.

"Our next goal is to get rid of Qin Shan's obstacle, and we can't let him continue to develop!" The masked man's eyes were shining coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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