Invincible red envelope emperor

Chapter 370 The Flame Empire Slapped in the Face

Chapter 370 The Flame Empire Slapped in the Face
The aura storm was blown up, and the threat of the dead souls was temporarily removed. It should not be that simple for the dead souls to resurrect a large number of dead strong men, otherwise they would not hide for ten years before doing it, and a lot of preparation must be required during the period.

However, the dead soul is not dead, and one day it will become a huge threat, and Mietian behind the dead soul is even more terrifying. If it is not eliminated, there will be no peace for a day.

Therefore, Qin Shan needs to improve the strength of the Shengtian Dynasty faster to meet the crisis that may occur at any time.

Qin Shan left Ruyun Mountain after dispelling the crisis of the dead soul, but was rounded up by the soldiers of the Flame Empire as soon as he went down the mountain.

"Qin Shan killed our Lord Cai, catch him immediately, everyone!" The leader of the team pointed at Qin Shan and shouted.

"You are idiots, Cai Tianguang was not killed by me, but by the revived King Kong of the Kuangwu Kingdom. Also, the person you should deal with is not me, but Mietian." Qin Shan said with a curled lip.

"Haha! You think we will believe your nonsense, King Kong is already dead, how can he be resurrected, you are trying to escape our pursuit, there is no way, we will take you back and let His Majesty deal with it!"

"A bunch of idiots, if you don't believe it, forget it, you Raging Flame Empire are just waiting to be slapped in the face."

"Stop quibbling, give it to me!"

Immediately, a group of soldiers rushed towards Qin Shan.

"Hmph! Since you are looking for death, then I will fulfill you!"


After a few afterimages, Lu Bu beheaded all the soldiers here.

After killing these soldiers, Qin Shan left directly, but the tracking ability of the Raging Flame Empire was still very strong, and he could always find Qin Shan's traces, and kept chasing and killing Qin Shan, but no one could stop Qin Shan's footsteps.


On the court of the Flame Empire.

"Your Majesty, we have intercepted Qin Shan several times, but they are too strong to stop them. If we don't use our empire's peak combat power, we can't stop them." A general reported the situation helplessly.

"I didn't expect the king of a small country in Dongzhou to have such fighting power, even the elite soldiers of our Raging Flame Empire can't stop him! This bastard caused our Raging Flame Empire to lose so many manpower, and even killed Cai Aiqing and many of my masters Guard, I must kill him!" The emperor roared angrily.

"Your Majesty, Qin Shan said before that Master Cai was not killed by him, but by the revived King Kong of the Kuangwu Kingdom. Let us not point the finger at him, but an organization called 'Mie Tian'." Reported by the subordinates.

"Mietian?" The emperor frowned suddenly, then curled his lips, "I have sent people to investigate Mietian long ago, but it is just a small criminal organization, and the members in it are only wanted criminals from several countries. It’s a bit deeper, but it’s nothing to be afraid of, Qin Shan is simply a coward for pushing the responsibility on them, does he treat me like an idiot?”

"Your Majesty, the people of Kuangwu Kingdom have also mentioned this point. The dead souls belong to Mietian. His purpose is to revive a large number of masters who died before. This spiritual storm almost succeeded." The subordinate said again.

"The Kuangwu Kingdom and our Raging Flame Empire have always had grievances. I don't believe their nonsense at all. In short, Qin Shan will use all means to avoid the pursuit of our Raging Flame Empire. I don't believe it at all. What I want is to bring him back and question him ! Do you all understand?" the emperor said solemnly.

"Understood, Your Majesty!" The ministers responded loudly.

At this moment, a spy hurried to the front of the hall.

"Your Majesty, something is wrong, something is wrong!"

The emperor suddenly frowned and asked: "Why are you so panicked, don't you know that I am discussing something now?"

"The imperial mausoleum of our Raging Flame Empire has been... stolen. As long as the remains of emperors above the Martial Emperor Realm are all missing, even the funeral objects buried with them have been looted!" the spies reported in panic.

"What?! How is this possible!! The imperial mausoleum is protected by many powerful guards, why did such an incredible thing happen! Who did it?!" The emperor's face changed drastically.

"The guards were all killed, even the guards of the Martial Emperor Realm were vulnerable. Before leaving, the other party claimed that he was a member of the Mietian organization."

"Mie... Mietian!" The emperor looked shocked, "They are obviously just a small criminal organization, why are you so powerful, are you sure you are not mistaken?"

"The people who did it had uniform clothing, a black robe with a half-black and half-white face printed on it, obviously they were not afraid of revealing their identities."

"Damn it! turned out to be true. Mietian actually stole the imperial tomb. It's simply abominable. Let me issue a warrant to the whole country to deal with Mietian at all costs. Anyone who finds Mietian will be executed at all costs!!! "

"Yes, Your Majesty! By the way, what should Qin Shan of the Shengtian Dynasty do?"

"Leave them alive for the time being, and deal with Mie Tian with all their strength!"

The emperor of the Lieyan Empire finally realized that he had been slapped in the face by himself at this moment. Mietian was able to steal the imperial tomb under strong guards. This strength had reached the national level. Suddenly he discovered that Mietian was not a small organization. I don't know if what Qin Shan said is true, but he is very angry now, and he is bound to kill Mie Tian.


On the way away from the Raging Flame Empire, Qin Shan and his party found that the Raging Flame Empire's pursuers were getting less and less, and in the end they didn't even pursue them, which made Qin Shan very strange.

At this time, Qin Shan and his party were resting in an inn, and Lu Bu and Zhao Zilong had already returned after inquiring about the news.

"What's the situation, how many pursuers are there in this city?" Qin Shan asked.

"The Flame Empire doesn't seem to be chasing us anymore, Mie Tian is wanted all over the country now." Lu Bu responded.

"Huh? Didn't they not believe it? Why did they suddenly pay attention to it?" Qin Shan looked puzzled.

"It is rumored that the imperial tomb of the Lieyan Empire was stolen. As long as the remains of emperors above the Martial Emperor Realm were stolen, this method should be from the hands of dead souls. Obviously the Lieyan Empire has learned a lesson and naturally takes it seriously." Zhao Zilong explained .

"So that's the case. It seems that the Flame Empire was hit in the face by this wave of slaps, and they hit the graves of their ancestors. It is estimated that their emperor is furious now." Qin Shan said with a smile.

"A national arrest warrant has been issued to deal with Mietian at all costs. Their emperor's anger is inevitable, but this has no effect on Mietian." Lu Bu shrugged and said.

"Anyway, they already know about this matter. If they still don't know the danger of Mietian, it's none of my business." Qin Shan said indifferently. I want to convey it to other countries, as for the reaction of other countries, it is up to them!"

(End of this chapter)

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