Chapter 373
Seeing Qin Shan approaching, Sheng Jin frowned and asked, "Your Majesty, what do you want to do?"

"Kill you." Qin Shan said lightly.

"Your Majesty, don't you need the herbs from the Divine Medicine Mountain? Do you really want to watch the Divine Medicine Mountain be destroyed?" Sheng Jin asked loudly.

"Well, I really want to see it, so hurry up and destroy it!" Qin Shan said disapprovingly.

Sheng Jin instinctively felt that something was wrong, especially Qin Shan's indifferent expression made him panic a lot.

However, thinking that Qin Shan needs the medicinal materials from the Divine Medicine Mountain to grasp this lifeline, Sheng Jin still relaxes a little.

"Your Majesty, isn't it okay to satisfy even a small request of our Shenyao Sect?" Sheng Jin asked, taking a deep breath and gritted his teeth.

"Satisfying the requirements is also under my rules, not according to your rules. Now you have surpassed my rules and gave you a chance. It's a pity that you don't cherish it. Then don't blame me for being rude!" Qin Shan said. He said with a smile, but there was a cold light in his eyes.

Seeing Qin Shan's ferocious eyes, Sheng Jin was shocked and said, "Your Majesty, all the medicinal materials you need are on the Shenyao Mountain. Are you willing to see all the medicinal materials destroyed?"

"He has so much nonsense, if you can destroy it as soon as possible!" Qin Shan said disapprovingly.

Sheng Jin was enraged immediately, "Emperor Sheng, you forced me to do this, you should regret your actions!"

As he spoke, Sheng Jin grabbed the formula with both hands.

While pinching the formula, he said: "You will see a sea of ​​flames in the Shenyao Mountain immediately!"

Qin Shan looked calm and didn't panic at all. Instead, the general of the defending army roared angrily: "Sheng Jin, you're crazy, hurry up and stop!"

"It's too late, it's already too late! Burn the Mountain of Divine Medicine!" Sheng Jin roared crazily.

The general of the guarding army changed his face greatly, and rushed out of the hall to look at the Shenyao Mountain. The Shenyao Mountain was safe and sound at this time, without any sign of burning.

"Your Majesty, it doesn't seem to be burning. Could it be that the formation has lagged behind?" The general of the guarding army looked at Qin Shan suspiciously.

"Impossible, the Shenyao Mountain must be in flames right now." Sheng Jin rushed out of the hall with a look of disbelief, and opened his mouth when he saw the safe and sound Shenyao Mountain, "Impossible, this is absolutely impossible! Why is the formation Didn't start, why?!"

As he said that, Sheng Jin pinched out the magic formula with both hands again, but the Shenyao Mountain was still safe and sound, which made him break out in a cold sweat.

"You burn it, you burn it, I want to see how you set the Shenyao Mountain on fire." Qin Shan looked at Sheng Jin with a smile on his face, his eyes full of sarcasm.

At this time, everyone knew that Qin Shan had lifted the crisis of Shenyao Mountain.

"Sheng Jin, you are rebellious. This general wants to see your Shenyao sect wiped out today!" Seeing that the Shenyao Mountain is safe and sound, the generals of the guarding army can finally act boldly with confidence.

As soon as the general gave an order, the army immediately pointed their weapons at the disciples of the Divine Medicine Sect.

"Emperor Sheng deserves to be Emperor Sheng. He was able to destroy the formation of Shenyao Mountain. It seems that I still underestimated you. However, even if I die today, I will pull you back!" Sheng Jin roared angrily, and rushed towards Qin Shan hysterically. , trying to die with Qin Shan.

"Your Majesty, be careful!" the general of the defending army shouted in horror.

However, before Sheng Jin rushed to Qin Shan, Tsunade flashed over and punched Sheng Jin.


With a loud noise, Sheng Jin's body flew upside down, crashed into the wall and flew to the street. After flying tens of meters, it hit the ground heavily, and even dragged on the ground for tens of meters before stopping.

After landing, Sheng Jin's head was severely deformed, and he couldn't die anymore.

Seeing this scene, everyone was dumbfounded.

"Good... so strong! The sect master was blown away with one punch. This strength must have reached the level of Emperor Wu. It's really terrifying!"

"It's no wonder that he was able to conquer the prosperous empire. The people around Emperor Sheng are too strong."

"I... what should we do?"

"Even the sect master is dead, what else can we do, naturally surrender, the idiot will fight head-on with Emperor Sheng!"


With the shock of Tsunade's punch, all the disciples of the Shenyao Sect were frightened and dumbfounded. They did not dare to confront Qin Shan, and dropped their weapons in despondency.

"Arrest all the people from the Shenyao Sect!" The general of the guarding army was also unambiguous, ordering his subordinates to arrest all the disciples of the Shenyao Sect immediately.

The master of the sect died, and facing the tough Qin Shan, the Shenyao Sect had no intention of resisting. All the Shenyao Sect raised their hands and surrendered overnight, and Qin Shan successfully obtained the Shenyao Mountain.

The next day, Qin Shan directly found a bunch of pharmacists to go up the mountain to collect the medicinal materials he needed.

For three whole days, Qin Shan collected the medicinal materials needed to refine tens of thousands of pure panacea from Shenyao Mountain.

After that, Qin Shan spent another five days refining the pure panacea, and finally harvested [-] pieces.

Qin Shan first used it for people around him, such as Tsunade Lingyin, and others, they all got a corresponding promotion. Qin Shan himself also used the pure panacea, but unfortunately the effect was not strong enough to upgrade Qin Shan.

However, Qin Shan's goal this time is to improve the strength of the army, so he is not disappointed.

Afterwards, Qin Shan distributed the pure elixir to [-] soldiers. Like last time, Qin Shan used the soul-stirring technique to make all these promoted soldiers loyal.

Most of the [-] soldiers have been promoted to the realm of King Wu, hundreds of them have reached the realm of Emperor Wu, and even a few generals have reached the stage of Emperor Wu.

With the existence of this elite team, Qin Shan believes that even if he confronts the Raging Flame Empire head-on, he will have no pressure at all. However, he has no plans to continue to expand at present. The country is not stable yet, and continuing to expand will only become a drag.

After promoting these soldiers, Qin Shan can take a good rest for the time being. After all, refining such a large number of elixirs really exhausted Qin Shan, especially mentally.

Fortunately, with Ling Yin's service, Qin Shan soon became alive and well.

But suddenly an unexpected situation interrupted the calm, just after Qin Shan and Ling Yin finished having sex, Tsunade suddenly shouted outside the bedroom: "Master, there is an emergency, you'd better take a look!"

Qin Shan put on his clothes and came outside the bedroom, and asked suspiciously, "What's going on?"

"Sister Ning Bing suddenly burst out of cold air in her body when she was practicing, and her whole body was frozen stiff. I tried my best to control her condition, but the condition is still very serious. If she is not treated in time, her life may be in danger!" Tsunade said with a serious face. .

Qin Shan hurried over to check on Xiao Ningbing's condition, and sure enough, Xiao Ningbing was lying on the bed stiffly all over, covered in ice chips, even a large amount of frost gathered beside the bed.

Qin Shan hurried to Chuanbian, held Xiao Ningbing's hand and asked, "Ningbing, has the Yin Qi accumulated in the pure Yin body exploded?"

"Well, I...I can't control it, I feel so uncomfortable now." Xiao Ningbing bit her purple lips and nodded.

"Don't worry, I will definitely cure you!"

(End of this chapter)

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