Invincible red envelope emperor

Chapter 374 Searching for Skyfire and Rescuing Ningbing

Chapter 374 Searching for Skyfire and Rescuing Ningbing
"Your Majesty, I am not afraid of death, but I am afraid of not being able to repay you. I will never be able to repay your kindness to me. If I leave like this, I will not be able to serve Your Majesty in the future. This is my lifetime regret!" Xiao Ningbing looked sad. Said.

For her, she had already given her life to Qin Shan, so death was nothing to her to fear.But Qin Shan's kindness to her has long been engraved in her heart, even if she will never forget it in this life, she is worried that she will not be able to repay this kindness, even if she is willing to dedicate her whole life.

Now that the situation is critical, Xiao Ningbing feels that she is about to die, she is very unwilling to part with Qin Shan.

"I won't let you have this regret, never!" Qin Shan held Xiao Ningbing's ice-like hand, and sent his true energy into Xiao Ningbing's body.

Xiao Ningbing calmed down Qin Shan's huge qi a little bit, but it only treated the symptoms but not the root cause.

"Sister Ning Bing's current situation is very dangerous. I can help her stabilize this situation, but it can only last for a month at most. If I can't find a cure within a month, there is nothing I can do." Tsunade shook his head and said helplessly. .

"Isn't it possible to use regeneration?" Qin Shan asked.

"Regeneration can only be used for the body. In the case of Sister Ningbing, the soul is eroded by Yin Qi. This Yin Qi is the existence of the most Yin and cold in the world, unless the existence of the most Yang and the hottest can be obtained to offset the Yin Qi. damage." Tsunade said solemnly.

"The sun is so hot, where can I find this thing?" Qin Shan frowned.

"I have no way of knowing this, I don't understand this world." Tsunade also looked helpless.

Qin Shan thought for a while, and then said to Xiao Ningbing seriously: "Ningbing, if you persist for a while, I will definitely cure you completely!"

Qin Shan didn't talk nonsense, and immediately went to Ren Zhongjun, and ordered Ren Zhongjun to send troops to search for the existence of Zhiyang Zhire, and even issued a reward for the search.

Within a few days, countless messages came back, but none of them satisfied Qin Shan.

Either it's fake, or it just doesn't meet the requirements.

Just when Qin Shan was at a loss, Ren Zhongjun got a piece of news.

"Your Majesty, Dingtian Trading Company just sent a message. Ten years ago, a vision of heaven and earth suddenly appeared in the center of the Burning Sky Desert in Xizhou. A mass of scorching energy burst out from the ground, and everything that this mass of energy passed through was burned. The ashes, even the space around the energy were burned with cracks, and all the adventurers I encountered at that time were wiped out.

Later, some people wanted to use the scorching energy, but no one succeeded. Even Emperor Wu's cultivation base was easily burned to ashes. Later, people learned that the energy was the most yang and hot "Heavenly Fire" in the world. According to historical records, it can burn everything in the world, so no one dares to try to control the sky fire. "

Hearing Ren Zhongjun's words, Qin Shan felt hopeful, if he could use the energy of the sky fire, it would be no problem to completely offset the coldness in Xiao Ningbing's body.

Thinking of this, Qin Shan asked, "Where is the specific location of Tianhuo?"

Ren Zhongjun took out the map and unfolded it, pointed to the location marked on the map and said: "At present, the location of Tianhuo is uncertain. It has appeared in several places, but the range is in the center of the Burning Desert, which is within the range of this circle. To be able to meet there can only depend on luck and patience."

"Since that's the case, I'll go to the Burning Sky Desert right away, and I'll leave the affairs of the country to you!"

"Your Majesty, absolutely not. The Burning Sky Desert is extremely dangerous. Not only are there high-level desert monsters, but also unpredictable weather conditions, and there is even the danger of sky fire. It is very dangerous for Your Majesty to go there!"

"You don't need to persuade me, in order to cure Xiao Ningbing, the danger must be gone."

Afterwards, Qin Shan immediately left for the Burning Sky Desert. The Burning Sky Desert was very dangerous, so Qin Shan decided to go alone this time, and it was convenient and faster to move alone.

Xiao Ningbing can only last for one month, Qin Shan must race against time.

After confirming the information and location, Qin Shan headed for the Burning Sky Desert in Xizhou as quickly as possible.

The Burning Sky Desert is very far away from the Shengtian Dynasty. Even if Qin Shan is desperately traveling day and night, it will take at least ten days, and the round trip will take 20 days. That is to say, Qin Shan must get the Sky Fire in the Burning Sky Desert within ten days.

Ten days later, Qin Shan Yujian flew to the edge of the Burning Sky Desert.

I don't know why, the heat flow in the sky of the Burning Sky Desert is extremely strong. Qin Shan originally wanted to continue flying with the sword until the center, but after entering the range of the Burning Sky Desert, the heat flow in the air has a strong hindrance, and even seriously consumed Qin Shan. The infuriating energy is more than ten times that under normal circumstances.

In this way, Yujian's flying speed in the air was slower than that of going underground, so Qin Shan simply walked on his feet.

The temperature in the Burning Sky Desert is very high. Even the edge area is so hot that Qin Shan is sweating profusely. The endless desert looks hopeless, and even warriors feel helpless in the sea of ​​desert.

However, Qin Shan couldn't control other things, and moved towards the center according to the location shown on the map.

"Go straight to the east, east... which is the east..." Qin Shan, a road idiot, lost his way after entering the desert. What's worse, the compass dedicated to Dragon Soul Continent didn't work here.

"Crap! Even the compass doesn't work. Obviously the rules here are rather chaotic, right? I can only go according to my intuition."

Afterwards, Qin Shan galloped in the desert, maybe Yu Jian flew into the air to check the situation, but a day later, Qin Shan found something was wrong.

Because the place he walked seemed to have been seen a day ago, that is to say, Qin Shan was going around in circles during this day.

"I can't go on like this, even if Yujian is flying, I don't know the direction, it's really stupid! It's the same everywhere in the desert." Qin Shan was speechless.

Just when Qin Shan was distressed, Qin Shan found a group of people in front of him, and he quickly chased after them.

"Brother, may I ask which side is the east side?" Qin Shan rushed to the front of a strong man and asked.

"Have you seen the sun in the sky? The direction facing the sun is the east. No matter how the sun moves, you just need to walk towards it. Also, I remind you that the Burning Sky Desert is very dangerous. When the sky is dark Don't act, otherwise you will not only lose your way, but also encounter unpredictable situations!" The strong man kindly reminded.

"Thank you for reminding me, goodbye!"

After knowing the direction, Qin Shan ran towards the sun. Sure enough, Qin Shan quickly found some iconic locations marked on the map, such as large rock piles and desert oases. These signs told Qin Shan that the direction was correct.

Qin Shan traveled a certain distance, and the sky gradually darkened, but he didn't intend to stop. He planned to advance a certain distance before stopping, in order to get to the center faster.

Obviously, Qin Shan forgot the reminder from the strong man just now.

(End of this chapter)

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