Invincible red envelope emperor

Chapter 383 The Dog Leg of the Flame Empire

Chapter 383 The Dog Leg of the Flame Empire
When the Emperor of the Flame Empire issued an order, Huo Yuguo, who was a horse boy, acted in a hurry, and immediately dispatched 60 troops to attack the Shengtian Dynasty with great fanfare, without concealing his intentions.

When the Fire Rain Country army launched, Ren Zhongjun received the news immediately.

"I would like to inform Your Majesty that the Huoyu Kingdom in Xizhou suddenly sent 60 troops to cross the Qiuyue Mountain to attack our Shengtian Dynasty. If you deal with us!" Ren Zhongjun came to report the military situation to Qin Shan.

"Fire Rain Country? What kind of country is this?" Qin Shan wasn't even familiar with some countries in the East Continent, so naturally he didn't know the countries in the West Continent.

"The Fire Rain Country is a relatively large country in Xizhou. It has always been an ally of the Raging Flame Empire. To put it bluntly, it is the younger brother. As long as the Raging Flame Empire gives an order, they will be the first to show themselves.

Over the years, the Raging Flame Empire has benefited a lot from its positive performance, and its national strength has become very strong. The Raging Flame Empire is also happy to have such a younger brother, and intends to make the Fire Rain Country the second largest country in Western Continent, so this Fire Rain Country is not weak at all. , the strength is only stronger than the previous prosperous empire! "

After receiving the military information, Ren Zhongjun collected information about Huoyu Country, and reported what he knew to Qin Shan at this time.

Hearing Ren Zhongjun's words, Qin Shan rubbed his chin and said, "It means that the Huoyu Kingdom is the dog of the Raging Flame Empire. Do the other two empires know about this?"

"Of course, both the Storm Empire in the South Continent and the Hengyuan Empire in the North Continent have received the news, but they didn't say anything. Obviously they acquiesced to the actions of the Flame Empire." Ren Zhongjun nodded in response.

"This group of guys kept saying that it was for peace, but now it's better to launch a war directly. They really think that our Shengtian Dynasty is easy to bully! If that's the case, then we should fight them directly. Anyway, our soldiers from the Shengtian Dynasty will do their best at any time." Now that we are ready, General Ren, immediately gather an army of 60, and I will personally teach this dog of Huoyu Kingdom a lesson!"

"As ordered!"

After giving the order, Ren Zhongjun quickly mobilized 60 troops.

There is a Qiuyue Mountain Range between Xizhou and Dongzhou, and there is a small country between the Shengtian Dynasty and the Qiuyue Mountain Range.

The small country in the middle heard that the Huoyu Kingdom was going to attack the Shengtian Dynasty, and opened its doors to welcome it.

Now that the Shengtian Dynasty is dominating the East Continent, other small countries are trembling, wishing for a country to destroy the Shengtian Dynasty, and now the dogs of the Raging Flame Empire are coming to deal with the Shengtian Dynasty, how can they not welcome it.

After entering this small country, the Huoyu Kingdom's army was stationed at the border of the Shengtian Dynasty, as if they were about to attack at any time.

At this time, Qin Shan led an army of 60 troops to the border without haste.

"Your Majesty, the Fire Rain Country's army is only twenty miles away, and it is estimated that they will attack soon. At the same time, we have also received news that the Raging Flame Empire has also sent 40 troops to support the Fire Rain Country. It adds up to 100 million." Ren Zhongjun reported to Qin Shanhui standing on the city wall.

Qin Shan moved a chair and sat on the city wall with his legs crossed. Ling Yin slowly squeezed his shoulders for him, and Daji next to him smiled and fed Qin Shan with grapes.

Qin Shan ate a grape, spat out a grape heavily, and said: "It's only a million, even if they attack us together, why not be afraid, now the strength of our fighters in the Shengtian Dynasty has improved a few levels, just to take Let the Fire Rain Nation's army practice their skills, let them get acquainted with their new power."

Ren Zhongjun nodded, he was not worried at all.

First of all, the enemy's army of 100 million is not all together, but the Huoyu Kingdom's 60 in front and the Raging Flame Empire's 40 in the rear. It is absolutely possible to kill the Huoyu's army before the support of the Raging Flame Empire arrives.
Secondly, although the Huoyu Kingdom has good strength and can be compared with the previous Prosperous Empire, it is far behind the current Shengtian Dynasty. Their 60 army is not the opponent of the Shengtian Dynasty at all. People from the Flame Empire may have to worry about it.

In the end, since Qin Shan became the emperor of the Shengtian Dynasty, the Shengtian Dynasty has never lost a war, and there will be no defeats in the future. All the fighters of the Shengtian Dynasty know this very well.

So in Ren Zhongjun's view, Qin Shan's relaxed state is normal.

"By the way, Your Majesty, Fire Rain Country is most famous for its fire-attribute mages. Their country's fire-attribute mages are very powerful. They are well-known in the entire West Continent. They are so powerful that they can even destroy a small country with one person!" Ren Zhongjun suddenly thought of something. Things reminded.

"They are good at fire, then I will cool them down later." Xiao Ningbing beside Qin Shan said lightly.

In this regard, Qin Shan's mouth curled up into a smile, and he said with great interest: "It's also good to cool down, so as not to be too hot."

Ren Zhongjun glanced at Xiao Ningbing curiously. He heard that Xiao Ningbing's strength had greatly increased after he was seriously ill, but he didn't know exactly how powerful it was. He could look forward to it when the Fire Rain Country attacked.

An hour later, Qin Shan on the city wall could already see the Huoyu Kingdom's army appearing in sight.

Ren Zhongjun immediately shouted loudly: "The whole army obeys the order, the Huoyu Kingdom's army has arrived, everyone takes their positions!"

"As ordered!"

"Mage team, prepare!"


"Archer, get ready!"



The army of the Shengtian Dynasty was ready and was waiting for the Huoyu Kingdom to attack the city.

Soon, the Huoyu Kingdom's 60 troops came not far from the city.

In the center of the army, a six-grade monster scarlet fire giant elephant with a height of seven or eight meters stands out. The highest general of Huoyu Kingdom's army sits on the giant elephant's back, with an air of aloofness and contemptuousness, as if everything is nothing to him.

"The emperor of the Shengtian Dynasty, please listen to this general. I am the general of the Huoyu Kingdom, known as the 'General Burning Heaven'. I advise you Shengtian Dynasty to be obedient and arrest you, otherwise this general will burn your Shengtian Dynasty to ashes!" General Fen Tian pointed at Qin Shan on the city wall and roared loudly, with contempt in his tone.

Qin Shan didn't take it seriously at all, and said while eating the apples that Daji fed him: "If you want to burn our Shengtian Dynasty, you have to see if you have the ability. There is a saying called, um, it's called playing with fire and self-immolation. It broke the game."

"Hahaha! It's really brazen. A country in Dongzhou is so brazen. In our eyes, you don't have much ability in Dongzhou. Even if the former prosperous empire is placed in our West Continent, it is only a second-rate country, like you. Dynasty, even third-rates are not considered!"

"Hehe, then I want to see how capable a first-class country like you is."

(End of this chapter)

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