Invincible red envelope emperor

Chapter 384 Xiao Ningbing Appears

Chapter 384 Xiao Ningbing Appears

The Fire Rain Country doesn't understand the Shengtian Dynasty at all. In their eyes, all the countries in Dongzhou are low-level countries, and even the Shengtian Dynasty before it was destroyed is not worth mentioning, let alone the Shengtian Dynasty that they have never heard of.

The Fire Rain Country only cares about one thing, that is, if the Raging Flame Empire wants to destroy the Shengtian Dynasty, they must take the lead and strive to perform well in front of the Raging Flame Empire.

Therefore, in Huo Yuguo's view, killing the Shengtian Dynasty at the fastest speed is an opportunity to perform.

General Fentian looked at Qin Shan who was sitting leisurely on the city wall, his eyes were full of disdain, and he continued to shout: "Soon this general will show you what is the strength of a real powerful country, and your victory over the Tian Dynasty even has the chance to resist. None, at that time, even if you regret it, it won't help, because your chance has already been missed!"

Qin Shan smiled disapprovingly: "Go ahead if you have the ability, don't beep!"

"Damn! You're so arrogant, so go ahead!"

General Fen Tian was furious, he directly raised his arm and swung it violently.

In an instant, a large number of sorcerers in the Fire Rain Nation's army cast out fire-attribute spells at the same time.

Immediately, a powerful wave of fire attribute energy fluctuated, and then countless fireballs appeared above the city wall, falling rapidly like raindrops.

"Haha! From now on, all of you will be shrouded in fire rain, enjoy the heat and scalding to your heart's content!" General Fen Tian laughed loudly, as if he had seen Qin Shan's people buried in the sea of ​​flames.

However, Qin Shan, who was sitting on the city wall, remained calm and continued to eat fruits leisurely.


Suddenly, the rain of fire falling in the sky was blocked by an invisible energy, and it exploded directly in the air, as if setting off fireworks, which looked very brilliant.

This is the defensive formation prepared by Qin Shan in advance, and ordinary attacks cannot be broken at all, unless the attack can exceed Qin Shan's cultivation.

Seeing this scene, the smile on General Fentian's face froze instantly, and the soldiers of Fire Rain Country also showed surprised expressions.

"To be able to block our Fire Rain attack, this defensive formation is too powerful!"

"The one who sets up this defensive formation must be at the master level."

"I thought it could be solved easily, but unexpectedly, there was an accident!"


While the soldiers of the Huoyu Kingdom were discussing, General Fentian frowned, "It's really unexpected, the Shengtian Dynasty actually has such a defensive formation, it seems that conventional methods can't deal with them, if that's the case, let's attack directly ! Stormtroopers, come on!"

General Fen Tian gave an order, leading a large group of soldiers riding monster beasts to rush towards the city wall.

At this time, Ren Zhongjun on the city wall waved his arm, and a group of mages behind him activated their spells instantly.

Booming... In an instant, the ground in front of the city wall exploded, and a huge gully appeared, and the Huoyu Nation's charging team fell directly into the gully.

Although it was discovered in time later, this wave directly caused the Fire Rain Country to lose thousands of people.

"General Fen Tian, ​​you seem to be a little bit unfavorable. Is this the strength of a first-class country? If it's really just these things, then I will be very disappointed." Qin Shan shook his head and said with a look of disdain.

"Don't be complacent, continue to charge for this general!" General Fen Tian shouted angrily, and the Huo Yu Nation's army rushed up together.

The Shengtian Dynasty directly launched a long-range attack. The enemy army had already prepared and easily resisted the Shengtian Dynasty's attack.

"Flame thrust!"

Because Qin Shan's defensive formation is too strong, Fire Rain Country no longer disperses the attack, and let all the fire mages concentrate their attacks. A mage's power is limited, but the attack power of tens of thousands of mages is powerful.

Boom boom boom!
Under the attack of countless fire dragons, the defensive formation of the moat finally shattered like glass.

Seeing this scene, General Fen Tian immediately showed a cruel smile: "Your defensive formation has been breached, and it's time for you to perish next, the rain of fire descends!"

After breaking through the defensive formation, General Fen Tian once again ordered the mage to rain down fire.

At this time, the army of the Shengtian Dynasty took out their shields and resisted all the rain of fire that fell.

The equipment in the hands of the Shengtian Dynasty was carefully crafted by Qin Shan, and its defense power was amazing. The fire rain falling from the sky could not damage the shield at all.

Seeing this scene, General Fen Tian frowned again.

"Kill!" The soldiers of Huoyu Kingdom had already reached the edge of the city wall, and many people were already climbing up.

At this time, Qin Shan stood up, slowly stretched his waist, and said to Xiao Ningbing who was beside him: "Ningbing, it seems that you have been eager to try it for a long time, and it's time to cool them down!"

"No problem!" Xiao Ningbing nodded excitedly.

With a whoosh, Xiao Ningbing disappeared in place, and then quickly jumped towards the Huoyu Kingdom's army.

At this time, some soldiers of Huoyu Kingdom saw Xiao Ningbing and jumped down.

"General, there seems to be a woman who jumped down from the Shengtian Dynasty!"

General Fen Tian pursed his lips and said disapprovingly: "What kind of waves can a mere woman afford, let her come, she will be ravaged to death by our Fire Rain Nation army in no time, haha!"

At this moment, Xiao Ningbing had leapt to the sky above the group of fire attribute mages.

Seeing the menacing Xiao Ningbing, a group of mages immediately attacked Xiao Ningbing.

"Fire Dragon Rampage!"

In an instant, a huge fire dragon bombarded Xiao Ningbing in the air.

Xiao Ningbing continued to rush towards these mages as if she didn't see it.


The huge fire dragon directly hit Xiao Ningbing's body, submerging Xiao Ningbing in an instant.

A smile appeared on the faces of these mages.

"Hehe! This woman is so weak, she was killed in an instant, and she dared to rush over directly. She is courting death. There is something wrong with her head!"

"It's not that there is a problem with the woman, but that the emperor of the Shengtian Dynasty has a problem. He is an idiot, and he sent this woman to lead the battle, idiot!"

"The Shengtian Dynasty is about to perish, ha... no, look at the sky! Then... that woman is not dead yet!"

While everyone was laughing, someone was shocked to find that Xiao Ningbing was still alive, and even passed through the fire dragon directly without any damage on her body.

"Attack, keep attacking!"

Boom boom boom!
In an instant, several fire dragons blasted towards Xiao Ningbing again, but before they touched Xiao Ningbing, these fire dragons collapsed in an instant, which stunned the mages below.

Suddenly, Xiao Ningbing's body disappeared into the air, and in the blink of an eye she appeared among this group of mages, and then turned into a cloud of white mist and shuttled among them.

In the blink of an eye, Xiao Ningbing reappeared, the dagger in her hand was radiating a chill.

Just when everyone was stunned.

Quack quack... A series of freezing sounds sounded, and dozens of mages turned into ice sculptures.

Click!Immediately afterwards, there was a crisp sound, and the ice sculptures transformed by dozens of mages instantly shattered into ice slag.

(End of this chapter)

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