Invincible red envelope emperor

Chapter 385 Xiao Ningbing's Battle

Chapter 385 Xiao Ningbing's Battle
Seeing dozens of mages shattered into ice chips in an instant, everyone around looked stunned.

"Good... What a terrifying power, it turned dozens of people into ice chips in an instant, what a powerful power it must be!"

"This woman is so strong, it's incredible!"


In a burst of horror, the people around reacted.

"Quick, get rid of this woman immediately, and focus on attacking!"

In an instant, the mages around used spells to attack Xiao Ningbing together, and a huge whirlwind of flames wrapped Xiao Ningbing in it, completely devouring her.

Facing the huge whirlwind of flames, Xiao Ningbing's expression was calm and composed, as if the whirlwind in front of her was insignificant.

Just when the whirlwind of flames was about to devour Xiao Ningbing, her body spun violently, and a gust of white cold air gushed out from the dagger in her hand.

Then, in everyone's horrified eyes, the huge flame whirlwind instantly turned into a snow storm.

"My God! What the hell is going on? Our fire tornado has turned into a snow storm. What the hell is going on?! What kind of power is this? She actually reversed our attack, it's so incredible!"


When everyone was amazed, the ice and snow storm burst instantly.

With a clatter, hundreds of people were instantly enveloped in it. Hundreds of people instantly turned into ice sculptures, and even the ground was frozen with a thick layer of ice. Immediately afterwards, a spectacular scene happened, and hundreds of people collapsed into slag at the same time. .

Before the people around could react, Xiao Ningbing turned into a mass of white shadows, moving through the Fire Rain Nation army like a ghost.Some masters tried to block Xiao Ningbing's footsteps, but not many of her who had already reached the fifth rank of Emperor Wu could resist, and Xiao Ningbing killed them all with one move.


Under Xiao Ningbing's attack, more people turned into ice sculptures, and the temperature within a radius of [-] meters became extremely cold.

"General Fen Tian, ​​something is wrong, that woman is so terrifying, she is about to slaughter all our mages, our people are no match at all!"

General Fen Tian didn't care about Xiao Ningbing at first, but when his eyes shifted to Xiao Ningbing's place, his eyes were full of shock.

"That woman is so powerful, hurry up, let the elite go over and stop her immediately!"

"General, I can't stop it, they were all killed by that woman with one move."

"Damn! That general will do it himself!"

General Fen Tian was immediately enraged, jumped up in an instant, and directly slashed at Xiao Ningbing who was killing everyone with a big knife in his hand.

"You are so arrogant in front of this general, you really don't know what is good or bad, let this general die!" General Fen Tian shouted angrily, and the sword in his hand shot out a flaming saber energy instantly.

Rumbling... Flame saber aura mixed with the aura of Ben Lei rushed towards Xiao Ningbing at a high speed.

Xiao Ningbing stopped instantly, the dagger in her hand blocked fiercely,

With a bang, Xiao Ningbing took several steps back due to the berserk force, but the flame saber energy was firmly blocked.

Seeing that General Fen Tian personally took action, the Huo Yu Nation's army breathed a sigh of relief.

"General Fen Tian took action himself. The general is already at the fifth rank of the Martial Emperor Realm. It's easy to kill this woman, so don't worry!"

Ren Zhongjun on the city wall narrowed his eyes slightly, glanced at Qin Shan next to him and said, "Your Majesty, Miss Ning Bing has indeed become much stronger, but General Fen Tian doesn't look weak, do you really need help?"

Qin Shan shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile: "The two are about the same level of cultivation, and it happens that Ning Bing can use this battle to stabilize her own strength, so she doesn't need to intervene in their battle. In addition, General Ren, the west side of the city wall is about to break through, so move your hands Bar."

Ren Zhongjun immediately looked to the west of the city wall, and found that the Shengtian Dynasty fighting over there was shocked by Xiao Ningbing's strength, forgetting that the soldiers of Huoyu Kingdom were still attacking.

"You bastards, what are you doing standing in a daze, the enemy is rushing up so fast, hurry up and fight back!" Ren Zhongjun was furious immediately, and rushed over to roar angrily.

Hearing the roar of Ren Zhongjun, the soldiers of the Shengtian Dynasty woke up and started to fight back.

At this time, Qin Shan stood up suddenly, stretched his waist, and then shouted loudly: "It's boring to defend passively like this. Next, open the city gate and rush out to kill the enemy!"

"Hoho! It's finally time to move!" Xiao Hei on Qin Shan's shoulder jumped into the air in excitement, his body suddenly became bigger, and then swooped down.

Rumbling... Xiaohei's dragon breath directly enveloped the Huoyu Kingdom army under the city wall, and hundreds of people were instantly corroded into black water. ,

Afterwards, the gate of the city was opened, and the army of the Shengtian Dynasty rushed out.

"Kill! Get rid of these bastards!"

Seeing the army of the Shengtian Dynasty rushing out directly, the Huoyu Kingdom's army was not only not afraid, but was very excited.

"Fuck! The Shengtian Dynasty directly opened the city gate. This group of idiots should send us in directly, haha... Brothers, this is such a good opportunity, go ahead and kill them directly!"

The Huoyu Kingdom's army thought that they could easily kill the soldiers of the Shengtian Dynasty by opening the city gate. After all, within the scope of their understanding, the Shengtian Dynasty was only a third-rate country, and its combat effectiveness was negligible.

But when they officially fought with the fighters of the Shengtian Dynasty, they realized that they had made a mistake, and it was a big mistake.


The collision of the two armies was like sparks hitting the earth. The Huoyu Nation's army was killed instantly, thousands of people were lost almost instantly.

Immediately afterwards, the soldiers behind the Fire Rain Country retreated steadily.

"Brothers, kill, wipe out all the enemy troops!" Ren Zhongjun raised his sword and raised his arms and shouted.

Afterwards, the army of the Shengtian Dynasty rushed towards the army of the Huoyu Kingdom like a tide, and the army of the Huoyu Kingdom could not stop the soldiers of the Shengtian Dynasty at all.

"General Fentian, something is wrong. The army of the Shengtian Dynasty is stronger than we imagined, and our soldiers can't stop their attack at all!" The soldiers of Huoyu Kingdom reported to General Fentian in horror.

General Fentian looked at the battle position, his eyes were full of horror, "The army of the Shengtian Dynasty can resist our attack, how is this possible!"

Suddenly, a gust of cold air rushed towards his face, General Fen Tian's face changed drastically, and the big knife in his hand rushed to block it.

With a crisp sound, General Fen Tian slammed back more than ten meters, the big knife in his hand was frozen by the extremely cold air, and he quickly circulated the true energy in his body to dissolve it.

"I'm afraid you don't have time to pay attention to other things now, otherwise you will die in my hands very soon." Xiao Ningbing looked at General Fen Tian with a cold face and said.

"Hmph! A mere woman dares to be arrogant in front of this general, and she doesn't know what to do!" General Fen Tian sneered, his momentum soared, and he rushed directly to Xiao Ningbing.

(End of this chapter)

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