Invincible red envelope emperor

Chapter 386 Defeating the Fire Rain Country Army

Chapter 386 Defeating the Fire Rain Country Army

General Fen Tian's strength is not weak, and his cultivation level is similar to that of Xiao Ningbing. In fact, in terms of real strength, Xiao Ningbing will definitely beat General Fen Tian.But now Xiao Ningbing has just been promoted, and her strength has not yet stabilized, so she is on par with General Fen Tian for the time being.

Bang bang bang!
The battle between Xiao Ningbing and General Fentian was very fierce. General Fentian's was fire, while Xiao Ningbing was cold. The battle between the two of them made no one stand within a hundred meters, and even someone would be hurt.

Seeing that Xiao Ningbing and General Fentian were evenly matched, all the soldiers of Huoyu Kingdom were quite shocked.

"That woman is so powerful that she is evenly matched with General Fen Tian. It's unbelievable. Who the hell is she?"

"It's no wonder that the Shengtian Dynasty can become the overlord of Dongzhou, they still have some strength!"

"Although that woman is very powerful, she cannot be the opponent of General Fen Tian, ​​and she will be beheaded by our general in the end!"


General Fen Tian was also surprised that Xiao Ningbing was so strong. He paused, squinted his eyes and said: "I didn't expect that the trash emperor of the Shengtian Dynasty would have such a master to help him. The advantage, why not come to our Fire Rain Country, this general promises to make you more comfortable!"

Xiao Ningbing curled her lips in disdain and said, "Idiot!"

General Fen Tian's face suddenly turned cold, and he said angrily: "You really don't know what's good and what's wrong. If that's the case, this general will execute you right now. This time, this general will be serious!"

As he spoke, the true energy of General Fen Tian's whole body condensed in his arms.

Xiao Ningbing could clearly feel the temperature of the surrounding air soaring.

With the sound of howling wind, General Fen Tian suddenly jumped up, and then rushed towards Xiao Ningbing quickly.

"Earth-shattering slash!" General Fen Tian yelled, the Dao in his hand suddenly burst into a majestic flame, and then slashed down heavily.

The majestic saber energy wrapped in a rich flame descended from the sky.

Facing General Fen Tian's attack, Xiao Ningbing did not dodge, but prepared to meet it.

If you want to better stabilize your strength, confronting the enemy is the most correct choice. Xiao Ningbing knows this very well, so she has to resist this move.

I saw Xiao Ningbing rapidly condensing the extremely Yin Qi in her body, the short sword in her hand was emitting a strong cold air, and the ground under her feet also made a frozen crunching sound.

"Feng Ming!"

Xiao Ningbing uttered two words lightly, her hands suddenly turned into phantoms, and then, a huge white phoenix was formed. The white phoenix was braving the cold air, and it had huge destructive power just by looking at it.


Bai Fenghuang let out a phoenix cry, and then rushed towards the flame saber air in the air.


The two forces collided, making a violent roar, and the ground with a radius of hundreds of meters was shaking.

However, the flame saber energy was completely unable to block the impact of Bai Fenghuang, and Bai Fenghuang continued to charge upwards, bombarding towards General Fen Tian.

" is this possible! This general's attack was actually destroyed by a little girl, how is this possible!"

With a bang, the white phoenix bombarded General Fentian, and then exploded in the air. The white mist burst open instantly, and ice shards instantly condensed on the ground with a radius of [-] meters.

General Fen Tian also turned into an ice sculpture and fell from the sky.


When General Fen Tian's body fell to the ground, it was smashed to pieces.

Seeing this scene, all the Huoyu soldiers stared wide-eyed, which was a result that none of them expected.

General Fen Tian was killed by Xiao Ning Bing with one move, this shock cannot be described anymore.

"It's... so scary! General Fen Tian was... killed!" Everyone trembled in fear.

Xiao Ningbing ignored these people, thrust the dagger in her hand into the ground, and said coldly: "Frozen thousands of miles!"

Quack quack... With Xiao Ningbing as the center, the majestic cold air instantly spread to the surroundings, and everything around was frozen. In a few blinks of an eye, the range spread to hundreds of meters away, and all the soldiers of Huoyu Kingdom within the range were all shocked. Become an ice sculpture.

Because this is the central position of the Fire Rain Nation's army, Xiao Ningbing is not worried about hurting her own people.

Just like that, thousands of Fire Rain Nation soldiers instantly shattered and turned into pitiful ice shards.

"Hiss!" The Fire Rain Nation soldier gasped, and couldn't believe his eyes. This kind of attack could no longer be described in words, it was too shocking.

Seeing Xiao Ningbing deal with General Fen Tian, ​​a bright smile appeared on Qin Shan's face.

"That's right, it's really good, the battle was resolved so quickly, since that's the case, let's resolve the war as soon as possible!"

As he spoke, Qin Shan jumped into the air and stretched his arms violently.

The spark burning skill was activated instantly, and the Huoyu Kingdom's army was enveloped in a violent flame. The flames spread at a speed visible to the naked eye. At the beginning, there were only a few thousand people, and soon became tens of thousands, and finally tens of thousands.

The Huoyu Kingdom's army was no match for the soldiers of the Shengtian Dynasty, and now the general was killed, and Qin Shan also made a move. This caused the Huoyu Kingdom's army to completely collapse, and its morale dropped to the extreme.

In less than half an hour, half of Huoyu Kingdom's 60 troops were massacred, and this number continued to rise.

"Retreat! Retreat quickly! We are not opponents of the Shengtian Dynasty at all, everyone retreat!"

Up until now, Huo Yu Nation had no choice but to retreat, but it was already too late.

Of course, the fighters of the Shengtian Dynasty would not let these invaders escape, and kept chasing after them.

After chasing and killing for several miles, the bodies of Huoyu soldiers were everywhere, and less than a hundred thousand escaped. As for the Shengtian Dynasty, the damage was even negligible.

"Ren Zhongjun, where are the 40 reinforcements from the Flame Empire?" Qin Shan looked at Ren Zhongjun and asked.

"One hour ago, it was a hundred miles to the west, but now it is estimated to be only fifty miles away." Ren Zhongjun responded.

Qin Shan nodded, and then said with a cold face: "Before the Raging Flame Empire doesn't know the timing of the Huoyu Kingdom's defeat, order the army to directly wipe out the 40 troops of the Raging Flame Empire!"

"Obey!" Ren Zhongjun naturally had no objection, and then he stood on the city wall and scanned the entire army, "The whole army obeys the order, the 40 troops of the Raging Flame Empire are within fifty miles to the west, let us rush out and kill them, kill them! "

"Kill, kill, kill!" The soldiers of the Shengtian Dynasty were so excited that they all rushed out to fight towards the position of the Lie Yan Empire's army.


The location of the 40 troops of the Flame Empire.

"Report to the general, something is wrong. We just received the news that Huoyu Kingdom's 60 troops were completely defeated, with most of them killed or injured!"

"What? The Huoyu Kingdom's army was defeated, how is this possible! They had just reached the border of the Shengtian Dynasty an hour ago, how could they have been defeated in an hour! It is definitely false information!"

"This information is absolutely true!"

"General, it's not good. Our spies found the army of the Shengtian Dynasty ten miles away. They are coming fiercely, and they are about to rush over!"

"how can that be!"

(End of this chapter)

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