Invincible red envelope emperor

Chapter 388 Super Seed

Chapter 388 Super Seed
The sanctions imposed by the three empires on the Shengtian Dynasty did cause the Shengtian Dynasty to fall into temporary difficulties. Although Qin Shan thought of a self-sufficient method, he still didn't think of the specific method how to operate it.

Some parts of the Shengtian Dynasty fell into a state of famine, and even if the food from the national treasury was used, they could not be replenished, and the people were already complaining.

The three empires who learned of this situation seemed very happy, and even the emperors of the three empires sat together to toast and celebrate.

"The sanctions against the Shengtian Dynasty have achieved great results. According to intelligence, many places in the Shengtian Dynasty are currently suffering from famine. Because there is no external food supply, the people have protested. If it continues, the people will definitely rebel!" Lie Yan The emperor of the empire said to the other two emperors with a smile on his face.

"This rhythm is right. The Shengtian Dynasty is only a second-rate country in Dongzhou. It is courting death to fight against our three major empires. But then again, Lie Emperor, the combat power of your Lieyan Empire is a bit weak. It's really unexpected that the Heavenly Dynasty can't even deal with it." The Emperor of the Storm Empire said with great interest.

"Sooner or later, we will pull out this restless tumor of the Shengtian Dynasty, but your Flame Empire has indeed failed to play a role. Not only did you fail to kill the Shengtian Dynasty, but you were even repelled by the counterattack, turning into our Hengyuan Empire. The Heavenly Dynasty must have perished." The emperor of the Hengyuan Empire couldn't help but said.

The Emperor of the Flame Empire naturally knew that these two guys were mocking, so he could only smile wryly: "Don't underestimate the Shengtian Dynasty, especially that Emperor Sheng, it is simply a bottomless pit, and you will suffer if you underestimate him."

"You're wrong. Against the Shengtian Dynasty, our Storm Empire easily dealt with it. If our Southern Continent was not too far away from the Eastern Continent, they would definitely not have survived now!"

"This matter has passed, so it's meaningless to talk about it. Let's talk about what to do next." The emperor of the Raging Flame Empire didn't want to talk about such embarrassing things anymore, so he could only change the subject.

"The next thing is easy to handle. After the Shengtian Dynasty was sanctioned, the people in the country must have complained. At that time, riots will break out in various places. At this time, we will support a force and secretly help them overthrow Shengdi. In this way, Shengtian The dynasty will cease to exist!"

"This plan is good. Our Hengyuan Empire supports it. Anyway, Emperor Sheng is not an obedient person. It is better to support an obedient guy."


When the three empires were satisfied with the sanctions, Qin Shan was distressed.

Yue Zhijian received reports from many local officials, all saying that the people were protesting, and Qin Shan didn't have much to do about it.

"Your Majesty, you have worked so hard during this period. You have been thinking about how to turn the situation around all day. Seeing Your Majesty's frowning face makes Ling Yin feel very heartbroken." Ling Yin looked at Qin Shan, who was thinking hard, and said worriedly.

"Now is a difficulty I have encountered, and I must find a way to overcome it." Qin Shan said helplessly.

"I believe His Majesty can think of it, but His Majesty should not work too hard, otherwise it will be bad for your body." Ling Yin said while pinching Qin Shan's shoulders.

Qin Shan sighed, a little helpless.

At this moment, a red envelope appeared on the table in front of him.

Qin Shan didn't have much interest, just a little casually.

"Congratulations to the host for opening the red envelope and getting unlimited super seeds."

Super Seed: A one-time seed that can grow a large amount of grain within half a month, and the grain that comes out cannot be sown again.

Qin Shan's eyes lit up when he heard the system prompt in his head.

This red envelope system is simply a magic tool, what is lacking, what is there, just now I was worrying about food, and finally opened a red envelope to get a super seed.

This super seed is simply an incredible thing. It can only grow grain in half a month. Even taking away the seeds to sow is useless.

More importantly, the super seeds obtained by Qin Shan are unlimited, which means that the Shengtian Dynasty will not need to worry about food at all in the future.

"Hahaha! It's cool, it's really cool! It's like a miracle that I got a super seed." Qin Shan suddenly jumped up and shouted excitedly.

Seeing Qin Shan's appearance, Ling Yin was shocked, "Your Majesty, what's wrong with you? Don't scare me!"

"It's okay, I'm okay, I've thought of a solution to the predicament!" After saying that, Qin Shan left in a hurry.

"Ren Zhongjun, where are the barren hills in the imperial city?" Qin Shan who rushed out directly found Ren Zhongjun and asked.

"There is a mountain range in the eastern outskirts of the imperial city that is sparsely populated, and almost no one goes there at ordinary times." Ren Zhongjun responded.

"Very good, then transfer the army directly to that mountain range, cut down all the trees in the entire mountain range, and clear them all!" Qin Shan said excitedly.

Ren Zhongjun looked at Qin Shan in surprise, and said, "It's a big project to clear the entire mountain range. Even sending 50 troops will take several days."

"How many days does it take for a 50 army? The efficiency is too low, so that's it. If you call on the people to help, it's like asking the people to work and counting your wages with them."

"That's not a problem, so let's deal with it!"

Although Ren Zhongjun was full of curiosity, he didn't ask why. He knew that Qin Shan would definitely say what he wanted to say.

Subsequently, Ren Zhongjun mobilized 50 troops to the barren hills in the eastern suburbs, and at the same time called on 100 million people to help.

In just two days, the entire mountain range was completely emptied, leaving only bare mountains.

Regarding this, both the soldiers and the common people were very puzzled, not knowing what Qin Shan was playing.

"Why does Your Majesty want to clear the barren hills? Is there something important to do?"

"Your Majesty's thoughts, how could we small soldiers have thought of it, but it is a bit spectacular to clear such a large mountain range. It took 150 million people two days to do it."

While everyone was guessing, Qin Shan appeared in the air above their heads.

"Your work is not finished yet. I have a batch of seeds in my hand. Everyone takes a part and sprinkles it on the mountain. Then your task will be completely completed!" Qin Shan shouted to 150 million people.

Afterwards, Qin Shan distributed the super seeds to these people.

This made everyone very confused.

"Your Majesty gave us these seeds to grow food? But if you sprinkle the seeds on the mountain like this, can you grow food? I've lived for decades and I don't think I've seen such awesome seeds. I really don't know what your Majesty is doing. Thought."

"Your Majesty may want to solve the food crisis of our Shengtian Dynasty, but even if food can be grown on the mountain, the food in this mountain range cannot satisfy the famine in the whole country."

"You guys talk a lot of nonsense, if His Majesty tells you to do it, do it!"

(End of this chapter)

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