Invincible red envelope emperor

Chapter 389 Your Majesty Is the True God

Chapter 389 Your Majesty Is the True God

Subsequently, 150 million people began to sow super seeds on the mountain.

When the seeds were scattered on the mountain, a miraculous scene happened. The seeds went straight into the ground without even digging the soil.

It took 150 million people a full day to seed the entire mountain range.

After finishing it, Qin Shan ordered an army of 50 to guard the mountain range and not allow unknown people to approach.

Qin Shan made all this mysterious, everyone didn't know what Qin Shan was playing, even the people around Qin Shan were very puzzled.

But Qin Shan didn't explain this, because everyone will understand soon.

The next day, the soldiers guarding the mountains noticed something strange.

"My God! You can see how spectacular the situation on the mountain is!" Some soldiers shouted in shock.

"What's the fuss, let me see... mine! The entire mountain range has germinated. Could it be that the seeds planted yesterday have germinated? This speed is too fast! It's amazing!"

"Your Majesty is indeed growing food, this kind of seed is really awesome!"


I was surprised on the first day, and shocked on the second day, because the small buds have turned into young leaves, and they can also directly grow into big leaves on the third day.

In about ten days, the seeds grew into mature rice seedlings, and some even had ears of rice. After another two or three days, all the rice in the entire mountain range turned golden yellow, ready for a bumper harvest.

What is even more incredible is that the amount of rice is several times, even ten times higher than normal, which looks quite shocking.

The 50 troops guarding the mountains were all stunned when they saw the golden rice. At this moment, they finally knew that His Majesty's previous purpose was indeed to grow food.It's just that the food grows too fast, and the harvest will be abundant in less than half a month. This can no longer be described as magical, and only a true god can do it.

Not only the guards knew about this, but the people of the entire imperial city were watching this golden mountain range, and they could see this spectacular scene even from afar.

"Your Majesty is really amazing. In less than half a month, the entire mountain range has been turned into food. The amount of food is enough to meet the needs of the whole country!"

"A miracle! Absolutely a miracle! Your Majesty is no longer a man, but a true God!"

"Yes, only God can do such a thing!"


At this time, Qin Shan once again called on the army and the people to start harvesting grain.

"Ren Zhongjun, you will send someone to watch and count the amount of food later, and then distribute it to all parts of the country. The food in this mountain range can relieve this crisis. After the harvest is completed, continue to sow. In this way, our Shengtian Dynasty will not I will worry about food again!" Qin Shan said to the stunned Ren Zhongjun beside him.

Hearing Qin Shan's words, Ren Zhongjun woke up from his trance, nodded his head and said, "Yes, Your Majesty! By the way, the general is very curious, how did Your Majesty do it? This kind of thing can be done in less than half a month. It is a miracle that the harvest will be abundant at the right time.”

"Haha, yes, I am a god." Qin Shan said confidently.

Ren Zhongjun didn't feel that Qin Shan was joking. According to Qin Shan's current actions, he was indeed not much different from a god.

It took more than 100 million people harvesting for several days to complete the food for the entire mountain range, and then Ren Zhongjun personally sent people to send the food to those famine areas in space.

After enough food was distributed in various places, the whole country celebrated with joy, and the people rejoiced. They didn't care how the food was obtained, they only cared about whether there was food.

"Long live Your Majesty, we will no longer be hungry!"

"Your Majesty can obtain enough food in such a short period of time. Only such a monarch is worthy of allegiance. We will never question your Majesty's ability in the future. Your Majesty is a god, an omnipotent god!"

"I heard that His Majesty can grow food in less than half a month. This is a true miracle. Your Majesty is a true god!"

"That's right, only true gods have such abilities!"


Qin Shan was spread more and more by the people, and became more and more divine, and finally became a true god. Even those famine places had erected god statues for Qin Shan, and they treated Qin Shan no longer as His Majesty, but more like a kind of faith.

The short-term chaos of the Shengtian Dynasty stopped immediately, and the people returned to calm. Even if they had no contacts with other countries, they were already self-sufficient in terms of food.


The three empires who received the news were quite shocked by this. Even with their toes, they never thought that Qin Shan would end the crisis so quickly. They thought the news they heard was false.

"What did you say? The food crisis of the Shengtian Dynasty has been resolved? How is this possible! Where did they get so much food, did it drop out of thin air? It's only been half a month, and the news you brought back is fake Go!" The Emperor of the Flame Empire looked at his subordinates in disbelief.

"Your Majesty, this matter is absolutely true. The famine problem in all areas of the Shengtian Dynasty has been resolved. I heard that Emperor Sheng has a miracle, and he has grown grain in less than half a month. Only then can he have a steady stream of supplies. "

"Growing food in less than half a month? You are lying! What kind of food can be grown in more than ten days? It's ridiculous. Give me a try!" The emperor didn't believe it at all, but he couldn't explain it. The situation of Shengtian Dynasty.

"Your Majesty, no matter whether this matter is true or not, our intelligence is absolutely correct, because we also doubt it, so the spies went to the imperial city and saw them growing food on the mountain. The scene was really shocking."

"I don't believe such absurd things will happen. I will send more spies to verify it immediately. I want to know the truth! In addition, I want to get some food from the Shengtian Dynasty, and I want to see if it is really so magical!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Then the Flame Empire sent spies to investigate again. Similar things happened to the other two empires, and they were also shocked and disbelieved by this matter.

However, the result of the investigation was the same, and the facts did not change. They took the grain back for testing, and found that the grain that had been planted had no movement at all, and nothing could be verified at all.

The three empires had no choice but to accept this fact, although they were very unwilling.

As soon as the food crisis of the Shengtian Dynasty was lifted, the sanctions imposed by the three empires became a complete joke, and this time the sanctions made the people of the Shengtian Dynasty regard Qin Shan as a true god, and it even became a belief in the hearts of many people. Helping Qin Shan to win people's hearts even more.

After the chaos subsided, Qin Shan could finally breathe a sigh of relief and rest leisurely in the harem.

Lying quietly in the bath, beside Ling Yin and Ning Bing personally serving Qin Shan, a dozen beautiful maids next to him change the water and massage Qin Shan from time to time... Let Qin Shan really enjoy the emperor's treatment.

(End of this chapter)

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