Invincible red envelope emperor

Chapter 393 An Inexplicable Attack

Chapter 393 An Inexplicable Attack

"Damn! Qin Shan wants to escape, so hurry up and catch up!"

"Kill him at all costs!"

"They have entered the sacred cemetery, do we really want to chase them directly? The sacred cemetery is very dangerous, and it is difficult for us to guarantee safety!"

"Your Majesty has issued an order to kill him no matter what the situation is, and the soldiers of our Storm Empire's Storm Guards will arrive soon. When they arrive, it will be the end of Qin Shan!"


Compared with their own danger, the soldiers of the Storm Empire cared more about killing Qin Shan. After all, they dared not disobey the emperor's order at this time.

Qin Shan could have easily gotten rid of the people of the Storm Empire, but he deliberately left various clues to let the pursuers of the Storm Empire follow closely behind.

Soon, Qin Shan entered a mountain forest full of mist, and he felt a depressing atmosphere after entering.

"It's such a strong hostility, there must have been a fierce fight here!" Qin Shan said, frowning as he advanced.

"After all, the ones fighting here are the peak powerhouses of the mainland back then, and their aura has changed the environment." Song Yunxin nodded, "By the way, is it okay to let the people of the Storm Empire follow? They will definitely send experts to hunt down, Xiong People who fight mercenaries will also know."

"The Kuangfeng Empire and the Shengtian Dynasty will be enemies in the end. It is wise to take this opportunity to consume the enemy's combat power, so there is no problem. Anyway, they are now in the sacred tomb forest. The more people they encounter, the more danger they will encounter." Qin Shan said. Shrugged and said disapprovingly.

As soon as he finished speaking, Qin Shan's face changed, and a huge wind blade rushed towards him.

Qin Shan dodged the wind blade in an instant, and the wind blade almost brushed against Qin Shan's hair.

Boom!The wind blade finally hit the ground, directly blasting a large hole several meters deep.

Immediately afterwards, countless wind blades appeared in front of Qin Shan and struck him head-on.

"Fuck! The wind blade appeared out of nowhere!"

Qin Shan hurriedly stepped aside with Song Yunxin.

Rumbling... These wind blades swept wildly in the forest, instantly destroying everything within a radius of tens of meters, and then fell silent, as if nothing had happened before.

Qin Shan was dumbfounded, and Song Yunxin next to him explained: "This is the danger I mentioned before. This is an attack left over from thousands of years ago, and sometimes it will pop up out of nowhere."

"What's going on here?" Qin Shan asked in surprise.

"There are a lot of special spirit stones around here. These spirit stones absorb the attack at that time and will be released later, so when and what attack will appear are random." Song Yunxin thought for a while and said.

"Quick! Qin Shan is right ahead, catch up immediately!"

At this time, Qin Shan saw dozens of soldiers from the Stormwind Empire chasing after him.

The soldiers also saw Qin Shan, but just as they were about to attack, a majestic flame burst out from the ground, instantly enveloping dozens of soldiers.

Boom... The flames spewed out and directly burned dozens of people into coke.

The people behind were stunned when they saw this scene.

"Stop temporarily, there will be an attack in this position, be careful!" The other soldiers behind were aware of this phenomenon, and hurriedly stopped and proceeded cautiously.

As for Qin Shan, he showed a smile, "This sacred tomb forest is really interesting, so let's move on to find the senior members of the Temple School."

"It should be in the center of the sacred tomb forest, we just keep going in a straight line." Song Yunxin nodded and continued to move forward with Qin Shan.

Next, Qin Shan and Song Yunxin continued to advance, but their speed was still not fast, deliberately letting the pursuers of the Storm Empire follow closely behind.

On the way, he encountered many inexplicable attacks. Fortunately, Qin Shan's cultivation had already reached the eighth rank of the Martial Emperor Realm, so he could basically deal with them.

However, the closer to the center the stronger the attack will be.

When he reached the edge of the central area, the attacks Qin Shan encountered were already close to Wu Zunjing. Fortunately, these attacks were not targeted, otherwise Qin Shan would have faced some difficulties.

At this time, a huge abyss appeared in front of Qin Shan's eyes. The abyss was bottomless, but he could feel the more intense hostility below the abyss.

"Yun Xin, are you familiar with the breath below the abyss?" Qin Shan looked at the abyss in front of him and asked Song Yunxin.

"Well, this kind of breath is very familiar. It is the breath of the Temple School's unique technique "Wuji Gong". This position should be the position where the top officials of the Temple School fight the enemy." Song Yunxin nodded with certainty.

"The clue should be under the abyss, do you want to go there?" Qin Shan asked.

"At this point, no matter what the situation is, I have to get an answer. No matter how dangerous it is down here, I will find out with you." Song Yunxin nodded in response.

"Okay, let's go down then!"

Saying that, Qin Shan jumped into the abyss first, followed by Song Yunxin.

When Qin Shan and Song Yunxin jumped down, the pursuers of the Storm Empire had already arrived.

"They jumped into the abyss, shall we follow?"

"Of course, most of them went straight down, while the rest stayed and waited for the soldiers of the Storm Guards."

Whoosh whoosh... After finishing speaking, the people of the Storm Empire also jumped down.

However, as soon as he jumped off, several spatial cracks suddenly appeared, and a dozen people were directly cut off in the middle.

Of course, this couldn't stop the Stormwind Empire's pursuit.

After a while, the elite soldiers of the Storm Guards from the Storm Empire rushed over and directly descended into the abyss.


On the other side, not far from the gully, high-level members of the Xiongzhan mercenaries also gathered here.

"Leader, we have reached the center of the sacred forest. In order to deal with that Qin Shan, we have already lost hundreds of brothers. Is it really worth it?" A high-level person asked helplessly.

"This is the dignity of our heroic mercenaries. Of course it is worth it. We have come to this point. That kid must be killed." The regiment leader said with a serious face.

At this moment, a brother rushed over, "Report to the head, we followed the soldiers of the Kuangwu Empire to find Qin Shan, and he has jumped from the abyss in the center."

"If that's the case, then continue to catch up!"

As he said that, the members of the Xiongzhan Mercenary Group also chased after him.


After the members of the Xiongzhan Mercenary Group jumped into the abyss, several people appeared on the edge of the abyss, they were members of Mietian.

"It's really lively here. We came here to collect corpses, but unexpectedly, we met Qin Shan, the elite of the Storm Empire, and even the high-level executives of the Xiongzhan Mercenary Corps. Tsk tsk... It seems that the corpses we collected by then More than expected." Dead Soul said with interest.

"They are fighting among the top three. When they lose three times and fear injury, we will be behind." The tree god smiled sinisterly.

"You all failed before, how dare you say that?" A skinny man next to him said disdainfully.

The dead soul and the tree god had uncertain expressions. They glanced at the man, but they still didn't speak in the end.

"Since we have encountered a stumbling block to Mietian here, let me solve Qin Shan." The skinny man said coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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