Chapter 394
When Qin Shan and Song Yunxin jumped down the valley, the hostility was even stronger, and even the air was filled with tiny wind blades, and small wind blade tornadoes blew up from time to time, and then the surroundings were filled with a lot of attribute power, and they would attack if they didn't pay attention.

Qin Shan and Song Yunxin could feel the aura of the high-level members of the Temple Sect during the battle, and they followed the aura to search after they entered the canyon. During the search, the two of them were extra careful, because there would be attacks from time to time, some even Qin Shan could Some can't bear it.

"Ah..." There were screams from time to time in the rear, obviously the pursuers of the Storm Empire were killed.

Regarding this, Qin Shan expressed his pleasure, these idiots really dared to catch up, it was just a matter of death, but he didn't mind the Storm Empire doing more death.

After searching for about half an hour, Song Yunxin suddenly found a big hole in the nearby stone wall.

"Qin Shan, the breath comes from this cave." Song Yunxin pointed to the big cave and said.

Qin Shan came to the side of the big cave to check it out, and then said seriously: "This big hole is not formed naturally, but was caused by external violence. If I guessed correctly, it was caused by fighting. It is possible to create such a big hole." Huge hole, quite strong."

The entrance of this cave is very large. Although many rocks collapsed and fell into the cave passage, it can still accommodate several people entering the cave together.

Afterwards, Qin Shan and Song Yunxin went directly into the cave to find out.

There were not many inexplicable attacks in the cave, just the aura of the high-level members of the Temple sect, and then there was the violent wind attribute energy. Obviously, the people who fought with the high-level members of the Temple sect used wind-type attacks, and their strength was almost the same.

The two walked in the cave for about half an hour, and finally reached the deepest part of the cave.

There is a huge space in the deepest position, and the aura of the high-level members of the Temple School is transmitted from this space.

When Qin Shan came here, he saw two corpses embedded in the rock at a glance. They merged with the rock, and their skeletons condensed into fossils.

"Found it! One of these two people is a senior member of the Temple sect, let's see if we can find clues here!"

The two searched for a while in the cave, and finally found a hidden formation in an inconspicuous corner. The formation is a small hidden formation, which is very advanced, but it is nothing to Qin Shan. After using the formation spell a few times, the formation was solved, and then a jade slip was found.

It's a pity that Qin Shan didn't know what the jade slips were for. It might be a message left by the senior members of the Temple sect, or it might be something else. Anyway, Qin Shan couldn't find a way to unlock the jade slips for the time being.

At this moment, Qin Shan heard a series of footsteps coming from the passage.

Then I saw that the people from the Storm Empire had already caught up.

"Damn it! Qin Shan, we finally hunted down you kid. You are making trouble in the territory of our Stormy Wind Empire. Your Majesty has ordered you to be killed!" The leader of the seventh rank of Emperor Wudi pointed at Qin Shan and shouted angrily.

"Hehe, it's beyond your control to kill me just because of your nonsense." Qin Shan said disapprovingly.

"Hmph! We are the Storm Guards of the Storm Empire, no matter how powerful you are, you can't be our opponent, so go die!"

Immediately, all the members of the Gale Guards flocked to Qin Shan,

These people were all in the realm of Emperor Wu, and they arrived in front of Qin Shan almost instantly. Facing the siege of several masters of Emperor Wu, Qin Shan remained calm and ignored them at all.

"Slay the sky with one sword!"

Qin Shan silently took out the Golden Dragon Excalibur, and the true energy in his body was instantly condensed in the Excalibur, and then he swung heavily, and a violent sword qi shot out.

Boom!The sword energy instantly hit the surrounding Gale Guards, and then exploded on the stone wall. The stone wall was directly cut into grooves more than ten meters deep. Then the cave shook violently, and countless boulders fell from above.

This sword directly killed four or five members of the Storm Guards and dozens of other soldiers of the Storm Empire, but there were still a group of members of the Storm Guards blocking the attack.

However, this cave was about to collapse, and it would definitely not be safe to stay here any longer. The people from the Storm Empire hurriedly withdrew from the cave, and Qin Shan and Song Yunxin did not neglect them, and also rushed out of them as quickly as possible.

When the two had just left the cave, the Gale Guards attacked again.

Qin Shan was not afraid at all, and instantly turned into an afterimage and passed among these people.

Bang, bang, bang... A series of muffled sounds sounded, and another group of members of the Gale Guard fell down, and now only a few people remained.

Seeing this scene, the face of the captain of the Gale Guard changed drastically. He didn't expect to bring so many elites this time to be completely vulnerable.

"I'm afraid your kid's cultivation has reached around the Martial Venerable Realm. I really didn't expect to be able to do it at your age!" Said the captain of the Gale Guard, frowning.

"Hehe." Qin Shan shrugged disapprovingly.

In an instant, Qin Shan disappeared in place, and then several members of the Gale Guards sensed the great danger and hurried away.

However, it was already too late. The Golden Dragon Excalibur in Qin Shan's hand turned into a golden light, and bloodstains appeared on the necks of several members of the Gale Guards, even the captain. The gap between him and Qin Shan was too great to be overcome. .

" actually..." The captain of the Gale Guard pointed at Qin Shan, his eyes were full of shock and disbelief, but he could only hold his throat and fell to the ground unwillingly.

After he fell down, Qin Shan got more than a dozen red envelopes, the red envelopes of the Emperor Wu realm, not too big, but not too small.

Just when Qin Shan was about to open the red envelope, more than a dozen figures landed around Qin Shan.

"Blasterwind Empire is really rubbish, and even the elite Storm Guards, in my opinion, they are all trash, even if they are dead." The leader, a strong guy, looked at the corpses all over the ground, and said disdainfully.

"People who are fighting mercenaries?" Qin Shan glanced at these people and said with narrowed eyes.

"That's right, even if you have a little vision, we are indeed Xiongzhan mercenaries. I am Xiongzhan, the leader of Xiongzhan mercenaries. Qin Shan, you killed so many of our Xiongzhan mercenaries. Today I will make you bloody." Blood compensation!" Xiong Zhan clenched his fists and said with a sneer.

Qin Shan stared closely at Xiong Zhan, this guy has reached the first rank of Martial Venerable Realm, which is two levels higher than the eighth rank of Qin Shan Martial Emperor Realm.

However, Qin Shan was not afraid. With the Golden Dragon Excalibur, he had the confidence to kill this guy, but what Qin Shan was worried about was that there were still a few huge auras lurking in the dark, and it might be a little tricky if the lurking people took action.

However, Qin Shan has never been afraid of challenges, and he will go forward even if it is difficult.

"Xiongzhan, right? I'm going to learn about your clever tricks today and see if it's a waste of fame." Qin Shan said with great interest.

(End of this chapter)

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