Invincible red envelope emperor

Chapter 396 Time and Space Realm

Chapter 396 Time and Space Realm
Boom boom boom!
Xiong Zhan's attack range is the range of the domain, within the range of the domain, all fist shadows are covered, and the majestic roar resounds throughout the valley.

The ground, stone walls, big trees... everything was destroyed, just like a magnitude [-] earthquake, even Song Yunxin, who was outside the attack range, couldn't stand still.

Seeing this scene, other members of the Xiongzhan mercenaries already had victorious expressions on their faces.

"This is our leader's strongest blow. No one below Wu Zun's level can resist it. Even if his cultivation level is higher than our leader's, he will not be able to bear this attack. This kid Qin Shan is doomed!"

"It's not just that he's doomed, his flesh will burst open and turn into a pulp!"

"Few people can force the leader to use this move. It is a great honor for this kid to die under this move!"


Xiongzhan looked at Qin Shan coldly and said: "Qin Shan, this is what will happen when you fight against our Xiongzhan mercenary group. You will be torn apart immediately, enjoy the process of death!"

"It's not me who died, but you! Longyou Nine Heavens!"

Qin Shan shouted loudly, his body jumped up suddenly, and fierce qi burst out from his body.

In an instant, Qin Shan's body seemed to turn into a huge golden dragon and charged towards Xiong Zhan.

"Roar!" The wave of true energy roared like a dragon's chant, quite shocking.


When countless fist shadows bombarded Jinlong's body, there was a strong roar, but it couldn't shake Jinlong's body at all.

Seeing this scene, Xiong Zhan's face changed drastically. In his field, the strongest attack could not hurt Qin Shan. How could this be possible!

When Xiongzhan was shocked, Qin Shan's attack had already hit him.

"No!!!" Xiong Zhan screamed in disbelief.


The golden dragon directly devoured Xiong Zhan into it.

Booming... With Xiongzhan as the center, the ground with a radius of [-] meters collapsed directly. The stone walls on both sides of the abyss were blasted until countless cracks appeared, and countless boulders fell off from the stone walls.

As for Xiong Zhan lying in the center of the explosion right now, no part of his body is intact, just like a mass of smashed bodies.

The other members of the Xiongzhan Mercenary Group were all dumbfounded, they couldn't believe their eyes.

"Congratulations to the host for killing the head of the Xiongzhan mercenary group and getting a big red envelope!"

"Next is you!" Qin Shan looked at the members of the Xiongzhan Mercenary Group with a smirk on his face. They were all high-ranking members of the Xiongzhan Mercenary Group.

As soon as the words fell, Qin Shan's body turned into a golden light.

Whoosh, whoosh... A series of muffled sounds sounded, bloodstains appeared on the necks of the members of the Xiongzhan Mercenary Group, and then their bodies fell to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, a series of system prompts sounded in Qin Shan's mind, and the red envelopes obtained by killing these people.

"Open all red envelopes!"

"Congratulations to the host for opening the red envelope and gaining [-] experience points."

"Congratulations to the host for opening the red envelope and gaining [-] experience points."

"Congratulations to the host for opening the red envelope and gaining life skills cooking master."

A series of reminders sounded, those little red envelopes brought Qin Shan rewards that were not very satisfactory, with very little experience, even other things were tasteless.With Qin Shan's current cultivation base, he can only get something satisfying if he kills a master who is stronger than him, such as the big red envelope he got for killing the leader of this heroic mercenary.

After getting a series of unsatisfactory things, Qin Shan finally opened the big red envelope.

"Congratulations to the host for opening the red envelope, gaining 150 million experience points, and awakening the space field."

"Congratulations to the upgrade of the host's level by two levels. After the upgrade, the level has reached the first rank of Wu Zun."

Space field: The ability to awaken when the level reaches Wu Zunjing or above, it can be upgraded.A host's current cultivation base can create a space field with a range of 50 meters. In the domain, the host can manipulate the space at will to restrict the enemy. The higher the enemy's cultivation base, the less affected it will be.

The big red envelope is indeed a big red envelope, and with the experience of those small red envelopes just now, Qin Shan directly took the initiative to upgrade two levels, and it also directly awakened Qin Shan to the space-time domain.

Having obtained new power, Qin Shan didn't have time to experience it.

The space-time domain instantly spread, and Qin Shan had a strange feeling. When he pinched his palm, a large rock 50 meters away was instantly shattered. Qin Shan even felt that the space in the domain was like a real thing, and he could move it at will, such as distorting and deforming the space.

This space-time domain is somewhat similar to the space ability, but it is very different.

At present, Qin Shan's ability in the space-time domain is completely inferior to Ling Yin's. At most, it can only be used as a means of assisting the battle, but this means is already very powerful. After all, in a duel between masters, as long as he can restrain the enemy even a little bit, he can gain the upper hand.

Just as Qin Shan was groping for his space-time domain, several black shadows flashed out.

Two of them got into the cave that Qin Shan just entered, and another skinny guy appeared in front of Qin Shan.

"Sure enough, it's you who destroy the sky again!" Qin Shan frowned when he saw the two people who got into the cave. Those two people were the dead soul and the tree god.

"Yeah, we didn't expect to meet you here, but it doesn't matter, you will be eaten to death!" The tree god said with a smile before entering the cave.

"You perverts want to revive the corpse again!" Qin Shan sneered.

"You really guessed right, but unfortunately you don't have a chance to stop this time, the Earth Eater will kill you." The dead soul shrugged and smiled.

After finishing speaking, the dead soul and the tree god rushed into the cave directly.

Qin Shan was about to pursue, but the skinny guy in front of him said indifferently: "Qin Shan, your opponent is me, don't go astray, or you will die a miserable death."

Qin Shan frowned immediately, he could sense a hint of danger from this guy, this guy's cultivation had reached the second rank of Wu Zunjing, which was higher than the upgraded Qin Shan, and Qin Shan could also sense that there was something in this guy's body. A strange power, as to what Qin Shan is also unknown.

"You alone can't stop me!" Qin Shan said lightly.

A strange smile appeared on Chu Di's face, and he said with great interest: "I have heard for a long time that you are so arrogant that there is no limit, but today I saw that you are indeed so, but today you can't escape from my palm!"

"Oh? Really? I don't think so." Qin Shan pouted.

As soon as the words fell, Qin Shan's body instantly disappeared in place, and then appeared in front of Chu Di, with the Golden Dragon Excalibur in his hand directly slashing at this guy's body.

when!With a sound of shock, Chudi raised his palm and blocked Qin Shan's attack with a black energy. What shocked Qin Shan was that his attack seemed to be trapped in a quagmire, and it disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Your power is really strong, but you are also strong, and I will benefit in the end, because I will devour you completely!" Chu Di grinned grinningly.

(End of this chapter)

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