Invincible red envelope emperor

Chapter 397 Tricky Devouring Ability

Chapter 397 Tricky Devouring Ability

Qin Shan's feeling was not that the attack was blocked, but that the attack seemed to be swallowed by some strange force.

"It can devour strength, no wonder you are so confident." Qin Shan said lightly.

With a confident smile on Chedi's face, he curled his lips and said, "I'm not afraid to tell you, that's right, my ability is to swallow all forms of power, no matter how powerful your true energy is, it will be completely swallowed by me, and you can still For my use, so it is impossible for you to be my opponent."

Qin Shan didn't speak, but just dodged over and continued to attack.

There was another muffled sound, and Qin Shan's attack was once again blocked by that black force, and the attack quickly disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, Qin Shan attacked several times in a row, but it was a pity that all the attacks were swallowed up.

"It's useless, no matter how many times you attack, it's the same, all your attacks will be swallowed by me, and I will return them to you in the end, just like this!"

Saying that, Chudi waved Qin Shan's arm, and a majestic force poured out.

Rumbling... The pouring force blasted Qin Shan like a bomb. Fortunately, Qin Shan dodged quickly, otherwise he would have been killed. However, the ground and the stone walls on both sides suffered. fly.

Faced with the continuous attacks of the devouring land, Qin Shan could only use the space-time domain.

After the space-time domain spread, Qin Shan swung his arm violently, and all the attacks bounced off in an instant.

Chu Di's face changed suddenly, and he said in surprise: "Could this be domain power? I really didn't expect that you kid actually mastered domain power. How is this possible? Only Wu Zunjing and above can awaken domain power. How did you do it? !"

"Guess." Qin Shan said with a smile.

"Guess your sister! Don't think that you are great after awakening the power of the domain. Next, I will show you what a real domain is!"

After finishing speaking, Chu Di shook his hands, and a dim field instantly covered Qin Shan's space-time field.

Qin Shan twisted his wrist, ready to distort the space around Chu Di.

However, it was found that there was not much effect at all, or that the effect was all absorbed by the ground.

"I said that I can absorb the energy of any situation, including the power of the domain. In my devouring domain, you have no power to resist at all. Instead, the true energy in your body will quickly disappear until it is completely sucked by me. !" Chu Di grinned, as if Qin Shan had turned into a mummy.

Qin Shan frowned slightly, what he said was right, he could feel the true energy in his body dissipating rapidly.

Qin Shan tried to attack Chu Di, but the effect was not much at all.

After several attacks with no effect, Qin Shan was panting heavily, and the true qi in his body had been consumed at least halfway. If he continued, he would be sucked dry sooner or later. Even if he did nothing, he could still win.

This devouring ability is a bit troublesome for Qin Shan. After all, his attack can be completely swallowed, no matter how strong it is, it has no effect.

Seeing that Qin Shan was in an impasse, Song Yunxin was very worried, but bystanders could tell that she seemed to have discovered a weakness of Chu Di.

"Qin Shan's devouring ability is indeed very strong, but if he can instantly create a power that he can't digest, he will explode like a balloon." Song Yunxin reminded.

Hearing Song Yunxin's words, Qin Shan's eyes lit up, "You are so right, this method is good!"

Chu Di didn't take it seriously, and said with a curled lip: "Even if I know it, so what, I can absorb even a full blow from the fifth rank of Wu Zunjing, not to mention your kid's strength, can you create this kind of attack?"

"Although I can't, someone can!" Qin Shan said with great interest.

"Hehe..." Chu Di sneered disapprovingly, there was no one else here, and he didn't think anyone could stop him.

Qin Shan didn't explain, and continued to attack Chudi from time to time. Although Chudi had a strong devouring ability, in fact, the attack power was not strong, so he could only stand in a stalemate with Qin Shan, slowly consuming Qin Shan to death.


At this time, a large number of wind blades and sword energy collided out of thin air not far away, and their power shook the entire abyss canyon, and countless boulders fell from the sky.

This wave of attacks is the remnants of the peak battle, and now it appears inexplicably.

Seeing this wave of attacks, Qin Shan had a smirk on his face, and then deliberately led Chu Di to that side, Chu Di was not suspicious, chasing and consuming Qin Shan, he was worried that Qin Shan would run away once he relaxed.

However, before reaching the edge of the attack, Qin Shan suddenly shook his hands, using the space-time domain to distort the surrounding space, and that wave of powerful attacks instantly rushed into the devouring space of Devouring Earth.

This wave of attacks has surpassed the Martial Venerable Realm, and even reached the Martial Saint Realm.

And the Devouring Space of Devouring Earth is rapidly devouring this force.

"You kid actually used such a method, idiot!" Chedi quickly withdrew his devouring ability.

Qin Shan raised his brows, and continued to distort the surrounding space, diverting that wave of attacks to Chu Di.

Seeing this, Chu Di hurriedly dodged to the side. At this moment, Qin Shan appeared next to Chu Di, and directly slashed at him with the Golden Dragon Excalibur in his hand.

Faced with Qin Shan's attack, Chu Di could only use his devouring ability to stop it.

While blocking Qin Shan's attack, Qin Shan's diverted attacks have already followed.

There are only two options before the swallowing ground, one is to use the devouring ability to swallow all the attacks, and the result may be exploded, and the other is to give up the swallowing and be injured by Qin Shan's attack.

Both results are not good, at this moment Chu Di secretly scolded Qin Shan for being cunning.

"Hmph! Don't underestimate my devouring ability, drink!"

Devouring the ground means not believing in evil, and instantly activated the devouring domain, and Qin Shan's attack and the group of transferred attacks were all quickly swallowed.

At this time, Chu Di felt a huge force pouring into his body, and the wave of attacks transferred by Qin Shan was not completely swallowed. ,
"Thunder Dragon Storm!"

"Sparks are burning!"

"Soil thorn!"

Qin Shan didn't give Chudi a chance to breathe, and all those who were desperate to attack greeted Chudi.

"If you want to devour it, then I'll let you devour it enough!" Qin Shan stuffed a handful of elixir into his mouth, picked up two psionic cannons on his shoulders, and blasted directly at the ground.

Boom boom boom!
"No! No! How could this be the case!" Chu Di's painful voice sounded, the violent force almost exploded his body, what was even more frightening was that his devouring ability was out of control, and Qin Shan's attack was completely swallowed by him .

Soon, Chu Di's body swelled up like a balloon, and the muscles and meridians all over his body were bursting.


With Chu Di's scream, Peng's body was instantly blown to pieces.

(End of this chapter)

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