Invincible red envelope emperor

Chapter 403 Fighting 3 Venerables

Chapter 403

Qin Shan was besieged by the masters of the Storm Empire, and almost everyone thought Qin Shan was doomed.

After all, Qin Shan was already surrounded by thousands of troops, and it was simply impossible for one person to deal with them.


The surrounding soldiers shouted loudly and all rushed towards Qin Shan.

For these ordinary little guys, with a wave of Qin Shan's arm, the spark ignited and covered a radius of [-] meters, and everyone within the range was ignited, and soon burned to slag.

"Ordinary soldiers are no match for him, Gale Guards, come on!" Seeing this scene, the emperor said to the Gale Guards next to him.

Immediately, more than a dozen masters in the realm of Emperor Wu made their moves in an instant.


All of a sudden, countless sword qi, saber qi and various violent forces bombarded Qin Shan.

Although these attacks were fierce, and even cracked the ground, to Qin Shan, it was not even an itch, and he easily dodged these attacks.

With a whoosh, Qin Shan flashed past a dozen or so masters of the Emperor Wu realm.

When Qin Shan reappeared, bright bloodstains appeared on the throats of the dozen or so masters in the Emperor Wu realm.

Bang bang bang... A series of muffled noises sounded, and all the dozen or so people fell to the ground dead.

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked. It is not easy to see the strong ones in the Emperor Wu realm, and they are the overlords everywhere. Even if there are not many tyrannical Kuangfeng Empires, it is difficult to be killed by Qin Shan in an instant with a sword. Can not be shocked.

"I didn't expect the emperor Shengtian Dynasty to be so powerful. He killed more than a dozen members of the Gale Guards with a single strike. You must know that they are in the realm of Emperor Wu. If they were killed with one move, that kid is so powerful!"

"Hmph! No matter how powerful you are, you will eventually die in front of the three lords!"

"Yes, no matter how powerful he is, he can't be stronger than the three adults!"

"The three adults seem to be eager to try!"


The three masters of the Kuangfeng Empire have indeed stood up, and one of the strong men of the fourth rank of Wu Zunjing took a few steps forward and said with a cold face: "I didn't expect you to have such a tyrannical cultivation. After killing more than a dozen Emperor Wu, it seems that the previous rumors are correct, you are a difficult guy, but if you meet us, you will only die!"

Qin Shan shrugged his shoulders and said disapprovingly, "It's as if you can kill me."

At this time, the emperor said disdainfully: "Qin Shan, I admit that you are very talented and have such a powerful cultivation at a young age, but you are just a frog in the bottom of the well after all. I don't know that there are heaven and man outside the sky. Let you go to perdition!"

"I'm not a frog in a well, I'm just a frog in your well." Qin Shan said with great interest.

"Hmph! It's really shameless. If that's the case, then let this kid die!" The emperor pointed at Qin Shan and snorted coldly.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

This fourth-rank Wu Zunjing guy clenched his fists with a confident expression.

As soon as the words fell, this guy flashed in front of Qin Shan in an instant, and punched Qin Shan's head directly with a fist containing a huge amount of true energy.


The friction between this guy's fist and the air made a loud sound of piercing the air. Even before the fist hit, the enormous pressure would shake the ground, which was truly terrifying.

"Boy, go to hell!"

Facing such a powerful attack, Qin Shan stood motionless, and all the people around showed mocking expressions. If he was hit by this punch, Qin Shan would definitely die.

Obviously, everyone was waiting to see Qin Shan's tragic situation.

At this moment, Qin Shan suddenly raised his fist and bombarded the guy's fist.

Seeing that Qin Shan confronted him, the guy's eyes were full of sarcasm, and he even said disdainfully, "Stinky boy, you actually confronted me head-on, you want to die!"


The fists of the two collided fiercely, and the violent force caused the ground in a radius of tens of meters to sink in an instant. People in a radius of [-] meters were all blown away, and even the entire square shook violently.

To everyone's surprise, Qin Shan stood motionless, as if he hadn't been hurt at all.

Although Qin Shan's current cultivation is only the second rank of Wu Zunjing, he has top-level equipment all over his body, and he is not afraid of facing the masters of the fourth rank of Wu Zunjing.

Seeing Qin Shan not moving at all, the guy at the fourth rank of Wu Zunjing was shocked.

" were able to block my attack, how is this possible!" the guy said in disbelief.

"Is there anything impossible? I told you that you are frogs in a well, but you still don't believe it." Qin Shan said contemptuously.

"I don't believe it, go to hell!"

That guy went crazy, he condensed all the energy in his body, and started bombarding Qin Shan crazily.

Boom boom boom...

Violent energy swept across the entire square, and other people around retreated one after another to avoid accidental injury.

However, under such a fierce attack, Qin Shan was not harmed at all, and could even easily dodge the attack, or even completely resist it.

This scene shocked everyone.

"That guy was able to completely block Master Quan Zun's attack, how is this possible! How did he do it!"

"It's unbelievable, it's unbelievable, he can be evenly matched with Master Quan Zun. Could it be that his cultivation has reached the level of Wu Zun?"

"As far as I know, he is only in his twenties. Why does he have such a powerful cultivation?"


Everyone was amazed, and even the other two guys with Wu Zunjing frowned tightly.

At this moment, Qin Shan, who had been avoiding the attack, suddenly stopped, and said lightly: "Okay, I won't play with you anymore, my goal has not been achieved, so let's stop here!"

As he said that, the Golden Dragon Excalibur appeared in Qin Shan's hands. He had been fighting this guy just now, and the real killing move hadn't appeared yet.

"Don't push yourself too hard, don't think that you are invincible after evading a few moves of mine, and I will finish you with one move next!" Quan Zun sneered, and the true energy of his whole body was concentrated in his right fist, and then shot at the right fist like a streamer. Qin Shan.

Boom boom boom... The violent energy and the air vibrated violently, which was extremely powerful.

However, Qin Shan still shook the Golden Dragon Excalibur in his hand, and there was a sound like a dragon chant.

"Slash!" Qin Shan said three words lightly, and his body instantly turned into an afterimage.

There was no brilliant explosion or energy blast, just a crisp sound, and then Qin Shan and Quan Zun passed each other, standing back to back.

At this time, everyone was staring at the two of them closely, thinking in their hearts who would win and who would lose. Although the fallout from this move was not big, everyone knew that this move would determine the winner.

Suddenly, Quan Zun's body trembled slightly.

"Master Quan Zun moved, Master Quan Zun won, haha..."

(End of this chapter)

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