Invincible red envelope emperor

Chapter 404 Kill and Kill Again

Chapter 404 Kill and Kill Again
Quan Zun did move, but his head slipped off his neck, and then blood gushed out from the neck, killing him with a sword.

The faces of the soldiers cheering for Quan Zun and the crowd of onlookers all changed drastically, and they held their heads in shock and couldn't believe it.

"Fist... Master Quan Zun was beheaded with a sword, this... how is this possible!"

"That kid is so powerful, it's unbelievable, his strength has reached Wu Zun!"

"Oh my god! One of the three lords, Master Quan Zun, was beheaded, my God!"


Not only ordinary people and soldiers were shocked, but the faces of the other two statues and the emperor were also shocked.

"I didn't expect this son to behead the Fist Master with a sword. We still underestimated him too much. Although the Fist Master is the weakest among the three of us, his cultivation has already reached the fourth rank of the Martial Master, and he was easily planted by him. In his hand, it's incredible." Among the three statues, the man holding the sword said coldly.

"It seems that we really can't take down that kid if we don't take action!" Another one of the three robes said with a frown.

The emperor just woke up from the shock at this time, his eyes were full of anger and disbelief, he roared furiously: "It's unreasonable to kill the Fist Master, this is a disgrace to our Stormwind Empire, you can take action, together Come on, kill him!"

Even if the emperor doesn't say anything, the other two will take the initiative to deal with Qin Shan.

At this time, the two stood opposite Qin Shan, one in front of the other, with a majestic aura gushing out of their bodies.

"Boy, you forced the two of us to fight at the same time. This is an unprecedented thing before, and it can be regarded as your glorious history, but this history is destined to become history. I promise, you will die here!" The man said with a gloomy face.

Facing the majestic momentum of the two, Qin Shan was not afraid at all, and said with interest: "That's right, my glorious history will continue forever, and you are just a speck of dust in my history, insignificant!"

"Huh! Extremely arrogant, today I will see who will become history." One of the three robed figures snorted coldly, and a violent force burst out.

dang dang...

The weapons in the hands of everyone around trembled, as if they were about to be sucked away by the power of the robed man.

"Master Jin Zun is going crazy, we retreat!"

"Not only is Lord Jin Zun going crazy, but Lord Jian Zun is also going to do it!"


The people around were so frightened that they hurriedly retreated. Jian Zun's cultivation had reached the sixth rank of Wu Zun, while Jin Zun was a sorcerer, and his cultivation had reached the seventh rank of Dharma Zun.When the two of them went crazy together, it was enough to destroy the entire central square.

The emperor also knew it very well, and withdrew to the periphery of the square surrounded by a group of masters.

Whoosh whoosh!
At this time, the weapons in the hands of those soldiers, and even all the metal around them bombarded Qin Shan.It was densely packed like raindrops, and there was no chance of escape except to resist.

"Earth wall!" Qin Shan shook his arm, and several earth walls rose around him.

Bang bang bang... The defense of the earth wall is still good, and it can resist all the attacks around it.

At this moment, a huge sword qi flew towards him, Qin Shan's expression changed, and he jumped up into the air.

Boom!The sword energy hit the place where Qin Shan was standing just now, and a violent explosion occurred, forming a ravine hundreds of meters long, which almost cut off the square in the middle.

"Metal storm!" Jin Zun shook his hands, and all the metal turned into a tornado and bombarded towards Qin Shan.

Rumbling... The metal storm blasted the ground into big pits, and Qin Shan could only keep dodging.

But when he was dodging, countless metals around him hit him like cannonballs, and Qin Shan had to resist while dodging.

"Excalibur Domain!" Sword Master didn't give Qin Shan a chance to dodge, and instantly covered Qin Shan with the domain.

For a moment, Qin Shan felt as if his body was being attacked by countless sword qi. If it wasn't for Qin Shan's strong body, he might already have scars.

"Thousands of swords piercing the heart!" Master Jian yelled, and countless sword qi bombarded from Qinshan from all directions.

"Golden Explosion Star!" Jin Zun also pinched his hands, and all the surrounding metal shrouded towards Qin Shan.

Rumbling... The attack of the two people was like machine gun fire, and a series of explosions enveloped the center of the square in an instant.

The aftermath of the explosion was so fierce that even those who had evacuated hundreds of meters away could not stand still.

Seeing that Qin Shan was completely enveloped in the center of the explosion, everyone had a smug look on their faces. From their point of view, Qin Shan was just trying to die.

"Hmph! In front of the two lords, Qin Shan is sure to die. He can't escape the attacks of the two lords! I'm afraid he has turned into ashes now!"

"Although the two adults were forced to make big moves, it is considered a success to make that kid a history."

"This kid is already very good, and it is an honor to die in this way!"

The emperor also wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said with a sigh of relief: "This kid finally died. I really didn't expect him to be so strong that he could be killed by two big moves at the same time. It's really shocking." people!"

Suddenly, the face of the robed man beside the emperor changed greatly, "No, Qin Shan is not dead yet, he is here...Your Majesty, be careful!"

That's right, Qin Shan had already dodged the attacks of the two by using teleportation, and had already dodged behind the emperor, with the golden dragon sword in his hand piercing the emperor's heart.

His purpose today is not to fight with the three gods at all, but to assassinate the Emperor of the Storm Empire. The Empire of the Storm said he was an assassin, so it's okay for him to be an assassin just once.

Seeing Qin Shan appear behind the emperor, Jian Zun and Jin Zun were also shocked, and they attacked Qin Shan at the fastest speed at the same time.

"Emperor, you insist on thinking that I sent someone to assassinate you. Well, you are right. I really did assassinate this time. I don't know if you regret it!?" During the attack, Qin Shan said with great interest behind the emperor's back .

The emperor's cultivation base is not high, and he has no time to dodge, his eyes are full of horror.

With a muffled sound, Qin Shan's Golden Dragon Excalibur directly pierced through the heart of the Emperor of the Storm Empire.

Looking at the long sword passing through his chest, the emperor certainly had regrets in his eyes, but more of it was unwillingness and resentment. He never thought that he would be killed by the king of a small third-rate country. This is an absolute shame.


At this time, the attacks of Jian Zun and Jin Zun had already hit Qin Shan's body, and Qin Shan's body was directly torn into pieces by the sword energy and metal.

Just when everyone thought that Qin Shan was completely dead, a sword pierced Jin Zun's heart from behind silently.

" is this possible? have already been killed!" Jin Zun looked back at Qin Shan with disbelief in his eyes.

Qin Shan pointed to the fragment beside the emperor, shrugged and said, "Don't you know it's a clone?"

(End of this chapter)

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