Chapter 412

"Your Majesty, spies from the Stormwind Empire in the South Continent and the Hengyuan Empire in the North Continent have heard news."

"The Kuangfeng Empire in Nanzhou has already installed a new emperor, who is their crown prince, but as far as the general knows, this crown prince has no ability. With his strength, he can't support the empire at all. Since His Majesty killed three of them and many masters last time, they had to reintegrate their forces, so the country is a bit chaotic, and it does not pose any threat to our Shengtian Dynasty for the time being."

"The emperor of the Hengyuan Empire in Beizhou heard that His Majesty possessed weapons capable of destroying hundreds of thousands of troops, and hid in fright. Even their ministers in the country did not know the position of the emperor. The emperor of the Hengyuan Empire has already entrusted them with domestic affairs. Moreover, the troops gathered by the Hengyuan Empire were scattered everywhere, obviously because they were worried that His Majesty would attack them!"

"As for the other countries who were planning to jointly deal with the Shengtian Dynasty, they all died down after we took down the Raging Flame Empire. They were so frightened that they retreated directly. Now that the crisis on the surface is temporarily lifted, we are afraid that they will make trouble secretly, such as assassination and the like. .”

After taking down the Raging Flame Empire, Qin Shan asked Ren Zhongjun to pay close attention to the movements of other countries. The results showed that the crisis was temporarily lifted as Qin Shan expected.

It's no wonder that Qin Shan has a psychic missile in his hand that can instantly kill hundreds of thousands of troops. Although other countries don't know what it is, Qin Shan has used it on the Raging Flame Empire. No one wants to try this taste, even if the other two So is the empire.

In fact, Qin Shan wanted them to join forces to deal with the Shengtian Dynasty, so that the psychic missiles could wipe them out in one fell swoop, but now they have stopped their operations and all their troops are scattered. Qin Shan only has two psychic missiles in his hands now, which are not enough at all. It would be nice if there were hundreds of thousands of pieces.

"These cowards actually backed down," Qin Shan said a little speechlessly.

"Your Majesty, what should we do next?" Ren Zhongjun asked.

A cold light flashed in Qin Shan's eyes, and he said coldly: "I don't like people stabbing me in the back, so next, I will sweep Dongzhou directly. The Shengtian Dynasty doesn't want to be the strongest in Dongzhou, but the only one in Dongzhou. Zhou is the Shengtian Dynasty!"

Hearing Qin Shan's words, Ren Zhongjun's blood boiled, this was something he never dared to think about before.

In the days when Qin Shan took over the Shengtian Dynasty, he gradually grew from a small country to the strongest in Dongzhou. Now Dongzhou is not only the strongest, but also the only one. It is exciting to think about it.

"As ordered, the last general will lead the army to sweep across Dongzhou now!"

From the beginning, Qin Shan was not satisfied with being the strongest in Dongzhou. His goal was to unify the entire human world, and even the entire Dragon Soul Continent.

Now the time is ripe, Qin Shan doesn't want to wait any longer.

As soon as Qin Shan spoke, Ren Zhongjun immediately took action.

There are more than 20 countries in Dongzhou. Ren Zhongjun led an army of one million to sweep them all within eight years. The soldiers of the Shengtian Dynasty are no longer what they used to be. Even if the soldiers of the empire are opponents, how can these small countries in Dongzhou carry the Can live.

Those small countries hardly have any strength to resist, some surrender directly, and some are wiped out after a little resistance.

Even the Fengyue Kingdom, the Ice Kingdom, and the Floating Cloud Kingdom voluntarily surrendered to the Shengtian Dynasty.

So far, Qinshan's Shengtian Dynasty has completely unified Dongzhou, becoming the largest country in the human world.

Originally, Qinshan planned to continue to expand, but the distances from other continents are too far away, and after unifying more than a dozen countries, they have not yet been integrated. If it is not stabilized in time, it may cause a series of troubles.

Therefore, Qin Shan finally decided to stop the expansion temporarily, and continue to expand once the complete integration is completed.

The reason for Qin Shan's expansion is indeed ambitious on the one hand, and on the other hand, he is worried about destroying the sky. This threat is greater than any other country, or even other countries combined.

After all, Mietian's goal is to target all clans in the Dragon Soul Continent, not just the human world, but also other clans, and they also have that kind of strength, so Qin Shan is worried.

If you want to deal with Mie Tian, ​​you must be able to reach the peak in the shortest time.


At this time, in a palace somewhere in the mainland.

The leader of Mietian was looking at a map, and the envoy in black robe appeared behind the masked leader.

"Have you completed your mission?" The leader asked directly without raising his head.

The envoy nodded and replied: "This subordinate has already found out one of the keys of the seal. It is in the territory of the monster beast clan. There are three possible locations, one is inside the statue of the monster god, and the other is inside the scepter of the monster king. The other is the core of the Demon God Mountain."

Leader Mietian nodded, "Good job, now we just need to confirm where it is, since that's the case, I'll send three waves of people to the territory of the monster beast clan to get one of the keys of the seal! In addition, solve Qin Shan's Things are urgent, you do it yourself!"

"The speed of Qin Shan's rise is really shocking, and now it has swept across the entire East Continent." The envoy said with emotion.

"I originally wanted to stir up conflicts between him and the empire, causing them both to lose, but I didn't expect to achieve Qin Shan instead. It's really an impermanent world, so you must get rid of this guy this time!" the leader said seriously.

"Of course there is no problem with this. I will go to the Shengtian Dynasty to deal with this kid now." The envoy nodded.

"Don't be so troublesome. There are two women who are investigating Mietian. They are now in the Hengduan Mountains between the human world and the monster beast clan's territory. It is more convenient to catch them and let Qin Tian come to die." The leader said lightly.

"No problem, this subordinate will do it now!"


Near the towering Hengduan Mountains.

"Sister Shiyu, we have been following Mietian's people here, but why did we suddenly lose track? It's really strange, could Mietian have discovered us?" Song Yunxin looked at Ran Shiyu suspiciously and asked.

A trace of seriousness flashed across Ran Shiyu's bewitching face, she nodded and said: "The Mietian is very powerful, there is a possibility!"

"They are indeed powerful. Now they have found out that one of the two keys to seal the dark demon is in the monster clan. If they get it, the consequences will be disastrous!" Song Yunxin said with a frown.

"Hehe, I didn't expect you to find so many clues from us. It's really amazing. There is such a powerful woman beside Qin Shan. Not bad." Suddenly a joking voice came.

"Who is it?!" The faces of the two women changed drastically.

At this time, the figure of the holy envoy appeared in front of the two women.

"Haven't you been investigating us Mietian? I am Mietian."

Ran Shiyu and Song Yunxin glanced at each other immediately, and attacked the envoy without the slightest hesitation.

But as soon as it was activated, the envoy raised his arm, and a strange energy imprisoned Ran Shiyu and Song Yunxin, making them unable to move at all.

"Just because you want to kill me, you don't know what to do. Next, I need to use you to lure Qin Shan into the bait. You should go to sleep first!"

As he spoke, the envoy waved his arm, causing Ran Shiyu and Song Yunxin to faint, and then their figures faded and disappeared in place.

(End of this chapter)

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