Chapter 413
After Ran Shiyu and Song Yunxin were arrested, Qin Shan received the message through the messenger jade slip that Qin Shan contacted with them.

"Qin Shan, if you want to save your two women, come to Hengduan Mountains, I am the Holy Angel of Mietian!" The envoy's gloomy voice reached Qin Shan's ears.

Qin Shan's face changed greatly upon receiving the news, he knew very well that this was not a joke, but the truth.

He had killed the Holy Envoy Mietian twice, and he was so familiar with his voice that he couldn't be more familiar with it. Moreover, with the strength of the envoy, Ran Shiyu and Song Yunxin couldn't resist even with the defensive formation sent by Qin Shan. The envoy was too strong.

Even if Qin Shan faced the envoy at this time, he had no chance of winning.

"Damn it! They really shouldn't be allowed to investigate Mietian, Shi Yu, Yun Xin, you must wait for me to go over!"

After Qin Shan explained the matter to Ren Zhongjun, he went directly to the Hengduan Mountains. He didn't take anyone with him, he just took Xiao Hei.

Moreover, Xiao Hei's injuries are gradually recovering now, and his strength is already close to the realm of martial saints. He has a better chance of winning against the Holy Envoy and Xiao Hei.

Not only that, on the way to the Hengduan Mountains, Qin Shan opened all the red envelopes on his body.

The two big red envelopes of Wuzun realm that were killed in the flame empire last time, and a large number of small red envelopes.

The result was quite satisfactory to Qin Shan, and it directly helped him improve his cultivation to the fourth rank of Martial Venerable Realm. With the Golden Dragon Excalibur, Qin Shan's strength was close even if he could not reach the Martial Saint Realm. Facing the Holy Envoy At this time, it finally added a little bit of bargaining chip.

A few days later, Qin Shan and Xiao Hei appeared above the Hengduan Mountain Range.

"Xiaohei, do you feel the breath of Shiyu and Yunxin?" Qin Shan asked Xiaohei overlooking the mountain range.

Xiao Hei shook his head: "Not yet, that guy's strength is not simple, he should be able to cover up his breath."

"Before I meet that guy, I'll tell you a plan. I'll be in charge of keeping that bastard in check later, so you take the opportunity to save someone. Don't sacrifice yourself before saving someone, you know?" Qin Shan said with a serious face.

"Understood." Although Xiao Hei usually likes to talk to Qin Shan, he is still very serious at critical moments.

As he said that, Qin Shan jumped off Xiao Hei's back, and then Yu Jian flew to find the location of the two women.

Xiao Hei disappeared from Qin Shan's sight in an instant.

Not long after Qin Shan Yujian flew, a tyrannical imprisoning force suddenly appeared, and instantly turned into a big hand and grabbed Qin Shan's body.

Qin Shan realized in an instant that this power was exactly that of the envoy.

If Qin Shan had no resistance to this kind of power before, but now that Qin Shan has become stronger, it would be much easier to face it again.

Qin Shan took out the Golden Dragon Excalibur in an instant, and it was a sword against that force.

A burst of violent sword energy shot out and hit the big hand in an instant.


With a loud noise, the big hand was instantly shaken away.

Then Qin Shan hurried towards the source of that power.

In the blink of an eye, Qin Shan landed halfway up the Hengduan Mountains, where the envoy was standing with a smile on his face.

"Qin Shan, we met again, but this time it should be regarded as our official first meeting! I haven't seen you for a while, and your strength has improved again. If you were before, it would be impossible for you to stop my power." The envoy was very interested Said.

"Don't talk nonsense, you want to know me, let the two women go immediately!" Qin Shan sneered.

"It's okay to let them go, but you have to kill yourself, can you do it?" The envoy said lightly.

"I want to see if they are safe."

The envoy didn't speak, but with a wave of his arms, Ran Shiyu and Song Yunxin appeared. The two were restrained by the envoy's tyrannical force, unable to move. ,
"Qin Shan, go! Leave me alone!" Ran Shiyu shouted.

"He's too strong, get out of here quickly, don't be dragged down by us!" Song Yunxin gritted her teeth and said.

"I will definitely rescue you!" Qin Shan said firmly, his face very gloomy.

With a wave of the envoy's arm, Ran Shiyu and Song Yunxin disappeared again, as if they had never appeared here.

Qin Shan frowned tightly. The envoy's move was not a space ability, but why did it make the two women disappear.

It would be fine if he could know the location of the two women, but now that the envoy hid them, Qin Shan could not perceive their existence at all.

"If you commit suicide now, I'll let them go. This is the easiest way for us, lest you have to do it again. Then you are doomed to fail." The envoy said unhurriedly, apparently already determined Qin Shan.

Qin Shan didn't speak, his head was running fast, thinking about how to deal with it.

At this time, Xiao Hei, who was hiding in the dark, said using a special sound transmission: "This guy is indeed extremely powerful. He didn't have space ability just now, but he can transfer the two of them away. This is his domain ability. Within his domain , he can control the transfer of things at will, but his domain power is too huge, and I haven't found any traces of the two of them yet!"

"You try to hold that guy back as much as possible, my uncle is here to find them!"

Hearing what Xiao Hei said, Qin Shan knew what to do. His goal now is to hold off the envoy as much as possible so that Xiao Hei can find Ran Shiyu and Song Yunxin.

"You have to let them go first, and then I will kill them myself!" Qin Shan said with a serious face.

The envoy laughed immediately, waved his hands and said: "Qin Shan, you don't have to play tricks with me. If I let them go, you will fight desperately. Although you are not my opponent, you have many tricks to escape. I don't want to Something went wrong, so you better hurry up and end it!"

"How can I ensure their safety when I'm dead? With your cruel methods, even if I die, I'm afraid you won't let them go!" Qin Shan sneered.

"You don't have the right to bargain with me right now. If you are sensible, kill yourself. Otherwise, if I do it myself, you will only suffer more, because I will kill those two women in front of you!" The envoy said with a gloomy face.

"If I can't ensure their safety, I will never compromise with you!" Qin Shan stared at the envoy without flinching.

"Hmph! Overthinking yourself, if that's the case, then I'll make you regret it!"

As soon as the words fell, the envoy waved his arm, and a majestic force smashed towards Qin Shan.

Qin Shan blocked it with his arm, and with a bang, Qin Shan's body was thrown tens of meters away, breaking a dozen big trees.

At this time, a huge energy grasped Qin Shan, making Qin Shan unable to move.

The same move was effective against Qin Shan for the first time, but now that Qin Shan's cultivation had soared and he was familiar with this rhythm, he naturally ignored his strength.

Qin Shan pointed his toes, and the Golden Dragon Excalibur in his hand slashed forward in the air. The powerful hand was instantly spread out, and Qin Shan also jumped into the air.

"Sparks are burning!"

(End of this chapter)

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