Chapter 52
While waiting for the arrival of the Patriarch of the Huang family, Huang Shan, who kept slapping himself on the mouth, finally couldn't bear it anymore and passed out directly.

Regarding this, Qin Shan curled his lips and said disdainfully: "He's really weak, he just passed out after a while."

The people around were speechless when they heard Qin Shan's words.

This is at least twenty or thirty consecutive slaps, who the hell can bear it, and it is said that he is too weak, this First Prince is simply frantic.

Although he was very speechless towards Qin Shan in his heart, no one dared to say it out, who the hell knew if the eldest prince would suddenly explode and kill someone.

About 10 minutes later, Xu Qingzhi's men brought an old man with white beard, who was the head of the Huang family, Huang Jianyong, a second-rank official who was in office for the previous emperor of the Shengtian Dynasty.

After seeing Huang Jianyong, Huang Xiangyan immediately said with a mournful face: "Father, you have to save Shan'er. He has passed out and is in a very bad situation. His Royal Highness is not letting him go now, saying that he is willing to let Father slap you... "

Huang Jianyong raised his hand to interrupt Huang Xiangyan, then cupped his hands to Qin Shan and said, "Your Highness, I am Huang Jianyong, the head of the Huang family. I hope that your highness will put your grandson on the table."

"Why did the emperor let it go?" Qin Shan asked lightly.

"My grandson is still young and ignorant, and I offended His Highness in some places. If His Highness is willing, our Huang family can use money, pills, and even kung fu weapons to make up for His Highness's losses. Please see that I worked so hard for the late Emperor back then. For the sake of hard work, I let my grandson go, after all, I have worked hard without merit, even His Majesty will be accommodating." Although Huang Jianyong was apologizing, his tone was full of doubts, obviously he was using his status as an old minister to coerce Qin Shan.

Qin Shan frowned immediately. If Huang Jianyong's attitude was sincere and apologetic, maybe he would let Huang Shan go if he was happy, but this Huang Jianyong relied on the old to sell the old and used his status as an old minister to make Qin Shan compromise, how could Qin Shan bear it.

"Patriarch Huang, it's true that you are an old minister of the Shengtian Dynasty, and it's true that you have made great contributions, but the credit can't be worth the mistakes you made. Your Huang family disrespected the emperor. If the emperor doesn't care about it, how will you continue in the future?" The Shengtian Dynasty has gained a foothold! This emperor can let your grandson Huang Shan go, but you, the patriarch, must hold your hand until this emperor is satisfied!" Qin Shan said coldly.

Huang Jianyong immediately became angry, and gritted his teeth and said: "Your Highness, you are too bullying, and I am an old minister at any rate. Even if this matter is brought into His Majesty's hands, I think His Majesty will understand. If His Highness is not willing, well, then I will immediately Send a message to His Majesty, let His Majesty come down to decide on this matter!"

"Huang Jianyong, are you using my father to suppress me?" Qin Shan asked with narrowed eyes.

"Small ones don't dare." Huang Jianyong said proudly.

"If you don't dare, just slap yourself, don't force me to do it." Qin Shan said lightly.

Huang Jianyong still said stubbornly: "Your Highness, you are forcing me to play your majesty, so I have nothing to say, let your majesty decide."

After finishing speaking, Qin Shan slapped Huang Jianyong's face with a slap, making a crisp sound.

Huang Jianyong's head was slapped to the side, and he covered his face and looked at Qin Shan in disbelief.

"You hit me?" Huang Jianyong shouted angrily.

"What's the matter with beating you? Do you still want to resist me? Do you still want to rebel? Not only did I fight, but I also want to continue beating!" Qin Shan said coldly, raising his hand and continuing to slap Huang Jianyong.

At this time, Xu Qingzhi rushed over and hugged Qin Shan to persuade him: "Your Highness, calm down, you have already slapped Patriarch Huang. After all, he is an old minister before. If it is too much, it will be chilling."

"Xu Qingzhi, you also want to rebel, don't you? The emperor now orders you to take down everyone in the Huang family and send them all to the dungeon. In addition, the Huang family has been copied. If the head of the Huang family doesn't speak up, the Huang family will be punished for treason." !!!" Qin Shan pointed at Xu Qingzhi and roared angrily, obviously he had already made a move.

As a prince, if he can't even control a city lord and a family that relies on the old to sell the old, how can he rule the country in the future, so Qin Shan must show the domineering that he should have.

Xu Qingzhi was in a cold sweat. He looked at Huang Jianyong, then at Qin Shan, and finally gritted his teeth and said to the city guards: "All the city guards obey the order and immediately arrest the Huang family, and send everyone to prison!"

"Master Xu, are you trying to do something wrong with our Huang family?" Huang Jianyong asked angrily.

"Patriarch Huang, I'm really sorry, I'm the city lord appointed by His Majesty, I must obey the royal family, I'm offended!" Xu Qingzhi cupped his hands at Huang Jianyong, and then asked the people around him to hold Huang Jianyong.

"Prince, if you do this, you will chill the hearts of all the courtiers, and you will regret it!" Huang Jianyong roared unwillingly after being caught.

After all the Huang family members at the scene were caught, Xu Qingzhi was going to copy the Huang family.

At this moment, Qin Shan patted Xu Qingzhi on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Good job, your choice is very correct."

Xu Qingzhi suddenly smiled wryly, but still cupped his hands and said: "The subordinate is the city lord, and he only obeys orders from the royal family. This is what the subordinate should do."

"The attitude is very good. After I go back, I will tell my father to let you be promoted. This endless city belongs to Jiang County. How about promoting you to be the prefect of Jiang County?" Qin Shan asked with interest.

Xu Qingzhi immediately opened his mouth wide with a look of incredulity. He knew very well what Jiang County prefect meant. He was a senior official in charge of ten cities, ranking third rank.

"This...Your Highness, I am really flattered to be loved by Your Highness, but I am ashamed of receiving it, and I really dare not be it." Although Xu Qingzhi was very excited in his heart, he still pretended to be humble on the surface.

"Dare to be, there is nothing you dare not be, as long as you treat the emperor's center, let alone a small sheriff, you will be fine in the future." Qin Shan patted Xu Qingzhi's shoulder with a smile, "Okay, go to Huang's house to search the house immediately Come on, everything from the Huang family will be rushed into the treasury!"

"I obey, Your Highness the First Prince!" Xu Qingzhi shouted loudly, and then led someone to copy the Huang family.

Xu Qingzhi originally looked down on the eldest prince Qin Shan from the bottom of his heart, but through punishing the Huang family this time, he could see that this eldest prince was very cunning. The eldest prince is not as useless as the rumors say.

"Perhaps it's a good choice to hang out with the First Prince. Maybe in the future, it will really make a fortune. Well, it's decided like this. From now on, I will stand by the First Prince's side." Xu Qingzhi thought silently in his heart.

After making the decision, Xu Qingzhi acted more decisively, and went to the Huang family with heavy troops to ransack the house. Although the Huang family was unwilling, they did not rush to resist. After all, the city guards represented the royal family, and rebellion was treason.

Next, the entire endless city was full of troubles.

(End of this chapter)

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