Invincible red envelope emperor

Chapter 53 The 2 princes who were slapped in the face by the emperor

Chapter 53 The second prince who was slapped in the face by the emperor

When Qin Shan ordered the city guards to raid the Huang family, the Huang family used the eagle to transmit the news to the imperial city within a few hours. They hoped to use the prime minister's hand to help them intercede with the emperor.

Prime Minister He Shizhong immediately found the second prince after receiving the news.

"Your Highness, the Second Prince, just received the news that the Eldest Prince is making waves in Endless City and is planning to steal the Huang family in Endless City! Your Highness, we have to help him." He Shizhong said to the Second Prince.

"The Huang family?" The second prince frowned, not knowing which Huang family it was.

"The Patriarch of the Huang Family, Huang Jianyong, was a second-rank member of the imperial court during the late emperor's time. He has made many achievements and received many awards from the late emperor. His subordinates were promoted by the Patriarch Huang to the present day. Now he is retiring and returning home. Relying on the connections from the past, we did well in Endless City, but the eldest prince actually wants to copy their Huang family, which really chills the heart of the Huang family." He Shizhong said through gritted teeth.

"It turns out that he is just a former minister, and helping him will not do us any good." The second prince said disapprovingly.

"Your Highness, I feel that this is an opportunity. Huang Jianyong is an old minister of the former dynasty. He has made great contributions to the Shengtian Dynasty. Now that the eldest prince is making things difficult, if His Highness helps at this time, he can win the hearts of many neutral ministers. After all, Now there are still many Huang Jianyong who were promoted in the court, if you get their support, your Highness will have a greater chance of becoming the crown prince!" He Shizhong said seriously.

The second prince's eyes lit up immediately, he stroked his chin and said: "Prime Minister He's words are reasonable, and it happens that the court is about to go early, so I will go to my father to intercede, and by the way, win over the hearts of those ministers."

Afterwards, He Shizhong and the second prince came to the court.

"If you have something to play, you will retreat if there is nothing!"

"Father, my son has something to tell you."

"What's the matter?"

"Regarding the matter of Huang's family in Endless City, I just received news that Huang Jianyong, the second-rank official of the emperor's grandfather, accidentally offended the emperor's brother. The emperor said he was going to copy the Huang family. I think this is too much. , really hurt the heart of the old minister, after all, Mr. Huang also made great contributions to our Shengtian Dynasty back then, as long as it is not a major crime of treason, as a member of the royal family, he should also forgive him." The second prince said passionately, with a face of righteousness. .

"The second prince is right, and I also think that the Huang family should be forgiven." Prime Minister He Shizhong followed.

"I have also received news about this matter. According to what the Lord of Endless City said, the Huang family still speaks rudely and wantonly slanders even though they know the identity of the eldest prince of Shan'er. Wrong." The emperor said lightly.

"Father, there was a misunderstanding on this matter. As far as I know, the Huang family didn't know the situation at the time, and the emperor made a big fuss about this matter, and even made a very excessive request, that is, let Huang Lao slap his mouth. He is also an old minister after all. , This kind of shameful thing is really too much, as members of the royal family, we can't let the old ministers feel cold, they have built the cornerstone for our Shengtian Dynasty, we should show respect to them..."

The second prince spoke passionately. He believed that these words would definitely impress those neutral ministers. As long as more ministers could get their support, the position of prince would be just around the corner.

However, hearing the second prince's words, the emperor's eyes gradually became gloomy.

"Shut up!" Suddenly, the emperor shouted angrily.

The second prince suddenly stopped in surprise, not daring to continue speaking.

"Humph! Zhong'er, I thought you were clear-headed, but now it seems that you are still confused! Shan'er did not do too much, on the contrary, I think it is still light. You know how Huang Jianyong retired back then. He used his power to enrich his own pockets and embezzled the treasury resources. The former emperor recognized him for his contribution, so he did not directly behead him and punish him, but only let him retire.

Now I am not surprised that he has committed the following crimes. An old minister is an old minister, but it is a pity that he is an old minister who committed a crime. You are still speaking for him. I am so disappointed!Keke..."

As he spoke, the emperor was very angry, and coughed directly, his face turned red from coughing.

"Your Majesty, calm down, your old illness has flared up, so don't get angry easily, take this elixir first." Eunuch Xue, who was next to him, hurriedly handed the elixir to the emperor.

It would be better if the emperor took the elixir.

Seeing this scene, the second prince was terrified, "Paralyzed! I made a mistake. It turns out that Huang Jianyong, a bastard, had such a thing happen. I just pissed off my father by speaking for him. My father must be worse to me now. "

"Okay, I'm not feeling well, I'm leaving the court!" The emperor waved his hand in a bad mood, and then left the court directly.

The ministers also left. After leaving, the second prince was very angry. He pointed at the prime minister and shouted: "It's all a bad idea from you bastard. Father is angry now. This emperor is farther away from the position of prince!"

"Your Highness, calm down, the matter has come to this point, we can only think long-term, and now His Majesty has resentment, I am afraid the situation is not good for His Highness, so we can only start from other aspects." He Shizhong said helplessly.

"Hmph! Next time you'll cheat me again, I won't end with you."

After saying that, the second prince left angrily. This time, not only did he not get the support of the neutral ministers, but he also offended the emperor. The loss outweighed the gain.


Qin Shan, who was far away in the endless city, had no idea that the second prince was reprimanded by the emperor. If he knew, he would die laughing.

At this time, Qin Shan was leading the city guards to raid Huang's house.

"Tsk tsk...the Huang family has a lot of weapons in their arsenal, Xu Qingzhi, all these weapons have been taken to the city lord's mansion, and will be used by the city guards in the future."

"There are also these pills, um, I will take them away."

"As for these silver taels, go directly to the treasury!"


Qin Shan made the Huang family run wild, all the Huang family members were arrested and put in prison, all the servants were dismissed, and all the property of the Huang family was evacuated.

Just as Qin Shan emptied the arsenal, a big red envelope suddenly appeared in the corner.

"Hey, there is a big red envelope. It seems that this trip was not in vain. There should be something good in it!"

Qin Shan hurriedly ran to the corner to open the red envelope. After opening the big red envelope, Qin Shan was overjoyed. This was a great harvest.

"Congratulations to the host for opening the red envelope, gaining experience of 200000, a life-renewing pill of the lowest rank in the sky, and a special weapon, a psionic gun."

"Congratulations to the upgrade of the host's level. After the upgrade, the level has reached the ninth grade of martial arts."

"Haha! You can also copy upgrades by copying a house. It seems that there will be a lot of house raids in the future. The rewards are quite big, and there are life extension pills and psionic guns, awesome things!"

Qin Shan was quite excited when he saw the introduction of Life-Extending Pill and Psionic Spear, because the introduction was like this.

(End of this chapter)

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