Chapter 166 I Love You
Wu Zinuo resisted his footsteps, trembling his eyelashes, puffing his mouth, trying to refute him:
"Why don't you have a wife? Sister Ting is your wife. You can't dislike her and reject her just because she is a demon. Demons also have good demons. Just like Sister Ting, at least, at least she is your wife." Your wife has been around for a year or two, you should know what kind of person she is."

Lin Yizhu looked at her steadfastly, the expression in her eyes changed, for a long while:
"But she lied to me. She didn't tell me her real identity. She kept me in the dark from the beginning to the end. Arnold, don't you think I'm like a fool, being played around by her?"

"that is because!"

Wu Zinuo almost blurted out.

But I can't say it.

It can't be said that Sister Ting is hiding from him because she wants to live a stable life, and she can't say that Sister Ting is hiding from him because she is afraid of the huge gap between them. It's understandable to hide it from him in the first life, but Lin Yizhu didn't know about the past life, if he said it, it would definitely involve the past life...

No, she doesn't want to for the time being, and she doesn't want Lin Yizhu to know about her past life.

And... In that case, sister Ting will be unhappy.

"Lin Yizhu, do you know that some things seem ordinary to us mortals, but to some people they are the ultimate luxury. Do you know that some things, no matter how valuable they are in reality Small, but as long as it is in her own values, the value is great. Sister Ting just wants to pursue a peaceful life. She is tired and tired, but no one is understanding her, no one wants her to feel better , and now, because of her identity as a demon, she must be expelled from the world again."

"But do you know that no matter what she thinks or what she wants, she shouldn't just fulfill her wish. Whatever she wants can be obtained with mutual agreement and mutual understanding. But, I don't agree!" He looked at her again and took the words seriously.

"Then are you serious, and you don't intend to forgive her?" Wu Zinuo looked at Lin Yizhu, and felt for the first time in his life that it was difficult for him to be so stubborn.

After waiting for a long time for his answer, Wu Zinuo got angry and said anxiously:

"Lin Yizhu, you are so selfish!"

After finishing speaking, he stomped his feet and ran out.

"Arnuo!" Yanying tried to call her to stop, but failed, so she hurriedly ran out with her.

Lin Yizhu lowered her head for the nth time, her long bangs covered the haggard eyes.

Arnold, I am selfish, and you, are you big love?Don't you think that what you just said was a little cruel to me?

Why do I have to accommodate a person who cheated me, but I can't find my love? In order to accommodate this person, I have to give up the rest of my life and live with someone I don't love anymore?
Arnold, do you know, since when, I really want to say that sentence to you:
I like you.

Yes, when I realize that I like you, the reality is so cruel.


The cold wind is bleak, and the river is thin.

Walking alone by the small creek in the back mountain that was most familiar to her thousands of years ago, Meng Tingshan felt that things had changed.

Although the life of thousands of years ago has been far away from her, but recalling it, one after another, one by one, still seems to happen yesterday, happening in front of her eyes.

I remember that when she left at the end of that year, she just took a last look at Youyang Lin in a hurry, and after that, she never came back.

(End of this chapter)

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