Chapter 167 Everything Has Changed

I remember that when she left at the end of that year, she just took a last look at Youyang Lin in a hurry, and after that, she never came back.

Now, it is the first time to step into this familiar place after a thousand years. This You Yang Lin, which brought her joy, comfort and home feeling a thousand years ago.

Everything remains the same, but things have already changed.

She has changed too.

It's just that with the passage of time, she is no longer the innocent and naive little witch before she knew it. Now, although she has drawn a clear boundary with the devil, she has inevitably used any means to achieve her goals.

Everything, in the final analysis, is just because of the word "love".

She tried her best to stay by his side. She originally thought that with "the order of her parents and the words of the matchmaker", she could achieve consummation in this life, but she didn't expect that it was still not enough for God's words, God's will tricks people.

The current Lin Yizhu rejects her so much, what should she do to win back his heart?


A large lush bamboo grove covered the brilliance of the sky. At the top of a bamboo branch, Wu Zinuo sat with his legs hanging down, his head lightly resting on the trunk of this bamboo.

Staying peacefully alone gave a little thread to her chaotic thoughts, and the past scenes were recalled in her mind, just like the fleeting images in the Sansheng Stone.

The feeling of living on the streets without enough food since childhood, the innocence and joy of childhood, the boredom and hard work of thousands of years of confinement, and the entanglement and pain of entering the world today.

Why do you suddenly feel that it is so difficult to be a human being? Why, even though you are a mortal, do you only appreciate the hardships and unspeakable hardships of the human world after thousands of years?

She knew that she liked Lin Yizhu, and the feeling of being with him was like the feeling of being with the master thousands of years ago. She admitted that she had liked the master thousands of years ago, and the feeling of secretly liking him was Like a jar of good wine that has been treasured by fleeting years, it is brewing and slowly fermenting within the controllable range of oneself. Perhaps the feeling of liking Lin Yizhu is completely empathized with Master, but the feeling of longing to speak out is not the same as it was a thousand years ago of.

However, neither Lin Yizhu nor Yizhu Immortal is the person she should like, not only because they are the same person, but also because they both have wives. Of course, sister Ting and herself are not so magnanimous. You can serve your husband together.

However, no matter whether it is Lin Yizhu or Yizhu Immortal Lord, if he would mention this co-servant himself, he would no longer be known to them.

It is never possible for the world of three people to be perfect, and only one person quitting is the best ending.

Then, let her Wu Zinuo quit. Think about it, the love between master and mother for thousands of years is not something that a small person can achieve.

Thousands of years ago, she was just one of their apprentices. Thousands of years later, she was just a passer-by. Why should she be involved in this situation that is neither right nor wrong after all.

It was she who stirred up such a pool of clear water, causing waves to ripple in the water.

Even if you have a different feeling, it's fine to dream occasionally during the day. This, perhaps, is more realistic than the others.

She herself is not qualified enough, who can blame her...

In this life, Lin Yizhu treats her as thoughtfully as she treats her little sister, maybe, or maybe, it's just because of the confused feeling thousands of years ago.

In fact, as long as you can think about everything, you can let go of everything, so why worry about it?

(End of this chapter)

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