Chapter 182
Wu Zinuo took a step back.

No, she didn't mean that.

"Do you think I'm wronging you? Humph, Wu Zinuo, the evidence is so solid, no matter who looks at it, now that you look like this, do you... want to be convicted of this crime, or collect this magic net for me!?"

Speaking of this, as long as you use your brain a little bit, you will understand, Meng Tingshan, what is she planning.

Wu Zinuo is also an extremely smart person, and when she heard her say that, she completely woke up.

She wants to let me let her go!

But now...

Turning his head to look at Yanying and Lin Yizhu, one was concentrating on helping to heal his injuries, and the other was concentrating on coma.

She alone was left alive.

Although her martial arts are far superior to Meng Tingshan's, but she is her teacher's wife, if she really fights her, can she fight back?
As soon as she fought back, she was confirmed for the crime of "offending the above"!
However, if you don't let her go, you will also be accused of "committing the following"...

"Don't tell me, in the current situation, do you still think that I will be bad for you, and you will die together?" Seeing that she seemed to be a little shaken, Meng Tingshan hurriedly added more information.


Forget it, now, sister Ting shouldn't be so stupid as to attack Lin Yizhu again, not to mention, if Lin Yizhu died, then, shouldn't she wait a few more years for him?

Think about the possibility of this is almost impossible!
Moreover, she had to obtain her consent to wake up Lin Yizhu's memory.

Can't offend her completely.

"Yes, I can accept this bundle of magic nets, but sister Ting, I want to discuss something with you."

Wu Zinuo said, looking at Meng Tingshan, her expression didn't change at all after hearing this sentence, which surprised Wu Zinuo secretly.

Thinking that she had acquiesced, Wu Zinuo swung his hands together and recited the incantation silently, the red net slowly opened on the top of his head.

Meng Tingshan was not in a hurry to get out, but waited in place, waiting for the net to disappear completely.

Seeing that she didn't want to leave, Wu Zinuo was even more surprised:

Don't most people just leave as soon as they can?
Perhaps, it means doing what it says.

Wu Zinuo exhaled the last gasp, the red light piled up on his hands, and the magic net instantly became a small square neatly stacked on his hands, and he turned his hands and disappeared out of thin air.

A fist came towards Wu Zinuo's face with the sound of the wind. At that time, Wu Zinuo was still slightly looking up at the red light disappearing completely.

Subconsciously, her figure flashed to the left, and there was a wind on the ground, and she jumped in the air, dodging Meng Tingshan's leg sweep.

Standing still not far away, Wu Zinuo hurriedly said:
"Sister Ting, don't fight anymore!"

Meng Tingshan ignored her, she flicked her four fingers continuously, and some small Gu worms flew out from her fingertips following her movements.

Seeing this, Wu Zinuo recited the incantation silently, and his hands trembled slightly with different fingerings, but what trembled was golden light bit after bit.

Gu eating insects? !

This kind of creature is the nemesis of all Gu insects!

Specially feed on all kinds of Gu insects, and not picky eaters!

Its volume is more than ten times larger than that of Gu worms.

Gu worms are invisible to the naked eye, and most people see them because they gather in groups.

But this kind of Gu-eating insects is visible to the naked eye, and one can swallow ten Gu at the same time...

Meng Tingshan hurriedly stopped flicking her fingers.

There is no possibility of achieving her goal, the more Gu worms pop up, the greater the loss.

Then why did she make unnecessary sacrifices?

Sure enough, the Gu worms flew away when they saw the drooling Gu-eating worms, but unfortunately, no matter how fast they flew, they could not escape the fate of being hunted and killed by natural enemies.

Meng Tingshan became angry again, but it is a pity that she lived longer than Wu Zinuo, but because she was tired of killing people when she was young, she had no intention of practicing martial arts, while Wu Zinuo was diligent and intelligent under the strict teaching of her teacher, which made her martial arts not so good now. Under Wu Zinuo.

(End of this chapter)

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