Chapter 183 Discuss Something With You
Meng Tingshan became angry again, but it is a pity that she lived longer than Wu Zinuo, but because she was tired of killing people when she was young, she had no intention of practicing martial arts, while Wu Zinuo was diligent and intelligent under the strict teaching of her teacher, which made her martial arts not so good now. Under Wu Zinuo.

No matter how angry she was, she had almost no chance of winning if she really started fighting.

Reluctantly, he turned around and turned into a wisp of black smoke, leaving the east courtyard of the Lin Mansion.

A door in the east courtyard opened and closed, and a trail of black smoke left with a white swaddle.

Wu Zinuo watched her teacher's wife run away, and became anxious, and turned into a white light and chased after her.

The restriction at the Crescent Gate instantly became invisible as they left.

Mrs. Lin was in a hurry outside the courtyard, but now that the invisible confinement was loosened, they were taken aback for a while.

I don't know who took the lead, and a group of people ran into the courtyard with noisy footsteps back and forth.

The courtyard is like being swept away by wind and clouds, and there is no place that can be seen.

The fighting figure was gone, the black figure was gone, and the pink figure was gone.

They saw clearly just now that the girl in the pink dress who came to rescue her was actually the girl they despised and hated, Wu Zinuo.

I didn't expect this person to have this ability. Could it be that she is not a mortal?
But the gods in the sky? !

Damn, I didn't expect that the one my family had been rejecting all this time turned out to be a fairy!
And the one they loved and favored by them, looking at it now, was definitely not a good person.

At least the aura on his body gave people the feeling that it was either a demon or a demon!

Depend on!Mrs. Lin couldn't see anything, but Mrs. Lin's expression was full of ignorance and remorse...

Looking around, everyone of course ran towards Lin Yizhu and Yanying who were sitting cross-legged on the ground, but before they got close, they saw a translucent ball growing out of thin air, directly enveloping these two figures.

Seen from the outside, the milky white sphere only reflected two vague figures.

One of the servants was bolder and smashed it with a shovel.

Unexpectedly, with the shovel hitting the ball, the position was sunken a little, but it immediately bounced off!

That servant was thrown out of the crowd, so hard that even his butt exploded!

A cold and evil voice floated down from midair:

"Try if you dare to move it, see if I can save your little son!"

The voice was full of disdain and unkindness, and the old lady's heart trembled when she said it.

He actually felt that this man who didn't look like a weak crown didn't mean to be disrespectful to his elders in the slightest, but they were disrespectful to him!
He hurriedly stood there respectfully with his head bowed, and stood there quietly, not daring to move an inch.

At this moment, the door of a room opened hurriedly, and a person who looked like a nanny stumbled out.

Everyone looked at the sound, and they could tell at a glance that this room was specially prepared for Miss Sun.

An ominous breath instantly filled the atrium.

Sure enough, the nanny ran three steps and fell two steps to come to Mrs. Yuanwai, and said in a panic:

"Mrs. Yuanwai is not well, Miss Sun is gone!"

Everyone exclaimed, expressing their astonishment in a timely manner.

Mrs. Lin's hands trembled, her legs went limp, and she was quite frightened by what happened one after another.

"Why don't you see it?"

Lin Yuanwai supported his old wife, but he was quite a thoughtful person.

"I don't know, master, just now I was in a hurry to go to the toilet, and just as soon as I opened the door, I saw Xiaoya passing by the door. I was afraid that something might happen to Miss Sun while I was away, so I asked Xiaoya to take care of it. Thinking of encountering a fight here, I was afraid and didn't dare to come back, and only sneaked back after they finished fighting..."

(End of this chapter)

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