Chapter 238 The Real Escape Is Everyone's Escape

Slanted, head down and feet up, their clothes fell because of the direction of the wind.Or properly attached to their bodies.

The resentful souls above didn't expect them to do this, they were stunned for a moment, and all chased down.

The resentful souls who wanted to catch up to support did not expect such a thing to happen, and passed the two of them one after another.

He stayed in mid-air and looked at them suspiciously, and had no choice but to join them when a large group of resentful spirits came chasing down from above.

In this way, during a considerable diving distance, they didn't move a little bit of force, and they added a little bit of physical strength in the midst of their busy schedule.

They were all shocked when their feet touched the soft "soil" again, and they flew up almost at the same time.

The "softness" under the feet is like being touched by electricity when someone touches it, and when the body stretches and shrinks, it opens its mouth and bites upwards.

Fortunately, the two of them reacted quickly enough.

But this magic snake has a very strong attack ability, and it can bounce up to three feet high with one bow and one flick without coiling up the whole body!
These "two monarchs" who are immortal gods, Yizhu Xianjun and Yanying Shengjun, are all well known.

So when they flew up, they almost used the fastest speed, and they didn't dare to stop.

After a safe distance of three feet, they wanted to find another place similar to the big rock just now to rest their feet. touch...

Maybe there will be some mechanism or something, maybe there will be a tunnel dug by others N years ago.

I have to say that the ideal is too plump and the reality is too skinny. After carefully going around, there is not a single raised place.

Everywhere can be described as shiny.

But this layer, compared with the big rock they were standing on just now, is simply different.

The place was very dry just now, and even loose yellow sand could be found; this place is a bit damp, and there is not even a little flying dust.

The place just now was very ordinary, as ordinary as the protruding place of the cliff; but here, it is wet, cold and smooth, a bit artificially piled up.

But it was too late to study it carefully, before standing still for half a cup of tea, there was a black shadow pressing down on his head.

Immortal Yizhu poked at the rock wall, whether it was an illusion of longing to escape or something, unexpectedly, he felt that the rock wall was unusually soft.

Yanying has already started to deal with the group of lingering guys above her head with the fire art, but the effect is not good...

Because once the fire is set to burn upwards, but after all, the gravity is below, the fire will come down no matter if it burns until it can't be burned...

It hurt him that he had to dodge it all the time, and regretted using such a tactic again and again.

While dodging, he repeatedly kicked with his toes to change the direction of several fire tactics, and those clusters of kicked fire were all kicked to the rock walls in various directions.

The careful Yizhu Immortal watched the clumps of flames fall on the rock wall and immediately disappeared, as if they had melted into the wall.

And at this moment, there were still a lot of flames, all of which fell to the ground, on the densely packed magic snake, the magic snake was injured in such a dazed manner, and its temper became aroused!
Spitting out red letters on it, the whole body slowly coiled up in an attacking state.

Everyone waited and waited for the opportunity.

They are all waiting for them to retreat within three feet by accident, and they will directly attack them in groups...

Yanying was working hard to resist the attack of the resentful soul, while Immortal Yizhu was looking for the exit calmly.

Intuition told him that there must be something wrong with the stone wall.

But where is the problem?
It's cold and cold, almost like ceramics.

ceramics? !Maybe break it down and try.

(End of this chapter)

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