Chapter 239

ceramics? !Maybe break it down and try.

Letting go of the sword, the sword was floating not far from him at the same height. He clasped his hands together, and when he flipped over, his arms twisted and his palms opened outwards.

In the palm of his hand, a bunch of lavender rays as small as ten long hairs tangled together shot out to one direction of the rock wall, and then he was about to rotate the rock wall for a full circle.

Almost all the stone walls blocked the probing light back, making Immortal Yizhu frown slightly.

But when it rotates to two-thirds, there is a place that is different.

The lavender light penetrated directly into the rock wall, as if absorbed by the rock wall, never to return.

Sure enough, there is a door!

He tried left and right, and tried out the approximate range.

Withdrawing the lavender light, he turned his backhand into a knife, and slashed through the air!
no use...

His pupils flickered, and he concentrated on patting it down!

It was so shocking that he was speechless, but there was still no movement.

Glancing at Yanying, this guy was well informed, and he retreated slowly to this side.

Leaning on Yizhu Xianjun's shoulder behind her back, Yanying Shengjun said in a low voice:

"Is it okay?"

Immortal Yizhu glanced at him lightly, and said in a low voice:

"No, you are weak?!"

Yanying listened to his toneless words, and smiled faintly:
"That's not what you mean, you think too much."

He knew he was thinking of Wu Zinuo.

I remembered that the two of them used to compete with each other.

Well, now that Lin Yizhu has become Wu Zinuo's master, he really wants to play with him.

But the premise is to quickly settle the matter here.

"I call three two one, let's attack together!"

Yanying proposed, but her hands didn't stop.


Tap both palms on the same spot at the same time!
The wall instantly shattered, and a large stream of cold river water rushed in...

The two of them plunged into the water in an instant and disappeared without a trace.

In the foreign land, those resentful souls and demon snakes panicked when they saw the water, and rushed to escape, but they all disappeared in the icy water, turned into bursts of black smoke, and were submerged in the water...



A pale face emerged from the vast expanse of the sea.

Subconsciously, he shot something like a ball.

Beside him, another person's head popped out.

"Hey, where did you shoot first?!"

The one who emerged roared at the one who emerged first.

The shock made the ears that had been soaked in water tremble slightly.

Immortal Yizhu subconsciously shook his head and threw the water out of his ears, and his voice continued to be flat:

"No—" Yanying hadn't finished speaking yet, she finished speaking only when she saw him, and turned to swim to the shore.

"Be careful?! If you are not careful, you want to cover up all your crimes!"

After mumbling the rest of the sentence, seeing that Immortal Yizhu didn't pay much attention to him, he felt extremely bored.

Bian Pianzui also followed closely in the direction he was swimming.

The two climbed wetly ashore one after the other, dragging the water up.

Finding a relatively large stone, Immortal Yizhu climbed on it and sat down, with his legs crossed in front, and began to exercise his energy and adjust his breath.

They spent a lot of skill in the foreign land just now, um, a little out of balance.

In addition, it is dripping wet now and urgently needs to be dried.

Taking a rest is the best way.

Yanying stood aside and looked at him a little angry, as if he was air by his side.

Well, the air is right, okay.

He didn't follow his example either, using the fire art himself, the clothes on his body were dried quickly.

Not only did it dry, but it also flew comfortably with the sea breeze.

Opening his eyes, he glanced at Immortal Yizhu, who was still motionless.

Forget it, his lord doesn't remember the faults of villains, let him go, don't say he is fussy.


Five shifts today, it broke out, exam tomorrow, 55555...

(End of this chapter)

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