Chapter 28 The Truth at the Time

The demon spirit successfully cast the spell, and safely mobilized a large number of troops to attack Youyang Forest. Wu Zinuo was defeated and would rather perish together. He used his last strength to perform a move of "Feng Lin Shenzhou", which was more powerful than the demon spirit expected. The army was wiped out, and he himself died in Huangquan.

Fortunately, the demon had locked her three souls and seven souls in advance. Just when the princess of the demon world cast a spell to make her disappear, the demon first lured her soul away and used a trick to hide it from her daughter, so she rescued Wu Zinuo. Imprison her in a secret prison, infuse her with demon water, lose her mind, refine her into a blood demon, and help the demon crystal blood cells get nourished by blood. Who knows that the demon crystal blood cells are only one step away from success, but Lin Yizhu saved...

"Father, what my daughter wants is just to kill Wu Zinuo!" After learning the whole story, the princess of the devil world was angry: Is this request too much? If Wu Zinuo died at the beginning, there would not be so many now. It's over.

The demon stood up: "Daughter, the father just wants to keep her to serve the demon world, anyway, she must die after refining the demon crystal blood ball, okay, okay, this time it is the father's fault, and the father is also for the demon world." Thinking about the future, no, with her help, the demon crystal blood cell is only one step away. Don't worry, when I am refined into a demon crystal blood cell, the world will be invincible. A little Wu Zinuo, what can we do? You It's the princess of the Demon Realm, the overall situation is the Demon Realm, it's not him Yizhu Immortal Lord alone!" The demon subdued his daughter, but in the end his tone became unknowingly cold and hard.Anger surged in his heart——if he didn't see her as his daughter, he wouldn't have had the time to explain so much to her. He doesn't need to explain to others what he does like a demon!
It's a pity that his words were like a barrel of strong oil, igniting the flames in the heart of the Demon Princess, and the fire swept through her heart like a prairie fire, and she burst into anger in an instant: "Demon Realm, Demon Realm, you only have Demon Realm in your heart, yes It’s not for the Demon Realm, you can sacrifice even your daughter, is it true that after you unify the Three Realms in the future, you will not even let your daughter’s beloved husband go!” The Princess of the Demon Realm sneered, took two steps back, turned and left quickly.

"Hmph!" The demon spirit flicked his hand casually, and a puff of black smoke knocked down several attendants in the hall. Before the attendants could make a sound, they turned into puffs of black smoke and dissipated.Hearing the voice of "seeing the princess" getting farther and farther away, the demon spirit calmed down the anger in his heart slightly, and sighed: Ting'er, the father is for the great cause of the demon world, and it is also for you, for my daughter, so there will be no worries in the future. regret.At that time, what kind of man do you want? Immortal Yizhu is just demoted, so what is it worth all you give?
The demon closed his eyes, and then suppressed the anger in his heart: this Immortal Yizhu, as long as he is in the world, my Ting'er will not be able to concentrate on being her princess and doing her duty, hum, stay It means that he is always a scourge, a great scourge to stop the great cause of the devil world!He opened his eyes, and there was a cold current in his bottomless eyes.


"Woo--" As the dusk deepened, a carriage stopped at the entrance of Yuelai Inn. The driver was dressed in white, with delicate features, and the warm light from the eaves lanterns shone on each person and carriage, like a peaceful and profound ink painting, symbolizing endless.He cast his eyes on this inn. At this time, the inn was already brightly lit, full of people, fighting wine, laughing, and talking one after another.The man in white nodded in satisfaction, ignored the sign in front of the door that said "Full" and jumped out of the carriage. A child had already come to hold the rope, and the man carried the sleeping woman in black into the carriage, and went straight to the carriage. Walking towards the counter of the inn, it attracted the attention of many people in the rivers and lakes.

(End of this chapter)

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