Chapter 29
"Woo--" As the dusk deepened, a carriage stopped at the entrance of Yuelai Inn. The driver was dressed in white, with delicate features, and the warm light from the eaves lanterns shone on each person and carriage, like a peaceful and profound ink painting, symbolizing endless.He cast his eyes on this inn. At this time, the inn was already brightly lit, full of people, fighting wine, laughing, and talking one after another.The man in white nodded in satisfaction, ignored the sign in front of the door that said "Full" and jumped out of the carriage. A child had already come to hold the rope, and the man carried the sleeping woman in black into the carriage, and went straight to the carriage. Walking towards the counter of the inn, it attracted the attention of many people in the rivers and lakes.

The man in white looked at the smiling boss, stretched out his hand and slapped a gold ingot bigger than a fist on the table: "Boss, do you still have a room?"

The innkeeper's eyes lit up immediately, and his whole face wrinkled into a big chrysanthemum: "Yes, yes, you have as many rooms as you want, Xiaoer, let the two heroes in room No. Squeeze to Tianzi No. [-] room, and quickly tidy up Tianzi No. [-] room." The waiter in the shop didn't dare to neglect, and trotted to collect it. The innkeeper touched the gold ingot on the counter, and suddenly copied it in his arms. In the middle, for fear that the guest officer would go back on his word and take it back, he said happily to the great God of Wealth: "The guest officer is tired from the journey and must be hungry. How about I ask Xiaoer to make you a table of wine and food, oh yes , this shop will provide you with hot water for free, and the villain will ask Xiao Er to help you fill the bathtub with water, and take a hot bath when you are full of wine and food, so that you can sleep until dawn..."

The man in white clothes lowered his eyes, unable to see his emotions and anger clearly, and the worry on his brow, although he tried his best to hide it, still couldn't get rid of it.

He opened his mouth and said "yes", then he lifted his feet and walked upstairs. The boss bowed his body when he saw this, and walked towards the room personally to meet him.

"May I ask your surname, sir?" The boss opened the door for him and asked with an apologetic smile.

"Lin—Yizhu!" The man in white stepped over the threshold, turned around, and the door closed automatically.The boss originally wanted to go in with him to entertain him, but seeing this situation, he had no choice but to touch his nose, turn around and go downstairs.

Lin Yizhu gently put the woman in his arms on the bed, and covered her with a quilt.Seeing that she was still asleep, that indelible sadness instantly covered his handsome face.

He sat down at the table, poured himself a cup of tea, and slowly sipped it, the conversations three days ago were still fresh in his memory...

"Master, master!" Lin Yizhu rushed into the Nanhua Immortal Palace on the top of Nanhua Mountain with Wu Zinuo in his arms, and kicked open the gate of the side hall with a bang.He put Wu Zinuo on the bed in the side hall and wanted to invite his master himself, but his master Nanhua Xianjun had already received the report from the gatekeeper boy and rushed outside the side hall, almost bumping into Lin Yizhu, who was walking briskly.

Immortal Nanhua was terrified by his bluff, and he barely stood still after helping a boy. He saw that his lover, who had always been very image-conscious, was sweating profusely at this moment, but even so, he did not dare to stop at all... He The white eyebrows trembled upwards, but he was surprised in his heart, so he hurriedly came down to the bed accompanied by Lin Yizhu.

Pale white melon-shaped face, bloodless cherry mouth, thick and slender eyelashes trembling slightly... This, this...

The appearance of another woman automatically appeared in Nanhua Xianjun's mind. The big watery eyes looked at him innocently like purple cherries soaked in water, her head was tilted slightly, and her rose-red clothes were light in the wind. fluttering...

Looking at the woman with the same appearance in front of him, Immortal Nanhua's eyes immediately became round, as if seeing the Jade Emperor standing in front of him suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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