Chapter 308 Extra Story: Colorful Lights? !what is that

"Ha, you are free, and I am also free, you can play by yourself, just don't leave Youyang Forest."

In Youyang Forest, there is Lin Yizhu's restraint, no matter how Yiting plays, there will be no danger.

He was too lazy to "take care" of her in such an unchallenging environment, and, if he really took care of her, he didn't know how to die!
Huhu, although the sun is already high, but I have to come early in the morning to see the couple off, he is so sleepy now, it is serious to go back to the house to catch up on sleep.

He lifted his foot and took a few steps, but felt a gaze from behind him staring at him all the time!
Looking back at Yiting, the child is standing only three steps away from him at this moment.

The dark pupils gleamed under the reflection of the sun, and they were indeed looking at him.

He warned her not to follow him with his eyes, and walked a few steps back, but still felt the same as before.

Looking back, the child was still only three steps away from him, blinking her eyes innocently.

"Don't follow me!"

He opened his mouth viciously, his eyes and eyebrows raised upwards, making his expression extremely distorted.

Yi Ting blinked her big bulging eyes, and the eyes were covered with a layer of water mist!
Crystal drops of water are about to drip...

It's useless to cry!

Yanying continued to walk him.

But, you don't need to look back to know, Yi Ting, she is still following him!
There was an inexplicable irritability in his eyes, but it didn't take long before that irritability turned into a joke again.

Want to follow me? !Can!
Turning on his toes, he walked in another direction...

Xiao Yiting followed behind Yanying at Yanying's walking speed.

Although Yanying takes one step and she has to take two steps, but her parents are not ordinary people, and her physical strength is also very good.

Yan Ying, who was walking in front, saw Yi Ting following closely behind, like a little brown candy, he couldn't shake her off!
Good guy, do you underestimate her on weekdays? !There is such endurance!

The pace is getting faster and faster, and the more you walk, the more urgent.

While Yiting carefully looked at the uneven and overgrown road conditions, he also had to look up to see if Yanying was in front of him, lest he just dodge and disappear.

It seems that Yanying didn't know that he could dodge directly, and walked ahead with fluttering sleeves, as if he was chasing each other along the way.

Wuwu Brother Yanying, don't dodge, if you dodge, Yiting won't know how to go back!

Take a break to look at the surrounding environment: the bamboo forest is deep, dense bamboo poles rise from the soil to the sky, and the big bamboo branches on it are criss-crossed. Even though the leaves of each bamboo branch are not as lush as ordinary deciduous shrubs, they are intertwined. Under the same conditions, the sky above the head is still invisible, only speckled sunlight shines through the gaps between the leaves.

She knew that Yanying, a bad brother, was going deeper and deeper into the bamboo forest.

We have to find a way to stop him from moving forward!

She can't guarantee that if she "runs" in with such energy, what energy will she have to rush out later...

In the depths of this dense forest, there are some daunting things.

Although there are not large wild animals such as lions and tigers, there are actually quite a few small species that contain highly poisonous poisons.

Just looking around, she wanted to find something strange, but unexpectedly, after such a look, she really saw it.

Her footsteps stopped suddenly!

"Yanying! Look, what is that?!"

A small childish voice came from behind, but Yanying continued to walk two steps before stopping.

what? !

He knew that Yiting would call him "Brother" and "Brother Yanying" when he was free, and when something really happened, he would call him by his first name!
This is undoubtedly learned under the influence of A Nuo, because even the tone of her name "Yan Ying" is the same as A Nuo, Yan Ying is helpless...

(End of this chapter)

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