Chapter 309 Extra: Inexplicable, time travel? !

This is undoubtedly learned under the influence of A Nuo, because even the tone of her name "Yan Ying" is the same as A Nuo, Yan Ying is helpless...

So, when she heard these two words, Yanying stopped, not doubting him.

He turned around to see what she was fussing about, but saw Yi Ting standing there, sideways facing him, staring straight ahead and above her.

The mouth slightly opened to reveal a small duck egg, with an expression of being shocked by something.

Following her gaze, he saw that at the end of her gaze, there was a ring-like thing shining with colorful light!

No, it should be said, what is it, shining with colorful light, surrounding it in a ring shape!
Colorful lights? !what is that? !

Yanying watched this rare scene, and was also stunned by this weird scene.

But he never thought that Yi Ting next to him, seemed to be attracted by something, and walked in that direction step by step like a bewildered man.

"Hey kid, what are you doing, come back to me!"

Yanying knows that what is in front of her is definitely not a kind person, and with his sharp eyes, she can see that these colorful lights are formed by the aggregation of some extremely small flying insects!

As far as he knew, no matter what the living things in the outside world were, the brighter the color, the more poisonous they would be. These insects emit colorful light!

But the Yiting that he shouted fell on deaf ears, and he still walked towards that side with blank eyes!
Yanying didn't have time to think about anything, she was about to fly over and catch her!

At this moment, Yi Ting was only three steps away from those rays of light, unexpectedly, just stepped into the three-step restricted area, Yi Ting flew up as if he was attracted by some kind of gravitational force!

It doesn't matter if she flies, what matters is that her figure shrinks sharply, so small that she can get into that aperture!
Yanying had just started and flew over, the moment her big hand grasped Yiting's small hand, she suddenly felt a huge gravitational force attracting him!Although he had been prepared for a long time, it was still too late to take Yi Ting and himself out of the area of ​​attraction, the two of them were absorbed by such a strange circle of light!

After the seven-color light "swallowed" the two of them, it gradually became smaller, smaller, and so small that it disappeared forever!
In the depths of such a dense forest, as if nothing had happened, the breeze blew by, and the bamboo leaves were either withered or green, flying leisurely in the small space...

It was pitch black!
It's just the sound of the wind whistling in my ears!

Yanying had recovered from the "boom" in her head, she blinked, blinked, but she couldn't see anything anymore.

Yi Ting also woke up from the state of demonic obstacle, blinked and blinked again, but couldn't see anything!
A feeling called fear pervaded instantly, and the restrained little hands moved, and they couldn't cry out!

Yanying's big hand was subconsciously grasping Yiting's small hand tightly, but when she felt her move, she pulled her closer to her side as a natural reaction, and hugged her tightly!
Being hugged by Yanying so tightly, and smelling his nice fragrance, Yiting actually felt a burst of peace of mind, the urge to cry at first, but now it's gone at all!

Regardless of him, no matter what the future holds, no matter what happened to them, as long as he is by his side, everything is enough...

She closed her eyes peacefully.


Citing songs and howling floating clouds and swords to test the world's white clothes stained with frost,
In those years, under the shade of drunken flowers, the beauty was instantly watered and tears of cinnabar,
I still remember who should worry about the fireworks in the prosperous dreams in the songs,
The Yellow Crane Tower is empty and desolate, and the blue hair turns into white hair,
The fleeting time is secretly exchanged with this love to remember,
……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………

Ask for comments, extra episode, is it okay? ?
(End of this chapter)

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