Chapter 35
Mrs. Lin came out from the corner door, and seeing her husband's frowning expression, she felt pain in her heart, so she could only put a hand on his shoulder, and comforted her a little: "Master, our son will be fine, don't worry about it." Worry no more."

She suddenly remembered the stick of incense that Lin Yizhu put on in the temple before she left...

The second son is on this trip, Madam don't have to worry, he will definitely come back safely...

It's just, ma'am, you shouldn't have placed too much hope on the second son...

What the hell do you mean?

The carriage has been galloping southward for more than three months.

Lin Yizhu picked up a few pinches of water from the creek to wash his face. The lake water had just thawed in early spring, and the few pinches of cold water washed away seventy to eighty percent of the fatigue on his brows from the days of traveling and traveling, and he felt much refreshed.He stood up straight and looked around.

It was the early spring morning, the weather was quite cool, the breeze was rustling, and unknown birds were singing from time to time in the dense forest behind him. Lin Yizhu tidied up his clothes, took some dry food in the carriage, and ate it against the brown horse. up.At this time, the horse is also lowering its head and gnawing on the green grass on the ground. Looking from a distance, the picture is so simple and harmonious!

However, Lin Yizhu, who had stolen half a moment of happiness, did not feel very comfortable. It has been more than three months, and more than three months have passed, but he has not found the so-called Luoyan Village. Running, running on this road to "Luoyan Village", but after inquiring along the way, no one knew what Luoyan Village was, let alone its location.

For more than three months, the carriage has been running non-stop, it must be a thousand miles away, how far is it, or, in fact, he has already missed it...

Seeing that it was time to reach the coast of the South China Sea if he went further south, Lin Yizhu was full of doubts. If what that person said was false, what should Wu Zinuo do?
After these three months, the devilish energy in Wu Zinuo's body has become stronger and stronger, but her breath has become weaker and weaker. There are three strands of true energy in her body, which have been vying for her own territory. If Lin Yizhu hadn't been attacking her body Input your own true qi and suppress the other two strands, I am afraid that Wu Zinuo has already been controlled by the devil qi, and has become a heart-wrenching devil...

However, it’s not enough to blindly expand one’s true qi like this. Wu Zinuo’s own skill is already high, and with the powerful devil’s energy of the demon spirit, Wu Zinuo can barely adapt to it with his own adjustment, and Lin Yizhu’s continuation The breath of life... This is like putting three things of the same size in a container. The first kind is just right when you put it down, and the second kind can still stay in it when you put it down and press it down. In addition to the third type, even if you barely squeezed in for a while, after a long time, there are only two endings: being squeezed out or the container self-destructing.

Looking at Wu Zinuo's face, Lin Yizhu's heart became more anxious, at most there was only one month, if Luoyan Village was not found within one month, Wu Zinuo's life would be over.

"Go, destroy that carriage, but don't hurt the driver." Behind Lin Yizhu, five men in black suddenly appeared, leading a woman in a deep voice.

"Yes!" The four men in black bowed in unison, and each rushed over with a dark black sword horizontally.

Um?Lin Yizhu, who was about to jump into the carriage, felt the awe-inspiring murderous aura behind him, raised his eyebrows, and skillfully cast a barrier to protect the carriage, but jumped out of the carriage himself.

He tilted his right hand and summoned his saber, and his heart was full of anger: When will these little thieves end their game ahhhhhhh!
During Lin Yizhu's walk in the past three months, a few thieves would pop up from time to time to find fault with him. On the road of hundreds of miles, I have to take care of myself and Wu Zinuo on the way, and I have to deal with these young people. Although the martial arts of these bastards are thousands of miles away from him, I can solve them without much effort, but, I have to solve a wave in three or two days, so I won't be exhausted and annoying, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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