Chapter 36 The Demon King Strikes
During Lin Yizhu's walk in the past three months, a few thieves would pop up from time to time to find fault with him. On the road of hundreds of miles, I have to take care of myself and Wu Zinuo on the way, and I have to deal with these young people. Although the martial arts of these bastards are thousands of miles away from him, I can solve them without much effort, but, I have to solve a wave in three or two days, so I won't be exhausted and annoying, okay?

Lin Yizhu was furious, almost all the demon soldiers who approached him would be killed by his sword, but these demons are different from ordinary people, they can regenerate after death, and can fight again when they are born, unless a sword stabs their door, Otherwise, we must continue to fight like this, but every demon has a different door...

I don't know if it was because of extreme anger and anti-witness or something, these four demon soldiers Lin Yizhu solved three in a short time, but the last one was unable to find the door of the last one, he was helpless and angry, he died He strangled the demon soldier by the throat, and shouted: "Your master, if you have the ability, come out by yourself, come out and fight with me, why let you little soldiers waste your life, ah?" The demon soldier had a blank face, But at the next moment, the expression on his face was terrified!
I saw a strange purple light suddenly flashed on his celestial spirit cover!

The beam of purple light fell in a strange direction, and when it passed the magic soldier's crotch, it exploded with a bang.No, it is more accurate to say that it is the explosion of the magic soldiers rather than the purple light explosion.

It turns out that the magic soldier's shield is under his crotch!Lin Yizhu jumped three times with a "wow" when he recognized this fact, and jumped out of the explosion circle.

This purple light is highly poisonous, it will kill you once it touches it!
He hurriedly looked at the person who seemed to save him but actually wanted to harm him.

I saw this man...

He was dressed in a black royal robe, with dense black agates on his chest. These agates formed the totem of a lion. He stood with his arms folded, and a thick black cloak fluttered behind him, on which dark flow patterns were surging.He rested his chin on his neck, lowered his eyebrows and drew his lips together, but there was a sinister smile on his black lips.

There was a "thud" in his heart, secretly screaming that it was not good.

The person in front of him, no, is the demon in front of him. Without getting close, he can feel the deep internal force flowing in him, and the overwhelming arrogance. His intuition tells him that this demon must be a general-level figure in the demon world. !
36 meter, go first!Lin Yizhu is not such a pedantic person, knowing this truth, the martial arts of the devil in front of him is many times higher than his own, if he doesn't leave now, he may not be enough to kill him a few times!
Lin Yizhu backed away using lightness kung fu while thinking, and when he came to the carriage, he spun around and landed on the driver's seat of the carriage like a white butterfly. He ran wildly on the trail and ran directly into the dense forest behind him.

"Hehe, why are you in such a hurry when you meet an old friend?" Yin Jie's low tone rang in Lin Yizhu's ears, as if the person who pronounced it was right beside Lin Yizhu.Lin Yizhu shuddered, and couldn't help blurting out: "Who is your old friend?"

"Oh, did you forget?" A puff of black smoke rose, and another person appeared on the other driver's seat of the carriage, wearing a black domineering king's suit, and the same posture as before. It's not that devil king!
The hairs on Lin Yizhu's body stood up in bursts, and he couldn't help but let out a long cry, trying to stop the galloping horse, but the horse running in front of him seemed to be terrified, and he didn't listen to Lin Yizhu's order, and ran even faster in the jungle Panic.

(End of this chapter)

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