Chapter 78

"Hey, are you all right? You're not stupid, are you!" The voice was so familiar like flowing water, and it seemed to come from a long, long time away. That face that is all over the country and the city is actually a big smile.

Almost blinded Wu Zinuo's beautiful big eyes.

Wu Zinuo looked at the face that was no different from that of his master, swallowed, and the apology and thank you words that he had thought up and many kinds of words flew out of the sky.

"A Nuo, you're awake, do you know who I am?" The joyful breath from the thin lips on that smiling face lingered around Wu Zi Nuo, but Wu Zi Nuo couldn't react for a while.

"Ah! Ah~ You are the second son of the Lin family in Kyoto, Lin Yizhu..." She still remembered the first time they met on the street, and that was what Lin Yizhu told her at the time.

When Lin Yizhu heard this answer, the light in his eyes suddenly dimmed: After experiencing so many things, do you still have to be so unfamiliar?
In his heart, he had already regarded Wu Zinuo as a very good friend, and that kind of inexplicable familiarity from the beginning has become so natural in these five months, but this sentence, Like a roulette wheel, it turns back to the beginning...

But he has overlooked an important thing. In Wu Zinuo's memory, what she has is only the most specific scene of the first encounter, and everything that happened after that, in her impression, is just a blur. Blurred fragments, they either happened when she was insane, or when she didn't know it at all. All she could remember was the understanding of Lin Yizhu, after all, it was just such a scene.

Although her thoughts were flying nine days away, Lin Yizhu was delighted to find one thing: Wu Zinuo recognized him, she didn't lose her memory, she recognized him!
He was in a very good mood immediately, so good that it could be compared with the bright red sunset in the evening, so good that he ignored the gloomy flashing in A Nuo's eyes, he led Wu Zi Nuo to sit down at the table, and fell down. Give her a glass of water, and ask enthusiastically Wu Zinuo who is back to normal: "Tell me quickly, how did you wake up?"

"Just, just wake up naturally!" To be honest, speaking of her waking up in the morning, it was no different from waking up as usual, but there was a little extra episode after waking up, but this episode , she didn't want to tell him...


When the first ray of sunlight in the morning entered the inner room through the window, Wu Zinuo, who had slept the whole night, finally opened his eyes slowly.

"Hey baby, you're awake!" There was a suppressed and happy old man's voice next to her, that voice was kind and doting, very much like her grandfather.

Wu Zinuo lay on the bed and calmed down for a while, fragments kept flashing through her mind, starting from that snowy night when she was brought back to Youyang Forest by her master, some things she had experienced in Youyang Forest... ...Trivial things quickly reappeared in my mind, and the thousand years of loneliness I spent on the top of Yishan when I was arrested later, and after I returned to the world, I searched for my master blindly, until I was in the bustling dream world. I met Lin Yizhu in the street...

Immediately after that, there was a storm in my mind: She was trying her best to resist the invasion of the demon world in the Youyang Forest, and she was dying in the Demon Mountain, and a black shadow appeared on the Ziling Mountain, and she was stabbed through the heart by a man in white and fell to the ground slowly...

Everything was tumbling so fast, except for her fallen figure at the end.There was still darkness in her memory that seemed to never have a border, which made her palpitate suddenly and sat up straight from the bed.

(End of this chapter)

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