Chapter 79 Must Be Clear
Everything was tumbling so fast, except for her fallen figure at the end.There was still darkness in her memory that seemed to never have a border, which made her palpitate suddenly and sat up straight from the bed.

Reluctantly sitting too hard, her already messy brain was dizzy again, she hurriedly supported the edge of the bed, supported her body and lowered her head to rest for a while.

After the uncomfortable feeling passed, she slowly raised her head. The old man who was not moving in front of her was still standing there, smiling.

She wanted to ask something, but she opened her mouth and didn't know what exactly she wanted to ask. She just felt that there were many questions, many feelings of wanting to ask, and many things she wanted to ask.

She felt uncomfortable in her chest, she covered her heart with her hand, opened her mouth and only uttered one syllable: "Pain!" Then she quickly bent over to the bed and spit out a mouthful of black blood!Seeing this, the old man's smiling expression immediately disappeared, and hurriedly stepped forward to give her a pulse, and after a long time, he nodded.

"How are you feeling now?" he asked softly.

Wu Zinuo looked at the old man who took her pulse carefully, and smiled: "Well, it's much better, thank you."

Ouyang Xin smiled happily: "No, no, no, most of this is not my credit, no, my credit accounts for more than half, and the lesser half is someone else's."

"Oh? My master?" She didn't forget the look of the master she saw before she fell into a coma, and she didn't forget the feeling of waking up on such a familiar back.

The smiling face in front of her slowly disappeared after Wu Zinuo subconsciously said the words. The old man was silent for a while, and then answered her seriously word by word:
"Baby, you may have recognized the reality of some things, but you just don't want to admit it in your heart, but no matter how unwilling to admit it or believe it, the facts are there, and you can't choose, whether to escape or not, and finally see The other side still comes from yourself.”

After he finished speaking, he stood up and took out a bottle of pills from his body: "Your illness is no longer serious after being treated by the Sansheng Stone, but your body is still weak and needs to be recuperated over time. This bottle of medicine is for you. It is good for recovering physical strength in a short time, you take it every three hours, after today, your physical strength should be almost recovered." He handed the medicine to Wu Zinuo, turned around and was about to leave.

Sansheng stone?Wu Zinuo grasped the word in his words, and his confused brain could still remember what it was.

This is her master's treasure. Now, after a thousand years, this thing has reappeared in the world?
She knows the rules set by the master, so this one in front of her is...

"You are the tenth-generation guardian of the Sansheng Stone, the Immortal Doctor, Ouyang Xin?!" She looked at the back of the one who had walked a few steps, and asked.

Sure enough, the walking steps stopped, and there seemed to be a burst of joy in the invisible expression: "That's right, I still remember it was me, I thought you had forgotten."

"Uncle Ouyang was joking. A Nuo just fell into a coma for a while. It is a blessing to be rescued and taken care of by Uncle in several lifetimes." To meet old people... No, to be precise, it is with her and Master From the bottom of her heart, she felt very happy about the people involved.

"Haha, it's just a joke, um, you are..." To be honest, Ouyang Xin's intuition told him that this girl must be inextricably related to him and Sanshengshi, but he didn't know what the relationship was .

"Oh, I'm sorry, A Nuo forgot to introduce myself, um... The owner of the Sansheng Stone, Yizhu Xianjun, is A Nuo's master..." Wu Zi Nuo suddenly remembered that although she could know the old man in front of her through induction and common sense Who, but after all, Ouyang Xin has only lived in this world for a few decades, how could he know that there is such a person as her, it is because he is not careful enough.

(End of this chapter)

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