Chapter 86 The Ice Cellar
Sure enough, the road became smoother and smoother. Although there were still several places on the way that were not the same as the footwork she remembered, they were all corrected by her clever calculations. The clearer it was, the suddenly appeared a small house with white tiles.

The white tile hut is amazing, there is such a room hidden in the middle of the jungle!
No, she actually wanted to go out. Now that the sound of rocks breaking was gone, it showed that there was no major event ahead, so she should go back. It is serious to leave such a dark forest as soon as possible. seems to be going the other way...

The sun was shining, Wu Zinuo touched his nose, and wanted to go out according to the method of getting out of the Youyang Forest, but the moment he turned around, the room in front of him was glowing white because of the sunlight. aroused her curiosity.

What is this room for?
Could it be a place for people to live in? Wait a minute, this place belongs to Master. Master, will it be in it?

Look up at the sky, at this time... it's still early... take a look... it shouldn't be too much time.

She raised her delicate willow eyebrows, opened her big watery grape-like eyes, pursed her lips, bent over, and walked over cautiously.

Martial arts practitioners have vain footsteps, coupled with her tiptoeing, this makes the ground covered with a thick layer of rotten leaves that are still green, unable to play its role, and can only be unknown... Spring mud protects trees more.

Seeing that the door of the house was right in front of her eyes, she showed a triumphant smile, um, yes, the formation here is very similar to that of Youyang Forest, haha, master, this disciple has lived up to your teachings.

Looking at the two closed doors, Wu Zinuo calculated the direction and gestured towards his hand, then tilted his head for a while, and decisively pushed open the door on the right.

A ray of light slowly shone into the dark room. The furnishings in the room were simple, just a dilapidated wooden table, two small simple chairs, and a shelf dedicated to placing washbasins and towels.

But all of this, in the eyes of Wu Zinuo, is very familiar... as if I have seen it somewhere before.

Could it be because she has seen similar people when she was looking for her master in the past few years?
It's a strange feeling, that feeling is both familiar and far away, as if it has been lost for tens of thousands of years, and then regained.

She walked over slowly, looking at the thick dust accumulated on the table, with a light touch of her finger, a finger print was printed on it.

Looking at the wooden shelf again, she walked over. For some reason, she also wanted to touch the rusty washbasin with her hand. Immediately, her strength was instilled in her hand, and her hand unconsciously moved slowly to the right while holding the washbasin.

There was a loud sound of "shaking", as if some mechanism was slowly falling down, a wall behind Wu Zinuo moved slowly upwards, and in the darkness, a stone ladder leading to the top appeared in the dusty air. in front of her eyes.

what is this?
Wu Zinuo felt very curious, and couldn't help moving her feet. With her searching eyes, she got into the path and walked up.

It seemed to have turned two turns, until the stone ladder turned up and Wu Zinuo's sense of direction was dizzy, then the darkness slowly faded away and the light gradually revealed.

Now, standing in front of Wu Zinuo is a side that obviously looks like a stone gate, but I don't know where and how to open its mechanism, Shimen!
She looked up at its infinite height, and was very curious for a moment and really angry that she didn't take a serious look at the outside of the building just now, how tall this building is.

(End of this chapter)

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