Chapter 87 The Frozen Master's Wife
She looked up at its infinite height, and was very curious for a moment and really angry that she didn't take a serious look at the outside of the building just now, how tall this building is.

Alright, let's think about the problem in front of us first, how to open this door?

It was the first time in her life that she stood in front of a door, but she couldn't do anything about it. She couldn't help walking around in place scratching her head.

"Boom," just as she was pacing non-stop, the door opened upwards by itself, but the speed was as slow as that of a snail.

Wu Zinuo stopped and stared blankly at the door in front of her, doubts swelled in her heart: wait, what did she

The next moment she knew exactly why the door was opened, because from the moment she stopped, the stone door could not be stopped.

It turned out to be like this, but she didn't expect to hit it by mistake. She was so happy in her heart that she hurriedly walked back and forth again.

Walking back and forth, walking back and forth, walking back and forth...

After half a stick of incense, when Wu Zinuo was sweating profusely and stopped to pant for breath, the gap in that cheating stone door should be enough for her hand to go in...

Ah, I'm so tired, I really want to give up...

She tried to put her hand behind the stone door...

However, when Wu Zinuo slowly stretched his hand into the stone gate, he could clearly feel the unusual temperature behind the stone gate—it was the same temperature as in the winter when it was snowing... no, it was better than the temperature after the snow fell. It's even colder today.

Could it be that behind it is... an ice cellar?
Why is there an ice cellar here?What is it for?

Curiosity aroused Wu Zinuo's interest again, after a break, she continued to pace.

The hard work paid off, and finally after half an hour, the stone door opened a distance that she could bend over and kneel, and without any hesitation, she slid in.

Take a closer look... This is really, an ice cellar!
Behind the stone gate, there are thick and huge ice blocks in all directions. The ice blocks have become smooth and noticeable due to the long-term freezing, and the blue ice body is emitting a cold air, and the cold air is absorbed in midair It's frosting... the ice is everywhere, and it's not organized.

She carefully looked at every corner here, and all she could see were pure and flawless ice cubes, so what should these ice cubes be used for?

Huh, what is that?
Inadvertently, Wu Zinuo suddenly saw a small black spot on the corner of the ice cube!Like a little ant.

There should be a way to go there, hehe, it's so cold!

She rubbed her arm, the hot air out of her mouth was already cold, she was unprepared, the only clothes she wore when she came to the ice cellar were the rose red wide-sleeved dress.

He stomped his foot vigorously on the ground - after standing for a while, his foot became a little numb.

Trembling as he walked in, even though it was cold, it was not too late to find out what that thing was.

With Wu Zinuo's half-human, half-celestial physique, she should be able to last a little longer in the ice cellar.

However, now that her body has just recovered, how long it will take... is not so easy to calculate.

Don't be afraid, anyway, she will leave after figuring out that thing, who wants to stay in the ice cellar for such a long time, it's not a fun thing.

However, this road is so long, there is no end to it, and the ground is also covered with thick ice, so you must be careful and careful when walking on it.However, no matter how careful you are, there will always be fate that slips every now and then...

The body seems to be getting colder and colder, but the road is not over yet. Looking back at the road, the winding ice road stretches behind, hidden behind two thick ice walls. Wow, I didn’t expect the road to come so far. It's been a long time, well, now, go back, it's a little far away.

(End of this chapter)

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