Chapter 30

Wei Changyu looked eagerly at the white and tender fish meat around his mouth, it was fragrant and delicious, Gudong!He swallowed again.

But he didn't open his mouth to answer.

Fluttering with long eyelashes, she looked at her sister, and then at the large piece of fish around her mouth.

"My sister has worked hard in catching fish. My sister will eat a piece first, and then I will eat the long feathers."

Nuo Nuo's soft child's voice entered my ears, Wei Changju was so moved, and Xiao Luootou was so sensible that it made people feel distressed.

"Okay, sister, take a bite, and Changyu take a bite." Wei Changjue said in a soft voice, put the fish into his mouth, stabbed it with a fork again, picked up a piece of fish, breathed out close to his mouth, and blew cold , and handed it to Wei Changyu's mouth.

"Yeah." Wei Changyu nodded his round head, opened his mouth, revealing a few white baby teeth, bit down the fish handed by his sister, and stuffed it into a mouthful.

The cheeks on both sides are one by one, and the little radish head chews the fish in the mouth beautifully. It is soft, fragrant, slippery, and delicious.

The little guy was eating fish, his little face was flushed red by the light of the fire, his eyebrows were curved, his round pupils were twinkling, and his small appearance was extremely cute.

Brother and sister, you have one bite, and I have one bite. The food is so satisfying and joyful.

Ling Jing finished eating half of the fish in one go, and was using a bamboo fork to slowly turn the fish in the bamboo tube over and continue to eat the fish on the other side.

Jinglei, Lightning looked at his grandfather eagerly, his food was quite hearty - he wanted to die!

The whole room is full of fish smell, three people have to eat, two people just look at it.

You can see it, but you can't eat it, you can smell it, you can't taste it, the handsome faces of Jinglei and Lightning are all hard-pressed.

Gudong, the Adam's apples of the two rolled at the same time, and they swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Torturing people, this is really too tortured, inhaling the smell of fish, the two of them burst into tears, and shouted deeply in their hearts at the same time.

Lord, you are merciful, it's fine to have leftover fish bones or something!

Wei Changjue was full after eating, raised his head and hiccupped in satisfaction, his brows and eyes were curved, and he smiled at Jinglei and Lightning: "Do you want to eat fish?"

Jinglei and Lightning nodded at Wei Changqu at the same time, they wanted to eat, of course they wanted to eat, smelling the strong aroma in the air, if they held it in for a while longer, they would almost suffer internal injuries.

The two raised their eyebrows, and four grateful eyes fell on Wei Changqu's body.

Could it be, could it be possible that if this village girl wanted to give them fish to eat, there would really be one left.

Or this country girl is kind, simple, simple, understanding, virtuous, gentle...

"Here, here you are." Wei Changqu picked up the biggest fish and handed it to Jing Lei and Lightning, and handed him two bamboo forks at the same time.

The two took the bamboo tube and saw a big fat fish growing in the bamboo tube, weighing about three catties.

Four grateful eyes fell on Wei Changqu.

That look definitely wanted to say——sister, you are really the reincarnation of a living Bodhisattva.

The two quickly picked up the bamboo fork and ate it in big mouthfuls. It was fragrant and fragrant. No wonder Grandpa ate so heartily.

"This fish is ten taels of silver, pay the bill after eating."

Thunder, Lightning buried their heads in the middle of eating, and Wei Changjue's light words caught his ears, and the two of them were almost swallowed by the fishbone.

Both of them raised their heads, and looked at Wei Changqu with all four eyes, wondering, belatedly, why did they have the feeling of being deceived.

"Ahem! This...this fish...wasn't free...for us?"

Jinglei coughed twice, gulped, gulped, rolled his Adam's apple, swallowed the fish in his mouth, and asked Wei Changqu with a puzzled expression.

With a full belly, Wei Changqu happily shrugged his shoulders and smiled.

"Who said! This fish is given to you for free, ten taels of silver a piece, after eating, hurry up and pay."

After all, Wei Changqu stretched out his hand, she had to settle the money, there was no room for negotiation.

Thunder and lightning separated the flames, staring eagerly at a smiling face opposite.

This is not a smiling face, this is clearly a smiling tiger.

At this moment, they realized that the village girl in front of them was not kind, simple, simple, understanding, virtuous, or gentle...

The two held bamboo forks in their hands, neither eating nor not eating, their hearts full of mixed feelings.

Lightning rolled his eyes and looked at his grandfather with a stiff neck.

Wei Changqu rolled his eyes and said calmly: "It's useless to see your master, he is working to pay off the debt, otherwise, he would have to pay for the fish."

"Work? Pay off debts?"

Jinglei and Lightning both staggered and trembled at the same time after hearing Wei Changqu's words.

Don't believe it, it's impossible, if their master works to repay the debt, the sow can climb a tree.

It should be said that they would rather believe that a sow can climb a tree than that their grandfather can work for a village girl to pay off a debt.

Jinglei and Lightning sullenly did not believe Wei Changqu's words.

Wei Changyu ate a full meal, with a small body, tightly next to his sister, a pair of small hands clenched into fists, elbows on his knees, chin propped up, a pair of watery eyes, turn around Turn around, look at this, then look at that, like a little clever ghost.

The little guy looked at it for a while, and suddenly said tenderly: "Sister, I'm not lying to you, big brother really helped us repair the walls, and even helped us repair the stove."

"Fix the walls and repair the stove." Thunder and Lightning exclaimed at the same time.

The two turned their eyes, and all four eyes fell on the newly repaired skull hole on the wall, and the newly repaired stove.

Well, the mud is wet, could it be, could it be, indeed, these are the fruits of their master's labor.

The two looked away, and looked at their grandfather in disbelief.

That look clearly wanted to ask—Master, this, you really did these things.

Ling Jing finally ate the whole fish, put down the bamboo tube and bamboo fork contentedly, and did not respond to the thunder, lightning shocked, and disbelieving eyes.

The two turned their stiff necks and looked away in unison.

The master did not deny that the skull hole in the wall and the stove were really repaired by their master.

God, it's terrible, not only the sow is going to climb the tree, I'm afraid the nun is going to marry a monk, this, this is so fucking shocking.

As far as their master's cleanliness is concerned, ordinary people should not get close to him, things are so unclean that they are spotless, no need, unexpectedly, they can dig mud.

Cut, isn't it just to patch up a few skull holes and repair a stove, do these two need this expression of eating shit?

Wei Changjue looked at Jinglei and Lightning's shocked and dazed appearance, and his heart was very unshakable.

(End of this chapter)

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