cute in his palm

Chapter 1006 Tell Me I Love You

Chapter 1006 Tell Me I Love You

A man like Xiao Jing is the same as Jiang Dingcheng, once he has a goal, he will do whatever it takes to get it.

Therefore, if Tao Mian is the woman Xiao Jing likes, other men can only choose to let go.

Otherwise, if you want to fight with Xiao Jing, there is only one consequence, Xiao Jing wins, and the other men lose with scars all over their bodies.

Therefore, if Gu Xiao competed with Xiao Jing, he would really lose. This is a completely predictable result, and there is no need to guess.

The brothers of the Xiao family are really annoying.

The eldest brother Xiao Jing and Gu Xiao fell in love with the same man, and the second child Xiao Tuo followed his eyes again.

"Jiang Dingcheng, what are you looking at?" Mu Jiu felt that Jiang Dingcheng looked at Gu Xiao with strange eyes, and he couldn't say anything strange for a while.

"Jiu'er, what do you think of Gu Xiao and Tao Mian being together?" Jiang Dingcheng suddenly asked her curiously, wanting to know how Mu Jiu viewed this pair.

"Gu Xiao and Mian Mian?" Mu Jiu never thought that a man like Jiang Dingcheng would be so curious about other people's personal feelings.

Some couldn't believe that Jiang Dingcheng would ask such a question.

"En." Jiang Dingcheng nodded slightly and said.

"I'm not too optimistic." Mu Jiu said calmly.

For this pair, Mu Jiu never liked this pair from the beginning. Gu Xiao was too self-willed, too reckless, and too unreliable, and Tao Mian and Tao Mian were people from two different worlds. It's a tragedy, not a comedy.

Of course, this is just Mu Jiu's unilateral opinion, and Guan Jian depends on what the two of them think.

Fate is such a wonderful thing, it can bring two seemingly irrelevant people together, just like her and Jiang Dingcheng, people from two worlds that were impossible to meet in the first place, but By accident, they became husband and wife.

Then Gu Xiao and Tao Mian might also be a good couple.

Therefore, don't insist on absoluteness in matters in the world.

"I'm not too optimistic either." Jiang Dingcheng said agreeably.

This is completely a follow-up attitude, and Mu Jiu doesn't need his follow-up attitude.

"Do you think Mian Mian is not good enough for Gu Xiao, or is Gu Xiao not good enough for Mian Mian?" Mu Jiu is not the kind of person who likes to be more serious, but this is related to her friend's reputation, and she needs to make a clear distinction.

When Jiang Dingcheng heard her say this, he curled his lips into a smile, and knew why she would ask such a simple question. Although this question sounds simple, it is not easy at all to answer it.

"Of course Gu Xiao is not good enough for Tao Mian." Jiang Dingcheng said calmly.

Hearing this, Mu Jiu's complexion became better.

"It's pretty much the same, but why do you think so?" Mu Jiu looked at him curiously and said.

"Their two personalities are not suitable." Jiang Dingcheng simply expressed his inner thoughts.

It's also the easiest to see.

Tao Mian's personality is too cold and cold, and she has no interest in Gu Xiao at all, but Gu Xiao is chasing Tao Mian all the time.

Obviously, one is too cold and the other is too hot, some are not suitable.

Although others always say that the personalities of two people are best complementary.

But if there is no call between the two from the beginning, no matter how great the enthusiasm is, it will be wiped out.

"Jiu'er, do you care so much about other people's feelings?" Jiang Dingcheng looked at her and raised his eyebrows slightly.

Jiang Dingcheng was a little unhappy that Mu Jiu cared so much about other people's feelings. What he hoped was that Mu Jiu could focus more on him.

"How can it be someone else's feelings? This is my best friend's. Mianmian is not an outsider. Naturally, I have to take good care of her affairs." Mu Jiu said very seriously.

How could Jiang Dingcheng treat Tao Mian as an outsider? This is one of her best friends.

Friends should share difficulties and share blessings. When you are looking for a partner, you should help to check.

How could Jiang Dingcheng understand the relationship between the few sisters all of a sudden, and Mu Jiu didn't need him to really understand it.

"Okay, you can care about your good sister's feelings. I know you care about her, but can you put more affection on me?" Jiang Dingcheng said while holding Mu Jiu's hand.

Mu Jiu glanced at him blankly.

"Jiang Dingcheng, what kind of feelings do you want? I'll give you all my feelings." Mu Jiu blurted out, but after she finished speaking, she regretted it a little, especially for the look on Jiang Dingcheng's face. A smug smile.

"Jiu'er, can you understand that you have fallen in love with me a long time ago, and you already have me in your heart." Jiang Dingcheng looked into her eyes and asked very directly.

Hearing this, Mu Jiu's expression was slightly embarrassed.

The small thoughts in his heart made Jiang Dingcheng guess all of them, and this feeling would be a bit embarrassing.

"Jiu'er, am I right?" Jiang Dingcheng even became a little excited.

Hearing this, Mu Jiu resisted saying nothing, but felt that the disaster came from his mouth, as long as he didn't say anything, then there would be no chance of making mistakes.

"What's wrong, Jiang Dingcheng, I'm going to get some water to drink." Mu Jiu turned away with some embarrassment.

It's a pity that her inferior escape plan is completely useless.

"No, answer my question first, and then I'll get you some water." Knowing that she chose to escape again, Jiang Dingcheng said immediately.

"I don't know what you're talking about, what question do you want to answer?" Mu Jiu pretended to be stupid.

With such a little IQ, it's really not cute enough to pretend to be in front of him.

"Jiu'er, is it so difficult for you to admit that you love me?" Jiang Dingcheng grabbed her hand and stared into her eyes very seriously, just to force her to admit it.

Although he knew that her heart was shaking and that she already had feelings for him, what he saw was completely different from Mu Jiu's own admission of this relationship.

All he wanted was her own acknowledgment.

"Jiang, Jiang Dingcheng...don't force me." Mu Jiu looked at him with a trace of embarrassment and said.

It's too embarrassing to say that I love him.

"I won't force you, so can you talk to me now?" Jiang Dingcheng looked at her with a gentle look in his eyes and said.

Mu Jiu thought for a long time, but finally couldn't get the words out of her mouth.

"Jiu'er, follow me and say, I love you." Jiang Dingcheng said, looking into her eyes.

Is this the teacher teaching the students to learn tongue?

Mu Jiu wanted to say I love you, but when the words came to her lips, she couldn't speak at all, because she was really speechless.

"Jiu'er, follow me, I love you." Seeing her shy look, Jiang Dingcheng continued to speak.

 Recommend Gezi's new article "Young Master Li Playing Heartbeat: Fresh Wife, Can't Eat Enough" is freshly released~

(End of this chapter)

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