cute in his palm

Chapter 1007

Chapter 1007

Hearing this, Mu Jiu's face turned even redder. He was really flattered to hear him say "I love you" over and over again.

This is tantamount to Chi Guoguo's confession, how can he bear this.

Although she knew that Jiang Dingcheng really loved her, she also knew about it.

But listening to him say it outright like this is another matter, and the feeling is completely different.

"Jiang Dingcheng, stop making trouble." Mu Jiu directly rejected Jiang Dingcheng's proposal.

Why follow him to learn that I love you, it's just nonsense, she can't do such a thing.

Seeing Mu Jiu leaving with a somewhat defeated look, Jiang Dingcheng couldn't help laughing.

Although the purpose of holding a birthday party for Mu Andong at Huafu Villa is mainly for him, he is the one who really benefits and is happy. He has discovered more and more advantages in Mu Jiu, which is what he is most happy to see.

"Xiao Jiu, eat this chicken wing, I just baked it, it's delicious." Guan Xiaotong showed great hospitality in front of Mu Jiu.

"Guan Xiaotong, you are drinking with me, are you conscious?" Seeing Guan Xiaotong running to talk to Mu Jiu, Gu Xiao was a little unhappy.

It was agreed to share a piece of wine, but she went to barbecue by herself, which was obviously a foul.

Gu Xiao was in a very bad mood, after drinking a few glasses of wine, he was already a little drunk.

"Gu Xiao, drink well by yourself. You haven't drunk as much as my sister. You dare to challenge my sister here. You are drunk." Guan Xiaotong said a little unhappy.

What annoys her the most is that when she is talking to people, someone interrupts her.

Gu Xiao, an impolite guy, doesn't know how to write the word respect.

A guy who doesn't drink or drink.

I don't know which of his nerves was wrong, and he actually agreed to fight with her. You must know that when she was wandering around in the night scene, there was nothing wrong with Gu Xiao.

Therefore, this kind of man is destined to lose to her.

"Drunk? Huh? I'm not drunk, okay? Stop talking nonsense and say who is drunk, who is drunk." Gu Xiao said coldly, sweeping her eyes.

It seemed that she was really drunk, otherwise how could she have the face to challenge her.

"He said he wasn't drunk, he was too drunk." Guan Xiaotong said with a smile.

"Who are you talking about drunk, come over and have a drink with me, brother." Gu Xiao yelled at her loudly.

Like this, dare to say that he is not drunk, Guan Xiaotong has black lines all over his head, why did he recruit such a master.

"Xiao Jiu, the brother of Mr. Jiang's family is really..." Guan Xiaotong shook his head at Gu Xiao.

"Xiaotong, why don't you have a drink with him? He can't drink well, and he's in a bad mood. I remember you can't drink very well either. Why don't you look like you didn't drink?" Mu Jiu looked at Guan Xiaotong His face said, except for a little flush, he was not drunk at all, unlike Gu Xiao who was teetering, as if he would fall directly in the next second.

"My drinking capacity is pretty good, okay?" Guan Xiaotong said with a smile.

In fact, she didn't tell the truth, she vomited half of her drink, and Gu Xiao didn't notice it at all.

If she really wanted to drink like Gu Xiao, she would drink herself to death.

Besides, Gu Xiao's situation is not quite right today.

"Xiao Jiu, has Gu Xiao lost his love? This looks like the pain of a broken love." Guan Xiaotong asked curiously.

But as far as she knows, recently this butterfly has not been playing tricks everywhere, but is chasing police officer Mianmian all over the place.

Moreover, he has not been successful.

So there is no loss of love at all.

There is still something she doesn't know, what wonderful picture she missed.

Could it be that Gu Xiao really couldn't think about falling in love with any woman just because he couldn't pursue our police officer Mian Mian, and now he's been cheated and cheated, that's why he's in such pain, and wants to drink away his worries Bar.

"I don't know about his affairs, but it feels so uncomfortable. It should be that Gu Xiao was upset when she saw Mian Mian and her captain yesterday." Mu Jiu said calmly.

This is just her unilateral meaning, and she is not clear whether it is exactly like this.

Hearing this, Guan Xiaotong immediately came to his senses.

Tao Mian came here with that Xiao Jing yesterday, besides being her captain, he is also the young master of the Xiao family.

I really didn't expect that in a place like the special police team, there would be such a wealthy young master with a shining identity like Xiao Jing.

I really don't know that he would give up such a big family business as Xiao's and go to be the captain of the special police. You must know that although this profession is awesome, it is extremely dangerous. The police will be in front of the police, that is, they will face danger first.

Therefore, Guan Xiaotong really couldn't understand.

Like Tao Mian and Xiao Jing, who were born with gold spoons in their mouths, are rich children, but they have such lofty ideals.

Choose such a special occupation without fear of danger.

It's really admirable.

"If it were me, I wouldn't be happy either. Seeing the person I like and other people come over." Guan Xiaotong could understand that Gu Xiao would be so sad, and he was still there to drink away his worries.

Anyone who encounters such a thing will have a nervous breakdown, and then a way that suits him to vent.

Drinking yourself is one of them. If you get drunk like this, you can think about a lot of things less.

Even if you are drunk, you will also get drunk when you are bothered.

"No, Gu Xiao must have been very drunk last night." Guan Xiaotong suddenly became very curious about his affairs, very interested.

Seeing Guan Xiaotong's eagerness to fight, there was only one thought in Mu Jiu's mind, and that was... a very bad premonition.

When Gu Xiao met Guan Xiaotong, it could only be said that he had suffered eight lifetimes of misfortune.

"Xiaotong, you have enough time, Gu Xiao is not someone you can take jokes on." Mu Jiu reminded Guan Xiaotong very seriously.

This girl just likes to do things willfully, sometimes she doesn't look at the situation at all, and just does it according to her own temper.

"Don't worry, I still have some watery eyes." Guan Xiaotong patted Mu Jiu's shoulder and said to calm her nervousness.

"You know, looking at the past, there is no one present who is lower than me. Is there anyone I can provoke, including you, Mrs. Jiang." Guan Xiaotong said with a smile on his face.

"Guan Xiaotong, I'm serious."

"Xiao Jiu, I'm also serious. Don't worry, I'm still drinking with him. If I don't force him down, I won't be named Guan anymore." Guan Xiaotong said with a smile.

 Recommend Gezi's new article "Young Master Li Plays with Heartbeat: Fresh Wife, Can't Eat Enough"


(End of this chapter)

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