cute in his palm

Chapter 1023 Quarreling Father and Daughter

Chapter 1023 Quarreling Father and Daughter

Mu Andong's arrival did not surprise Mu Jiu. Since Mrs. Jiang had said that she would notify her in-laws, she would naturally notify Mu Andong.

Mu Andong came here alone, and it would be better if there were no people who made her angry when she saw it. Mu Andong was holding an insulated box in his hand, so he knew what it was without guessing.

"Xiao Jiu, I heard Mrs. Jiang said that you woke up, so I asked the kitchen to quickly cook some pork rib soup that you love, and drink it while it's hot." Mu Andong greeted Mu Jiu warmly when he came in drink soup.

Mu Jiu didn't have a good face towards him, and she didn't want to drink the soup he brought over.

"No need, grandma just brought it here, and I've already drunk it." Mu Jiu directly refused.

When Mu Andong heard her refusal so flatly, his hands froze all of a sudden. Mu Jiu's hostility towards him was still so strong, which he expected, and all he could do was smile bitterly.

Let his own daughter hate him so much, there are not many fathers in the world.

In the shopping mall, Mu Andong can be regarded as a successful small businessman, but in terms of being a father, he really failed enough.

Mu Andong silently closed the insulation box that had just been unscrewed, then looked at Mu Jiu and said softly. "Xiao Jiu, I'll put this soup here first. At night, if you're hungry, drink some by yourself. If it's cold, ask the nurse to warm it up."

As for his affection, Mu Jiu never accepted it, because there was no need to accept this man's affection.

"For the sake of grandma, I asked you to come and see us. Now that you see it, you can go back." Although Mu Jiu's speech was still very unpleasant, her tone was not as cold as before.

This shows that Mu Jiu's attitude towards him has actually changed a bit. Although it is not obvious, this is a particularly happy thing for Mu Andong.

"Xiao Jiu, I just want to see you more." Mu Andong didn't intend to leave, so he went to a chair beside him and sat down.

Mu Jiu expressed some dissatisfaction with his behavior. She said that if she wanted to let him leave, this man would become more and more cheeky.

"Mr. Mu, don't you understand what I said? I don't need you to accompany me here. Your presence will only make my mood worse. The doctor said that a bad mood will affect my condition." Mu Jiu drove away the guests directly without any hesitation.

Mu Andong's face was a little embarrassed. It was really uncomfortable for his daughter to say this. Even though he might have neglected the desires of his sons and daughters when he was young, it is obviously too late to make up for it now. At least in Mu The seeds of resentment had long been planted in Jiu's heart. After so many years of growth, it had grown into a big tree in the sky. It was deeply rooted in her heart and could not be changed in a short time.

But it doesn't matter, Mu Andong will be patient and wait for the day when Mu Jiu can really accept him as a father again.

No matter how long it takes, he can wait, no matter what he is asked to do.

"Xiao Jiu, Dad just wants to spend more time with you. I won't talk or disturb you. You are pregnant now, so don't be angry." Mu Andong said very gently.

"Xiao Jiu, I'm going to be a grandfather, I'm very happy." Mu Andong told Mu Jiu about his feelings.

Mu Jiu glanced at him lightly, and didn't want to say anything, this is her child, but he was not allowed to be a grandfather.

"Xiao Jiu..."

"Mr. Mu, go back. Pregnant women are not fit to be angry. I just want to be angry when you are here." Mu Jiu directly interrupted Mu Andong and urged him to leave.

Mu Andong knew that he really couldn't stay any longer, even a humble person who wanted to spend more time with his daughter was not allowed, if he stayed, it would only make her more angry and annoying, so think about it or forget it.

"Well, I'll go back first, call me if you have anything to do." Mu Andong got up and gave her a last word.

The chairs are not warm enough to go back, Mu Andong really has mixed feelings in his heart.

I want to treat Xiao Jiu better, but I don't know how to do it.

"Mr. Mu, please don't say a word to my brother about this matter. I will tell him myself in the future. Also, without my permission, you'd better not come here again." Mu Jiu's attitude was extremely bad Said.

"I promise you not to tell Liang Chen, but can I come and see you and Ding Cheng?" Mu Andong looked at her with a begging tone and said.

Although Mu Jiu's hatred for him is too deep, and there is no way to reduce it for a while, but Mu Andong really wants to improve the relationship between father and daughter, and now that Mu Jiu has another child, he wants to give him a child. She is more caring.

However, it is obvious that Mu Jiu is particularly ungrateful.

Whether she hated him for not keeping Tao Shuqin because of his incompetence at the beginning, or whether she hated him for marrying Qin Kefang without asking their opinions, maybe both.

When Tao Shuqin returned to Huaicheng, she had always wanted to get to know her child, but Mu Andong was determined not to allow them to contact, let alone get to know each other.

I'm afraid that Mu Jiu will hate him even more then.

Mu Andong didn't want his only daughter to hate him for the rest of his life. If possible, he wanted to improve the relationship between them, so that he wouldn't have so many regrets for the rest of his life.

"You don't need to come here until Jiang Dingcheng wakes up. You can come after he wakes up, because I don't want to see you, and I will get angry when I see you." Mu Jiu said directly.

Since he wants to see Jiang Dingcheng, let's wait until he wakes up, this son-in-law is very popular with his father-in-law.

"Xiao Jiu, can you..."

"No!" Mu Jiu knew what Mu Andong wanted to say, so before he finished speaking, Mu Jiu interrupted him directly.

It's just so rude, anyway, there is never any need for any manners with Mu Andong.

Mu Andong wanted to say something, but in the end he had no choice but to say nothing, and then looked at Mu Jiu with some disappointment. "Xiao Jiu, then I'll go back first, remember to tell me if you have anything to say."

"It'll be fine." Mu Jiu said impatiently.

If it weren't for Jiang Dingcheng lying here, she wouldn't be so restrained to suppress her emotions so that Jiang Dingcheng wouldn't hear her irritable voice.

Although Jiang Dingcheng was in a coma, he could hear outside voices consciously.

Mu Jiu didn't want Jiang Dingcheng to hear her quarrel with Mu Andong.

It was originally a problem between their father and daughter for decades, and after so many years of arguing, there is no need for Jiang Dingcheng to listen here anymore.

"If Mrs. Jiang called me over..."

"Grandma is willing to ask you to come over, so you come here, it has nothing to do with me." Mu Jiu deliberately made the atmosphere so tense and said so absolutely.

 Gezi's new article "Young Master Li Playing Heartbeat: New Wife, Can't Eat Enough"~
(End of this chapter)

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