cute in his palm

Chapter 1024 I Promise You

Chapter 1024 I Promise You

Mu Andong always knew that he owed too much to his children, so he wanted to spend more time with Mu Jiu to improve his relationship with her when she was injured and hospitalized.

It's a pity that Mu Jiu's attitude towards him was still so resolute and cold, and he never gave him any chance to improve their relationship.

So in the end, he came here full of hope, and then went back full of disappointment.

Mu Jiu watched Mu Andong leaving in a state of disappointment. In fact, she felt uncomfortable in her heart. Although she hated Mu Andong's incompetence and made them lose their mother, she was not a really cold-hearted person after all. Rugang's woman, and what Mu Andong has treated her and his brother these years, Mu Jiu knows in his heart.

Mu Andong just married Qin Kefang and gave birth to Mu Yijie, but his dedication to their brothers and sisters has never been less than what should be.

It's a pity that Mu Jiu has planted the seeds of resentment since she was a child, and the seeds of resentment that have sprouted and taken root over the years are too deep-rooted, so it is difficult for her to change in a short time.

Let's just do it like this first, and wait until Jiang Dingcheng wakes up and leaves the hospital, and then slowly settle the grievances between her and Mu Andong.

Seeing the white insulation box, Mu Jiu thought about it and walked over, unscrewed the box, and smelled a strong smell of pork rib soup.

Mu Andong is a very traditional Chinese man who is not good at expressing his feelings. He only knows how to show his love for his children with actions. It's a pity that Mu Jiu is a prickly prickly prickly man with too stubborn a sense of prevention. An unbreakable perseverance.

After watching for a few seconds, it was covered again.

Now she is still very full and has no appetite at all, so she simply returned to Jiang Dingcheng's hospital bed, held his hand, and looked at him quietly.

This should be the most times since they got married for so long, and the longest time since she took the initiative to hold his hand. If Jiang Dingcheng knew, he would be very happy.

Because in this marriage, he has always been giving, Mu Jiu is completely passive, and often chooses to reject his love, which really makes a man deeply frustrated and uneasy.

"Jiang Dingcheng, just now Mr. Mu, your dear father-in-law is here." Mu Jiu whispered while touching his hand.

Now, the only thing she can do with Jiang Dingcheng is that she holds his hand and keeps talking.

Talk to Jiang Dingcheng a lot, so that he can stimulate his nerves and wake him up faster.

Moreover, Mu Jiu also wanted to talk to him a lot, but only now did she realize that Jiang Dingcheng had been talking to her before, but she kept choosing to avoid it, and missed so many good opportunities for the two of them to get along.

It's really a bit regretful.

If she had known that something like this would happen, she shouldn't have wasted so much time creating some good memories for the two of them.

It's only now that I realize it, Mu Jiu, Mu Jiu, how slow you are.

Fortunately, there is still time, as long as Jiang Dingcheng wakes up.

"Jiang Dingcheng, you heard what I said. Your father-in-law brought me soup, but I'm so full now that I don't want to eat anything. I wish you could wake up earlier and help me drink it."

"Jiang Dingcheng, you have to wake up soon, okay? As long as you wake up, I promise you anything, shall we go on honeymoon?"

"Xinmatai, okay, Thailand can see transvestites who are prettier than women."

"Oh no no no, let's go to Europe."

" can go to Paris. Anyway, as soon as you wake up, we will go wherever you say, okay?"

By the end, her own eye sockets were wet.

For the first time, I realized how frustrating it is to have one person talking all the time and not get a response from the other person.

Thinking about the past, Jiang Dingcheng had always been kind to her and showed love to her, but she directly chose to ignore it.

At that time, Jiang Dingcheng must have been particularly lost and sad.

Why didn't I see his goodness at the beginning, and why did I ignore his goodness like a bastard?
You deserve it, Mu Jiu, this is God's punishment for you, to make you dare to ignore Jiang Dingcheng's sacrifices like this in the future, and let him suffer alone.

If Jiang Dingcheng died this time, she would regret it for the rest of her life and die in depression.

Fortunately, he is not dead, he is still alive, so as long as they work hard, there will be a better future waiting for them.

"Jiang Dingcheng, I promise you, as long as you wake up, I will listen to you for everything, okay?"


After talking about it, Mu Jiu lay beside his hand and fell asleep from exhaustion.

At night, when Tao Mian came back from the police force, she saw Mu Jiu falling asleep beside Jiang Dingcheng's hand. She didn't know how long this silly girl had been asleep.

Since I'm so tired, I'm going to sleep on the hospital bed. If I only wear a thin hospital gown like this, I will definitely get sick.

"Xiao Jiu, Xiao Jiu." Tao Mian patted her on the shoulder to wake her up.

Mu Jiu was still having a nightmare about Jiang Dingcheng being swept away by the flood, which woke Tao Mian up, and looked at her blankly with a terrified expression, before she recognized Tao Mian.

"Mianmian, it's you, when did you come?" Mu Jiu rubbed her eyes and asked her, only to find that there were tears in the corners of her eyes.

I just cried again in my dream.

This dream was telling her that she was really afraid of losing Jiang Dingcheng.

It has never been discovered that when this man has such a high status in her heart, it is completely beyond her expectations.

Perhaps, Jiang Dingcheng's affection for her has unconsciously occupied an absolute position in her heart like a long stream of water, unshakable and unchangeable.

Even she herself hadn't discovered it.

"Xiao Jiu, I just came here. I woke you up when I saw you sleeping here and I was afraid that you would catch a cold. How could you fall asleep here? You just woke up not long ago. If you are too tired, go to your ward to rest. How about sleeping on your stomach?" Tao Mian said worriedly.

"I'm fine. I don't know why I fell asleep here. I'm fine." Mu Jiu emphasized that she was fine, but she didn't want Tao Mian to worry about her.

"You said it was okay, you just woke up, you were injured, and now you have a baby, your body is still very weak, you will be tired if you don't rest for a long time like this." Tao Mian's tone was a bit blaming.

She was just angry why Mu Jiu didn't cherish her own body so much, she finally woke up with her life back, why didn't she want to take a good rest, what if she tossed like this and made her body straddle again.

Mu Jiu was completely aware of Tao Mian's distress and concern, so she didn't want Tao Mian to worry about her. "Mianmian, I'm really fine. Grandma brought me a lot of nutritious soup in the afternoon. I'm full of energy now."

 Gezi's new article "Young Master Li Playing Heartbeat: Fresh Wife, Can't Eat Enough"~~What~~~
(End of this chapter)

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