cute in his palm

Chapter 1052 Did He Have an Accident

Chapter 1052 Did He Have an Accident

Mu Jiu was extremely nervous during the prenatal checkup today. She was so nervous all the time, as if she was afraid that something would happen. The old lady had already seen her nervous expression, and she even had fine sweat on her forehead. It's hard for the wife not to worry.

"Xiao Jiu, what's the matter with you, are you okay?" the old lady asked while holding Mu Jiu's hand, the obstetrics and gynecology department was ahead, and the director was still waiting for them there.

"Grandma, I don't know why, but I feel very nervous today, and I feel flustered." Mu Jiu couldn't tell what his mood was.

One is because of the maternity checkup, and the other is still wondering if that Jiang Dingcheng who stood beside her bed for so long last night is really him, whether he really woke up.

If she really woke up, when she saw it this morning, Jiang Dingcheng was still sleeping there peacefully, and she didn't look like she woke up at all. Could it be that she really thought too much.

"Don't be nervous, Xiao Jiu, nothing will happen, you and the baby will be very well." The old lady said while holding Mu Jiu's hand to comfort her.

"Grandma, I know, grandma, let me tell you... I woke up from a dream about Dingcheng yesterday." Mu Jiu said, holding the old lady's hand tightly.

When the old lady heard this, she suddenly laughed, and now she understood that Mu Jiu was not nervous because of the baby's birth inspection, but because of the commitment.

The second child's situation is very serious, how can he wake up in such a short time, it's because Mu Jiu misses him so much.

"Xiao Jiu, listen to grandma, grandma knows that you want to get married now, but you can't have such an illusion, it will make grandma feel very distressed." The old lady said while holding her hand.

Mu Jiu had such hallucinations because of too much pressure in her heart.

"Grandma, what I said is true. Tell me... will Ding Cheng really wake up last night?" Mu Jiu thought about it for a long time today, and the more she thought about it, the more she felt that this matter was reliable.

Just thinking about going back now to see if it is really as I guessed.

"Grandma, I'm a little worried. I want to go back and have a look. Is Ding Cheng really awake?" The more Mu Jiu thought about it, the more excited she became.

The old lady grabbed her and said in a very gentle tone. "Xiao Jiu, listen to grandma. If Mu Jiu really wakes up, we can go back and see after the obstetric examination. Xiao Jiu is obedient."

Mu Jiu nodded when she heard this. "Grandma, let's go to the obstetric examination as soon as possible, and then we can go back earlier. Maybe it's not my illusion, but he really woke up."

"Yes, yes, Dingcheng will wake up soon, let's go in first." The old lady took Mu Jiu's hand and went in.

After Mu Jiu finished a series of inspections, she was anxious to go back.

When he came out, he saw Guan Xiaotong and Xu Yanke standing outside the door.

"Xiao Jiu, the examination is over, how is the baby, is it healthy?" Guan Xiaotong asked anxiously.

"The baby is fine, let's go back to the ward now." Mu Jiu said directly, now she was even more anxious to go back to the ward to see Jiang Dingcheng, whether he woke up or not, she had to affirm her thoughts.

Maybe, last night was really not her illusion.

"Why are you in such a hurry to go back? It just so happens that the weather is fine today, so let's go out to bask in the sun and let the baby replenish calcium." Guan Xiaotong said, holding her hand.

Hearing this, Mu Jiu looked up at the weather outside the window, the blue sky and white clouds, the sun was shining brightly, it looked really good, it would be nice to bask in the sun normally, but today she is not in the mood to do so , desperately want to go back to the ward.

"Xiaotong, don't go to the sun now, go back to the ward first, I want to see Dingcheng, and then tell him about the baby, let's go downstairs to sunbathe, okay?" Mu Jiu said very seriously.

Hearing this, Guan Xiaotong became anxious. "Xiao Jiu, go back later."

Mu Jiu felt that Guan Xiaotong's behavior was a bit abnormal. "Xiaotong, you are a little weird today." The more Mu Jiu looked at her, the more she felt that she was a little weird today.

"It's not weird at all, it's not weird at all." Guan Xiaotong said directly, and then dragged Mu Jiu to go outside.

"Guan Xiaotong, what are you making a fuss about?" Mu Jiu resolutely refused to follow her, and wanted to go back to the ward first. She was very flustered, as if something was about to happen, so she had to be anxious.

"I didn't make a fuss, I really just wanted to take you to bask in the sun, Mrs. Jiang would definitely think it's a good thing to take you to the sun, right, Mrs. Jiang." Guan Xiaotong directly moved the old lady out.

The old lady naturally felt good. "Xiao Jiu, go and bask in the sun with Xiao Tong and the others. There is no rush to go back to Dingcheng." The old lady thought it would be good to let Mu Jiu relax, as she is too obsessed with Jiang Dingcheng's affairs now.

From the moment she entered, she has been talking there, whether Jiang Dingcheng has woken up, and last night she saw him standing beside her bed, which made the old lady very worried. If the pressure in her heart is too heavy, If so, there will be mental problems.

This is also what the doctor said. Pregnant women are easy to be emotional. If the pressure in their hearts is a little higher, they are prone to mental problems.

Therefore, if Xiao Jiu's friends come to accompany her, it will be easier to relax.

"Grandma, but I want to go back and see Dingcheng first, and then go to bask in the sun." Mu Jiu can now be [-]% sure that her so-called dream that Jiang Dingcheng woke up last night was not purely imaginary, but real. He woke up because he reached out and touched her face last night, and that hand was warm.

So, I must have missed something.

That's not a dream, it's real, Jiang Dingcheng really woke up.

Yes, it must be like this, Mu Jiu suddenly became pleasantly surprised, her small face is extremely beautiful.

"Xiao Jiu, be obedient and come with us to bask in the sun first. The sun is the best at this time. After a while, we will go back to the ward to see Jiang Dingcheng. He will sleep there and won't run away. Obedient." Guan Xiaotong held his arm Mu Jiu's hand was about to be pulled out.

This appearance can't make Mu Jiu calm down, it's obvious that something is going on.

"Guan Xiaotong, stop making trouble, you must be hiding something from me." Mu Jiu asked, staring into her eyes.

Guan Xiaotong immediately panicked, "What, we are the best sisters, I will hide anything from you." Guan Xiaotong said hesitantly there.

Guan Xiaotong like this is even more suspicious. Originally, Mu Jiu didn't think that Guan Xiaotong would lie to her or anything, but her panic completely proved her guess.

 Gezi's new article "Young Master Li Playing Heartbeat: New Wife, Can't Eat Enough"~
(End of this chapter)

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