cute in his palm

Chapter 1053 Prepare Mentally

Chapter 1053 Prepare Mentally

Guan Xiaotong had something to hide from her, and Xu Yanke was also an insider.

"Guan Xiaotong, are you ashamed to say that what happened to Jiang Dingcheng back then..."

"Okay, the good boy didn't mention the bravery back then, who didn't make one or two mistakes when he was young, sister, how good I was to you, you just remember this part, are you going to remember it for the rest of your life? "Guan Xiaotong said unhappily.

It's really the one who doesn't open the pot and lifts the pot. This is a big stain in her life. After so long, why still refuse to forgive her?
"Ke Ke, is there something you guys are hiding from me?" Mu Jiu turned her eyes directly to Xu Yanke, Xu Yan would not lie to herself.

"Xiaojiu, this time you just listen to Xiaotong, go and bask in the sun, and I'll tell you later." Xu Yanke said very directly, she had something to hide from her, but not telling her now, after the sun was done. .

Mu Jiu was speechless for a moment, and now she understood that these people just joined forces to deceive her, whether they are still best friends or not.

"Xiao Jiu, we are doing this for your own good. You have been under too much mental pressure these days, so we need to adjust you." Xu Yanke understands Mu Jiu's reluctance, but even if she is not, they will still send her away. take it out.

Mu Jiu was defeated this time, how could she, a pregnant woman, compete with them, so let's bask in the sun.

It's just that she didn't expect that Su Yaoting was also basking in the sun like her.

When Su Yaoting, who was wearing a hospital gown, saw Mu Jiu approaching, he was overwhelmed with surprise, and strode towards her directly. "Xiao Jiu, do you also come out to bask in the sun?"

"Well, you haven't been discharged from the hospital yet?" Mu Jiu asked directly, she originally thought that Su Yaoting just had a high fever, and she was still living in the hospital.

"It's a little serious, so I'll stay here for a few more days." Su Yaoting likes to talk with her calmly, not like meeting an enemy every time.

"Are you okay?" Mu Jiu just asked casually.

But Su Yaoting was overjoyed when he heard it. "Xiao Jiu, am I caring about me?"

Guan Xiaotong really couldn't bear to look at this kind of scene where a patient sees a patient, so he glanced at Su Yaoting lightly. "Su Yaoting, you are making a lot of fuss. Ever since we Xiaojiu became a mother, we have unlimited maternal love, so we are gentle and treat everyone like this. You don't need to be surprised."

Guan Xiaotong's speech has always been a bit mean, Jiangsu Yaoting has known this for a long time, so he didn't mind much, but his face was a little embarrassed.

After all, no matter how big the heart is, people will be unhappy if people say this.

"I know Xiaojiu has become a mother, and I'm very happy for her." Su Yaoting said with a smile.

"Really? Xiaojiu is pregnant with Mr. Jiang's child. You can really feel happy for Xiaojiu. It's really embarrassing for you." Guan Xiaotong said in a strange way.

What he said really made people feel a little uncomfortable, and Su Yaoting's smile froze all of a sudden.

"Xiaotong, it's okay, don't talk anymore." Mu Jiu hurriedly stopped Guan Xiaotong from continuing. She couldn't bear to listen anymore. Su Yaoting just liked her, and it didn't mean that he had done any heinous and bad things. There is no need to use it. Spray him with such nasty words.

"Su Yaoting, Xiaotong's speech is a bit too much, don't mind." Mu Jiu quickly explained.

Su Yaoting smiled with a stiff expression. "Xiao Jiu, I'm fine."

"Then let's go first." Mu Jiu took Guan Xiaotong's hand and walked to the other side of the small garden.

"Xiaotong, what you said just now was too much." Mu Jiu directly criticized Guan Xiaotong.

"It's not too much, I'm telling the truth." Guan Xiaotong said calmly.

"What's the truth, you know that Su still say it like this, it's just making people suffer." Mu Jiu didn't directly say that Su Yaoting likes her, because everyone knows it.

"It is precisely because he still loves you so much that I said this, let him give up earlier, this is good for him, it is fair, I really doubt that he caught a cold It's been so long in the courtyard, it's not serious, it's just to find a suitable reason to guard you here." Guan Xiaotong said analyzing.

"What a mess, nothing." Mu Jiu immediately denied it.

"Maybe Xiaotong is right, Su Yaoting looks like he has recovered from his illness." Xu Yanke said slowly.

"Look, Brother Ke agrees with what I said. My analysis this time is definitely not wrong. It would be strange if Su Yaoting didn't have any interest in you." Guan Xiaotong said proudly.

Hearing this, Mu Jiu felt a little helpless, what Guan Xiaotong said really made sense.

"Are we really going to bask in the sun? Where do we go?" Mu Jiu didn't have the slightest desire to bask in the sun now, so she wanted to go up and see what Jiang Dingcheng was doing.

So subconsciously raised his head and looked towards the window of the ward, and saw a figure standing there, and it looked like a man. When he saw her looking, he immediately pulled up the curtains, which made Mu Jiu's heart tighten. There is a kind of strange across the heart.

"Xiao Jiu, what are you looking at, go ahead."

"Xiaotong, I just saw someone at the window of our ward."

"Old lady, isn't she going back to the ward." Guan Xiaotong said casually.

"Impossible, that's the figure of a man." Mu Jiu said with certainty.

When Guan Xiaotong heard this, his heart tightened, could it be that things will be revealed so soon. "Maybe you're confused, it's a patient in the next ward."

"Guan Xiaotong, the left and right rooms of our ward are unoccupied. Guan Xiaotong, tell me the truth, what are you hiding from me? Is it you... what did you do to Dingcheng?" The more Mu Jiu thought about it, the more uneasy she became. What is Guan Xiaotong, an unreliable girl, hiding from her?

"Ke Ke, what are you hiding from me? Is it, is it that they are going to do something to Ding Cheng, so they are hiding it from me, or is Ding Cheng's situation getting worse?" The more Mu Jiu thought about it, the more frightening she became. The whole person is not well, and I am in a hurry to go back.

"Xiao Jiu, Xiao Jiu, control your emotions first, don't be so excited, don't be so excited, be careful of the baby in your belly." Guan Xiaotong said anxiously.

Seeing Mu Jiu like this, I was really anxious.

"How can I not be excited, you must have something to hide from me, I want to know about the commitment." Mu Jiu ignored them and was anxious to go back.

"Xiao Jiu, Xiao Jiu, listen to me, I think you should be prepared first." Guan Xiaotong suddenly supported her by the shoulder, looked at her seriously and said.

 Gezi's new article "Young Master Li Plays Heartbeat: Fresh Wife, Can't Eat Enough"~
(End of this chapter)

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