cute in his palm

Chapter 1079

Chapter 1079
This time, Mu Jiu was really playful. She stepped on the rocks with her bare feet, which made Jiang Dingcheng sweat a lot. She was really worried that she would jump out, so Followed closely behind her, looking at this young wife who was full of vitality and looked like a girl.

This is also the first time Jiang Dingcheng discovered that the little wife usually looks cold and unreasonable, but in fact she is so playful, she has a girlish heart.

"Jiu'er, be careful, don't jump, don't walk so fast." Jiang Dingcheng held her shoes in his hand, followed closely behind and told her cautiously.

Mu Jiu stepped on it with a happy face, laughing while stepping on it.

She herself forgot how long it had been since she smiled like this.

It's just that she was very happy today, so she naturally laughed like this.

In the depths of the peach grove, her brisk laughter was really very clear.

"Jiang Dingcheng, walking barefoot is the most comfortable, why don't you try it too." Mu Jiu turned to look at Jiang Dingcheng who was two steps away from her and said.

Since it's such a fun thing, why is she the only one doing it by herself? You can invite Jiang Dingcheng to be a part of it.

Jiang Dingcheng smiled when he heard this, then shook his head. "I don't need it, Jiu'er, play slowly by yourself, I will watch you."

How could Mu Jiu let Jiang Dingcheng go? One must know that Jiang Dingcheng, an aloof president, should have never done it before stepping on the stone road with bare feet.

Mu Jiu couldn't imagine what kind of experience it would be for Jiang Dingcheng to walk barefoot on the cobblestone road, and he suddenly became very interested, so he was not willing to let him go easily.

"Husband!" Mu Jiu ran back to Jiang Dingcheng's side, reached out and took his hand and called softly.

How could Jiang Dingcheng bear her coquettish tone, he couldn't stand it at all, his heart was throbbing, the little girl had learned the trick of the goblin now, it was a bit irritating.

"Jiu'er, don't jump anymore, did you hear that, you are pregnant and can't jump up and down, it's very dangerous." Jiang Dingcheng abruptly changed the subject, he just didn't want to step on the road with bare feet. The image will be ruined clean.

Mu Jiu knew that he was just changing the subject on purpose. "Husband, even the doctor said that as long as the amount of exercise is not large and the range is not large, proper exercise will only be good for the baby, so I just do a little jumping and jumping. It won't affect me. I have my own sense of proportion. Don't worry." Mu Jiu blinked at Jiang Dingcheng, the man's way of changing the subject was too blunt, it would be easy to see through, and he didn't know how to think better about changing the subject.

"Well, it's okay. You danced for too long just now. Let's go back to the hotel now. They should be here soon." Jiang Dingcheng planned to take Mu Jiu back to the hotel, and he didn't need to stay any longer, otherwise Mu Jiu would definitely Will chase him to take off his shoes.

"Husband, don't change the subject, I haven't finished talking yet?" Mu Jiu directly held his hand and looked at him with watery eyes.

It's not that simple to escape, Jiang Dingcheng.

After finally having such an opportunity, how could she let Jiang Dingcheng go, isn't this just a joke?


"Jiang Dingcheng, listen to me, it's really comfortable to step on the stone slabs with bare feet, come on, didn't you say that you agreed to do whatever I said, it's not good now, don't you mean what you say, if that's the case If you want to talk to me, forget it, just pretend I didn't mention it." Mu Jiu looked at Jiang Dingcheng with a very disappointed expression and said.

When Jiang Dingcheng saw her disappointed look, he immediately became a little uneasy. "Jiu'er, what I promised you, of course it can be done."

Mu Jiu immediately lowered her face, pouted her mouth, and stared at him. "But you can't do it now. You don't want to take off your shoes and walk like me now. Do you also think that I am a disaster star?"

What Mu Jiu said was a grievance, her face was full of drama, it would be a pity if she didn't become an actress, she could be at the level of an actress.

"Jiu'er, how can you think of yourself like this? For me, you are not a disaster star, you are my lucky star. If I hadn't met you, I would never know that love in the world can be so beautiful. There is a girl that I like so much." Jiang Dingcheng said very seriously while supporting her shoulder.

Hearing this, Mu Jiu smiled, and there was a cunning flash in her eyes. "Then take off your shoes, husband. As your lucky star, it's not too much to ask for such a request."

Before Jiang Dingcheng took any action, Mu Jiu continued.

"When Xiaotong and I came here a long time ago, we thought that one day we must walk this road of peach blossom love with the one we love. We are barefoot. This kind of relationship is the purest and most beautiful. Wonderful, Jiang Dingcheng, do you think I'm right?" Mu Jiu looked at him deliberately and said innocently.

Hearing this, Jiang Dingcheng smiled, this cunning little wife will dig a hole for him now, she said like this, it is impossible for Jiang Dingcheng to say a word, so he simply took off his shoes and held them in one hand. Hers, with her own in one hand, and the shoemaker in the other.

"I'll go with you." Jiang Dingcheng said these words firmly.

Mu Jiu looked at him swearing to die, and really wanted to laugh. It was probably the first time Jiang Dingcheng was forced to do such a thing in his life, so for a pampered young master like him, it was Totally unacceptable.

Jiang Dingcheng's sacrifice was really great this time, and Mu Jiu suddenly felt a little bit reluctant to let him do it like this.

"Jiang Dingcheng, if you really feel embarrassed..."

Before Mu Jiu could finish speaking, Jiang Dingcheng directly interrupted her. "Jiu'er, let's go, I will walk with you, I will definitely do what I promised you, and I won't break my promise to you."

This is Jiang Dingcheng's promise to Mu Jiu, which is valid for a lifetime.

"Then let's go." Mu Jiu took the initiative to reach out and put his arm on top.

In this way, the two of them are barefoot, stepping on the stone road, and crossing the long peach blossom love road, which symbolizes that their future road can be smooth and long.

She and Jiang Dingcheng will stay together forever.

I don't know why, but Mu Jiu is always worried in her heart. She and Jiang Dingcheng will not go far together, and she will definitely encounter other things. She is uneasy.

The hand holding Jiang Dingcheng's arm unconsciously increased its strength. If he didn't want to do this, he would let go and hold his hand tightly.

"Jiu'er, what's the matter?" Jiang Dingcheng felt a trace of unease in her, and asked her worriedly.

Mu Jiu shook her head, revealing a sweet smile. "It's okay, let's go."

(End of this chapter)

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